View Full Version : Lucid dreaming

10th March 2008, 11:49 PM
Loooong dreams very short.. oh wait, the first part is cool. Me and two others were on top of this jagged mountain, it looked like the mountain in "electric storm on mountain". One of us was totally awstruck by the scenery. Me being an Alaska boy whoes seen the prettiest things on Gods green earth thought it was passable. "Hey, thats really cool though" off in the distance I saw this mountain in the range that was all twisted glass spikes, jagged ugly volcanic mountain, but so cool.
We hiked down to it, and it was a lot scarier up close, there were twisted demonic looking faces in the black and green volcanic glass rock all over the place. In the middle of all of these there was a pile of basalt statues of what I can only describe as demons and monsters. I had the thought that the place was connected to some evil god. We were so disturbed by the place that we decided we needed to destroy the statues. One of us hit a statue with a stick. Not a scratch, then the head fell off, like in those movies where someone gets decapitated by an ultra sharp katana, and the head stays on thier shoulders for a moment. We smacked 3 or 4 more statues in the ... ahh crap im late for work.. to be continued.

Ahem.. anyways, each time the head fell off all highlander style. Then someone hit what seemed to be a pregnant demoness. Her head didnt fall off. She broke out of the basalt and we courageously ran the *&(#@ out of that situation. That dream ended with her trying to get to me inside an elevator. I woke up.

Heres the part that pertains to lucidity.

Laying in bed I was worried about letting a monster in my dream survive. I thought about a recent dream where I think I was suppose to become lucid, and another dream that I finished up in trance by kicking the 'monsters' butts as a 300ft god. I dont like monsters running around in my dreams free to do whatever they want, in my experience they are always either negs or bad aspects of my personality. I decided, hey, every thought is basically a dream, I'm pretty much dreaming now. I began to imagine holding a shotgun. When I fell asleep I was back in the elevator, this time with a shotgun, albiet an invisible one, but it didnt matter, it blasted the demoness outside the elevator in two. Her baby came out, and it was so scary I ran off, and then woke up again. 'Damn, I cant let her baby run around like that, it was probably worse than she was.' I fell back to sleep again, I saw a building, thinking that might have been the building from the last dream, or that someone in there could help me find the monster baby, I went in. The receptionist was carding people. I materialized a FBI badge and got in. "Wow, the FBI" he said.. I had a hard time keeping from smiling. Unfortunately I didnt find the baby.

The neat thing I realised about this, is a little hard to explain, but it's like.. you dont have to be asleep to be lucid. Maybe its only cool to me. a lot of time theres not much separating me from dream, and I take dreams as more real than most because I know most of the time everything is referenced to real things, which, in a psychic and practical sense makes it all real.