View Full Version : Hell's Angels problem

17th March 2008, 07:59 AM
Okay so, today my roommate told me he had 2 dreams that he woke up from drenched in sweat to, and it's all running parellel with my intuition except for 1 thing.

I had a drug dealing, thief, as a 2nd roommate for a while until he, me, and my other roommate (a good friend) got really tired of his antics, and he got evicted. He was in and know many people from a biker gang some people will know called the Hell's Angels.

Yesterday I went to my friend's work to talk with him, and a guy came up to me and I had probably the most convincing intuitive feeling I've ever experienced that the guy had bad intentions for me, but he came across as harmless to my friend which struck me as odd. Later during the night the topic of Hell's Angels randomly came up for a few seconds before he changed the subject.

Anyways, the dream my roommate (good friend) had was about him answering the door to our place, and members of the Hell's Angels asking if I was home. Then he said he closed and locked the door on them, and we both grabbed 1 of the 2 machetes we have in the house, and just waited by the door until they stomped it down and charged in...then he woke up.

The other dream was them asking for me, but I wasn't home, and they said they would wait for me, and then he called the cops.

So I guess my question is this: do you think it was just the fears of my roommate playing out in his dreams, or am I being warned with his dream, and my intuition.

Sorry for the long, unusual post, I didn't know where to post it, and I'm wondering if theres anyone who can help me...I just moved out here 4 months ago, my family is worried 3 provinces away...kind of a crumby situation.

17th March 2008, 09:44 AM
Given this refers to a real situation in your life, it might be your or his fear, but better be prepared to secure your apartment - a chain to secure the door, a spyhole, a way to bolt the door effectively and strongly. These are always good measures to protect your home anyway.

Maybe your dreams might even change after you reasonably secured your home. Changes in kind of dreams over time are also significant.

Take good care,