View Full Version : Intruders!

27th February 2008, 10:31 AM
Slightly disturbing dream last night (and nothing to do with toilets!).

My house is a hundred years old. In the dream I was lying in bed, and heard someone messing around with a key in the front door, trying to open it.

I went to see who it was, and through the glass I could see a young couple with a huge rottweiler on a leash. I opened the door to see what they wanted, and the woman announced that this was her family's house, and marched inside!

I told her she couldn't just walk into my home, and asked her to leave - she was being really pushy and rude. She said it was her grandfather's house, and her whole family had grown up there.

Then they all started turning up, and making themselves at home! About 12 or 13 people, all ages, all lounging around. I was getting really upset and asking them to please leave, and they wouldn't. I called the police and asked them to come and remove everyone, but they never showed up.

I was shouting at them saying "I bought this house, and I bust my ass to pay the mortgage, so get the **** out!" I was getting really full of rage at them by this stage, and I think I was crying, but they didn't seem to give a damn.

I woke up before I managed to evict them.

Hope it was just a dream! Definitely don't want any intruders here - I feel a bit worried that I opened the door for them. :shock:

27th February 2008, 10:43 AM
Do you know the people you bought your house from, BTW, or just an estate agent?


27th February 2008, 11:25 AM
Houses in dreams can often represent your inner world. Do you feel your privacy/inner life is being invaded at all and perhaps this is your subconscious trying to show it to you?


27th February 2008, 03:15 PM
I guess everyone covered all the bases: The house as your mind- I have a lot of those, and am almost usually surprised to find others living there. I suppose there are ways to interpret those- sometimes 'unconscious jewels waiting to be discovered', even experiences, or thoughts that don't really belong to me- that are maybe beliefs that someone else installed.
I have never had that one (the invaders coming through the door)- I suspect that this may be a good thing, because (to me) it would represent that you're actually catching the limiting beliefs before they settle into your psyche and make their home there- you're catching them as they emerge.
The idea of them saying that the house belonged to them for generations- the way I'd interpret that is to think that maybe you've discovered that some thoughts (or beliefs) come to you from long-standing family traditions (my family has some of those, very damaging)
You were very angry in the dream. How do you feel now?

29th February 2008, 01:04 AM
Do you know the people you bought your house from, BTW, or just an estate agent?


It was just a single woman, but I didn't meet her - only met the agent.

29th February 2008, 01:19 AM
I guess everyone covered all the bases: The house as your mind- I have a lot of those, and am almost usually surprised to find others living there. I suppose there are ways to interpret those- sometimes 'unconscious jewels waiting to be discovered', even experiences, or thoughts that don't really belong to me- that are maybe beliefs that someone else installed.
I have never had that one (the invaders coming through the door)- I suspect that this may be a good thing, because (to me) it would represent that you're actually catching the limiting beliefs before they settle into your psyche and make their home there- you're catching them as they emerge.
The idea of them saying that the house belonged to them for generations- the way I'd interpret that is to think that maybe you've discovered that some thoughts (or beliefs) come to you from long-standing family traditions (my family has some of those, very damaging)
You were very angry in the dream. How do you feel now?

Houses in dreams can often represent your inner world. Do you feel your privacy/inner life is being invaded at all and perhaps this is your subconscious trying to show it to you?


Hmmmm, yeah, I can see how your house can represent you in a way, or your inner world. At home I'm at my most relaxed, and comfortable to be myself, so I guess the idea of that space and privacy being invaded is pretty upsetting. (OMG! It does tie in with my toilet dream afterall!! :) )

I definitely can relate to the idea of generations-old family crap coming to the surface. That has been happening in a MAJOR way in the last 12 months, and yeah, it's made me really angry. It's not my privacy that's been invaded, but family events have certainly invaded my mental space, and caused distraction, anguish and fury!

I keep trying to be "over it" and not let it invade my thoughts (and make me mad!) on a daily basis, but it does pop up from time to time. Just when I think i've moved on, I find a fresh wave surges up...

So aha! Thanks! :) I don't think I would have made that connection at all.

29th February 2008, 02:40 AM
On another thought, having your home (self/mind/etc) invaded is kind of similar in some ways to the other dream you were talking about, where you were naked in public (and a variation on that). That's about vulnerability, usually, and privacy.

It seems you've got a lot of stuff going on with privacy and feeling vulnerable.

My suggestion is that you surrender to it. Find the feelings, then acknowledge, and then just surrender. Give in. If you feel vulnerable, just FEEL it. And then let it go.

I can tell you that when I fight something, it makes it much worse. The more you resist, the more it puts your focus and your energy there.

I hope I'm not entirely off base with this post. If so, cheerfully disregard. :)

1st March 2008, 03:44 AM
It seems you've got a lot of stuff going on with privacy and feeling vulnerable.

If my dreams are anything to go by, then yeah! But weirdly I haven't consciously sensed that in my daily life at all. I am in the middle of a career change, and I guess that has made me feel a bit vulnerable at times - but I'm really enjoying it too. I've mostly been feeling really happy these last couple of years - ugly family situations aside.

But dreams are all about subconcious thoughts and feelings, aren't they. The whole point of analysing them (and having other helpful souls like y'all give an outside perspective!! :) ) is to key into that stuff.

Amazing how unconscious we can be to our own inner worlds. Even when you really put effort into being "conscious".

God-damn tricksy-fox sneaky mind....