View Full Version : My craziest sleep paralysis yet!

6th March 2008, 09:40 PM
I have sleep paralysis quite often (almost every day). In fact, when I don't have it, I say, "Ha! No more sleep paralysis for me!", then ironically I have it right then and there.

Well, I decided to relax, no nap or sleep, just thinking while laying in my bed. Then, like when your sick and you have to throw up, you get that feeling that you know it's about to happen. I wasn't even in a sleeping state (not really anyway) and I felt myself slip into paralysis.

This time though, it was uber strong. Usually when I fall into paralysis, I feel helpless, but there is always this feeling that you can will yourself out of it. And eventually I do. But this time, I felt incredibly helpless! I knew it too! I was kind of frightened, usually it's just creepy but I was actually kind of scared this time. Not that I thought that I was in any kind of danger, but I knew there was no getting out of it.

There was a sound. Not just a static like sound that I may hear, but a melodic whooshing with a wind-chime added. The room faded out, into a white whirl type...I can't describe it. I felt myself being sucked up, then back down, with a slight shake, then I see my room again.

This happens one more time, before I feel that I have a will again, and I snap out of it.

It was soooo strange. But why was it so different this time?

6th March 2008, 10:13 PM
Oh, and also, I felt a gust of wind on my face the night before in doors. A gust of wind that really wasn't there. I asked about it somewhere else, and people said that I shifted energy or something.

Just in case that means something to someone.

6th March 2008, 10:40 PM
There was a sound. Not just a static like sound that I may hear, but a melodic whooshing with a wind-chime added. The room faded out, into a white whirl type...I can't describe it. I felt myself being sucked up, then back down, with a slight shake, then I see my room again.

This happens one more time, before I feel that I have a will again, and I snap out of it.

It was soooo strange. But why was it so different this time? Because you had a spontaneous projection. If you would have gone with it as it was happening (like surfing) you would have had an astral projection.

6th March 2008, 10:46 PM
I guess that I didn't want it. I don't think I could ever get over the fear of such an experience. I'm afraid of what I may find, and I am completely cool with never knowing about it.

But why was I going into an astral projection? I tried once before but to no use. But this time I don't try and I seem to be doing it?

What's going on?

6th March 2008, 10:51 PM
Nothing's going on. You project every night when you sleep. Most of the time you don't notice it because you're unconscious, but for some reason (your awareness of your sleep paralysis or waking paralysis) you stayed awake for the exit symptoms.
You know those dreams? They are projections into your own subconscious. But projection happens, whether you're aware of them or not.
It's perfectly ok to not want to experience them, but your subconscious knows.

6th March 2008, 10:59 PM
Ok, but why was I so consumed this time? I couldn't even try to get out of it. And it all happened at the same speed, you start to fall then boom, your in sp. But this time, it was like, "Oh ♥♥♥♥! I can't feel my legs! Oh my god I can't feel my legs!" (was that funny? Ahh whatever.)

6th March 2008, 11:08 PM
Oh yeah, one time I had a sleep paralysis where I saw a transparent quivering green face that looked somewhat menacing. I don't know if it was real, but it was definitely creepy? I do remember not being too worried though, which is weird because I'm always afraid and paranoid of those types of things.

7th March 2008, 10:07 PM
But why was I going into an astral projection? I tried once before but to no use. But this time I don't try and I seem to be doing it?

What's going on?
Because you let go. Part of it is a feeling of just letting it go, floating naturally. The other part is a little intent (unless spontanious). Right CF?

I guess that I didn't want it. I don't think I could ever get over the fear of such an experience. I'm afraid of what I may find, and I am completely cool with never knowing about it.
I think your subconcious or higher self wants you to come check it out. You've had all those SP, I mean, those are terrifying to most people, you got guts. I thought there would be scary monsters to meet me soon as I took a peek, but it's not true, even in my old neg infested appartment complex I didnt see any during AP. It's actually a really pleasant experience leaving your body if you dont get scared, no matter what you cant get hurt. CF has been thrown through the planet at 10,000mph, passed way too close to the sun, an look how good she's doing :D
edit: It feels like you know you could probably overcome the fear no problem (I know you can), its just an excuse. But maybe im just taking a page from my own book.

7th March 2008, 10:24 PM
Most of the time. :P
Ok sometimes. http://www.clicksmilies.com/s1106/sprachlos/speechless-smiley-009.gif

7th March 2008, 11:29 PM
Hey! Whered you get that smiley, It looks just like me! Your holdin out on me CF!

7th March 2008, 11:36 PM
Lol quote me and steal it.

8th March 2008, 05:19 AM
You know those dreams? They are projections into your own subconscious. But projection happens, whether you're aware of them or not.
I have been wondering a lot of times why it automatically stops flying and lands somewhere and somehow turns into more dreamy feeling. Is that how it works withs many people? You project out, fly around, lands somewhere, and turnings into dream. When this dream ends/ or you end it and fly off to somewhere else and start another dream and so forth.

It makes sense, does it make sense with anyone? :P I'm not sure if this is relevant to this topic :)

8th March 2008, 05:07 PM
I have been wondering a lot of times why it automatically stops flying and lands somewhere and somehow turns into more dreamy feeling. Is that how it works withs many people? You project out, fly around, lands somewhere, and turnings into dream. When this dream ends/ or you end it and fly off to somewhere else and start another dream and so forth. It makes sense, does it make sense with anyone? :P I'm not sure if this is relevant to this topic :)
Thanks Sometimes, depending on your energy levels and overall lucidity, and also on your psychological state. Sometimes you go out into the astral, but can't comprehend it from a psychological point of view and is processed in subconscious imagery which is interpreted as a dream.

8th March 2008, 08:55 PM
Oooo smartiepants. http://www.clicksmilies.com/s1106/sprachlos/speechless-smiley-009.gif

9th March 2008, 04:06 AM
:) hmm maybe I was lucid then became less lucid and loss the capability to fly then became lucid again and fly somewhere else :?: I call them dreams because I can't fly and the flying sensation stops :P a lot of times I could still fly when I'm somewhere... maybe is not enough energy :roll:
My mind is not awake most the time in between dreams so I'm not sure the mechanism :) I think I'm awake more times in between AP... although... there was one time I flew off to a different place during a dream. I lift off from the back and I had to turn around to fly forward. For a split second when I was turning, my consciousness was by my physical body.
umm what's my point....oh... say you had 2 or 3 dreams and you were conscious the whole time. How is the transition like? :D
Thank you

27th July 2009, 05:22 AM
You know those dreams? They are projections into your own subconscious.

So does that mean that I know the future?

I've had a dream that showed me something that would appear in reality a little bit later. It was like a preview.

There was no mistaking that that the two events were related - it'd be too coincidental.

27th July 2009, 02:49 PM
You know those dreams? They are projections into your own subconscious.

So does that mean that I know the future? Strictly, no. It could mean that your subconscious is projecting a message in a form, not necessarily literally. So if you have a dream that 'something will happen' it doesn't mean that the thing will literally happen, but that you have projected your conscious mind into what your subconscious mind either fears or expects, so it doesn't mean precognitive, it means that 'it's what your subconscious is picturing'.

If you are precognitive, then the dream may show you what's going to happen, but if you are not, you are merely projecting what you fear, or think will happen, subconsciously.

30th July 2009, 04:52 AM
Maybe it was just a coincidence.

I wonder why my subconscious would expect that.

30th July 2009, 03:47 PM
What does your conscious mind expect? What do you think about, worry about, or fear? (no need to answer, it's for you to think about.)

31st July 2009, 03:52 AM
Hi SleepGOTweird,

You know when you get that sleep paralysis, if you just relax and don't struggle, then your not trapped, just lay there and relize it feels like your floating on a cloud. Then if you get a AP you can really enjoy yourself.
Possabily the worst thing that could happen is the person would die, but what's the big deal everyone seems to sooner or later, and to struggle to become free, is probabily more stress than just going with the flow.

A lot with impowering yourself is being, a good person, you need to try and over come those ego's as they are only stumbling blocks along your path, when you over come these things you become a strength unto yourself, you can hold your head up high, smile, and know you are a light in the darkness.

As for those monsters you saw it is good you were not afraid, in Tibetan Yoga it is taught if you dream of fire, you jump into the fire and put it out, or since your in a dream walk around in it. Another compairison would be like if, in a dream you were to see or be chased buy a monster, you just say hea dude what's up or why are you so upset what happened.
I have tried to think of monster that scary face would scare me, if I could I would be rich, Ha Ha. If my mind set is not exactly right, I will some times feel a bit strange, but I carry a sheild call Wisdom, and a Sword, Lance call Truth, there is no need to hide, if you use you wisdom and stand in the Truth.

I remember when I was young and would have the SP, I would move one finger to get things going again, but don't fight it. One time while wide awake, laying in bed I heard what sounded like a giant motor being drawn down to a stop, what was bad at time I also lost power everything went black, and as I lay there I thought, Oh this is what it feels like to die. Then slowly the motor sound started back up and as the speed returned, so did I. Often wondered about that, then thought, maybe they had to stop the world, to fix something and I got to experience a part of it. But I was young.

Oh and yes you can see into the future, but maybe not look to hard, too far might spoil the fun. Dejvue= Dreams= ?
Happy Travels

1st August 2009, 11:25 AM
This has nothing to do with my old sleep paralysis bit, but does anyone have an obsession with learning how everything ticks?

And if so, is anyone driven into insanity at the complexity of it all?

1st August 2009, 03:15 PM
This has nothing to do with my old sleep paralysis bit, but does anyone have an obsession with learning how everything ticks?

And if so, is anyone driven into insanity at the complexity of it all?

This is one of my problems I was straight As in chemistry, but was throw out class for asking to many questions, I guess the instructor thought I was smart ass. or he felt threatened. I was neither.

The one thing I wanted to do is crawl around in my brain and get into all the nooks and cranies.

But alas, You can travel at the speed of mind for a billion years and still no nothing of Creator. Guess will have to wait till return to the God-Head.

I'm not nuts any more, got over it, but I'm still driven to know understand more.

The one thing we are in the veil of ingnorance, but if you look around the Maker has left hints for you all over the place. The Truth is a undeniable thing.

1st August 2009, 05:58 PM
This has nothing to do with my old sleep paralysis bit, but does anyone have an obsession with learning how everything ticks? I used to be that way, until I had a realization (call it awakening, if you want to.) Now I just enjoy finding out how things work, but not obsessively.

And if so, is anyone driven into insanity at the complexity of it all? No, because I don't see complexity- what I see is the perfect balance and synchronicity of how things go 'just right'. The pattern is now more important than the details-for me, obviously.

29th August 2009, 10:30 AM
I don't know why it was so different that time. There are different explanations for sleep paralysis, such as your brain shutting down your body so you don't act out dreams, or your spirit being half in and half out of your body. Both could be the cause. I know paralysis has happened to me and still does on occasion. It's always scary too.