View Full Version : Resonance and old Themes

1st March 2008, 09:36 PM
When I was young I had dreams of 'lights in the sky' and magic in the world. It had to be very young, because I had memories since I can remember of it, as if it had really happened. But when I grew up and couldn't remember when, or even if it was true, I asked and no one had memories of the whole street (in our neighborhood) having christmas lights all over the streets and having light shows in the sky. These were as figures- almost like watching TV, but reflected in the night sky, as if the heavens were a giant projector screen. These memories were full of joy and happiness... except they never happened.
Last night, for the first time in years, I had the dream. In it we saw projected pictures in the night sky, like my memories. The main difference is that I'm not a child and don't have that wonderful sense of magic- these pictures were in shades of red, and I can't remember what the figures were. Of course, being Feb-March, (actually the dream was in Feb.29 eve) there were no christmas lights in the neigborhood.
I just thought I'd mention it.

4th March 2008, 09:51 PM
I know you dont want an "interpretation", rightfully so, it is a special. Not just to you but your unconcious, thats why you cant remember where the memory came from.

Last night, for the first time in years, I had the dream. In it we saw projected pictures in the night sky, like my memories. The main difference is that I'm not a child and don't have that wonderful sense of magic
When your a child everything feels magical. Its not that the magic isnt still there, your just more used to being in it is all :D