View Full Version : Dreams of the past and lucid dreaming

8th March 2008, 01:50 PM
OK...I am really new to energy work. In fact, I'm only about 40 pages into the book "Energy Work" and I recently started a qiqong practice. I have also been meditating for 4-6 weeks.

In the last 2 weeks I have been having a lot fo dreams about people from my childhood and teen years. Normally, I don't rememeber my dreams but I seem to remember my dreams every night of late. Any significance to dreaming about people from your past?

Also, I may have had a lucid dream the other day. I was lying down with my eyes closed trying to move energy through my body, when all of the sudden I am dreaming. It was a nice, short dream, then it was suddenly over. I really don't think I was asleep, but it's hard to say. Can someone tell me more about what lucid dreaming is?

8th March 2008, 02:37 PM
Any significance to dreaming about people from your past?

Possibly. It depends what you dream about them, what they were to you then, what the relationship was like, etc.

Also, I may have had a lucid dream the other day. I was lying down with my eyes closed trying to move energy through my body, when all of the sudden I am dreaming. It was a nice, short dream, then it was suddenly over. I really don't think I was asleep, but it's hard to say. Can someone tell me more about what lucid dreaming is?

Well, I'm not a very accomplished lucid dreamer, but my experience is that it's you interacting consciously in the dream world. As in, you know you're dreaming, and you approach the dream environment from that perspective, rather than just going along with it the way you do when you're not lucid.

13th March 2008, 05:58 PM
In the last 2 weeks I have been having a lot fo dreams about people from my childhood and teen years. Normally, I don't rememeber my dreams but I seem to remember my dreams every night of late. Any significance to dreaming about people from your past?

Depends on the dream, but your probably dreaming of them because you have things to resolve with them.
Some of them are probably playing roles. Our mother is an important dream guide, our spiritual friends/relatives often give advice or fascilitate things in important guidance dreams also.

Also, I may have had a lucid dream the other day. I was lying down with my eyes closed trying to move energy through my body, when all of the sudden I am dreaming. It was a nice, short dream, then it was suddenly over. I really don't think I was asleep, but it's hard to say. Can someone tell me more about what lucid dreaming is?
Yea, I beleive the definition of lucid dreaming is you know it is a dream. But I think theres a bit of a grey area where you alter the dream or have power over it without actually saying "hey, this is a dream".
Theres also what I think of as dream AP. Thats where you fall asleep normally, but the "dream" is actually astral projection where you see real places and people in another realm, or you project inwards and see real places there.
I think what you had was a kind of concious dreaming. Been having those lately myself. Last time my conciousness lasted through multiple dreams and I revisited the same dream 3 times that way.
the dream: viewtopic.php?f=19&t=11375&p=86991#p86991 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=11375&p=86991#p86991)