View Full Version : Question about sleep paralysis.

3rd March 2008, 11:40 PM
Greetings forum,
just a short question from me in regards to sleep paralysis.
I have had them for years, even before i knew about obe and had read
anything about the phenomenon.
I thought all had them or atleast at some point, untill I asked my friend and
he said he'd never had em.

So I was wondering, how common is the phenomenon?

Best regards

3rd March 2008, 11:51 PM
Greetings forum,
just a short question from me in regards to sleep paralysis.
I have had them for years, Them? You mean SP or OBE?

even before i knew about obe and had read
anything about the phenomenon.
I thought all had them or atleast at some point, untill I asked my friend and
he said he'd never had em.

So I was wondering, how common is the phenomenon?

Best regards
Mreee In the general population, or in the projector population?

4th March 2008, 03:01 AM
A lot of people have sleep paralysis, it's a known experience in a general population anywhere. A rare experience for an individual, but still common among a population.

People's conscious minds are resting, and their subconscious minds and astral bodies are taking over. So when people's conscious minds kick back in a bit, sometimes their subconscious-dreaming minds are still operative. Their body is paralyzed without the conscious mind, the conscious mind has to take over again completely for the body to be able to function.

4th March 2008, 09:27 AM
It's a natral process which acts as a safe guard so we aren't all acting out our dreams. Sleepwalking occurs when it fails which is usually connected to stress/hormones. Most people don't notice it as they are already asleep or well on the way but people who practice OBE, lucid dreaming or meditation so that your mind is awake while your body is asleep will be aware of it.

Lou :)

4th March 2008, 09:43 PM
I sleepwalked once when I was 7-8. At 3 am-ish I got out of bed, unlocked the door, and started running down the street. Mom somehow knew I left the house and came chasing after me in the car. She asked me where I was going I said "I have to get to school, Im late." When I woke up the next day everyone was looking at me wierd, they asked me what happened last night but I had no idea what they were talking about, totally blank. Then once they told me I remembered having a dream of running to school, and noticing everything looked weird and the sky was purple. I have SP quite a lot. I used to be terrified of it. Could be a good oportunity to OBE

5th March 2008, 09:13 AM
When I was about 11 or 12, back in the days before quilts and I had blankets and sheets, I remember dreaming that my school uniform was stuck to the bed. Some time later I woke up rather cold to find I had pulled all the blankets off my bed and they were in a pile on the floor. I must have acted out my dream but instead of pulling at my uniform, which of course ws not stuck to the bed, I was pulling all the covers off :lol:

Around the same age I went into my parents room and asked "How am I going to carry everything?" my mom asked what I was talking about but I didn't answer and went back to bed. I have no memory of that and I have no idea what I was dreaming about...although blatantly a bunch of stuff I couldn't carry. :roll:
