View Full Version : Possible Paralysis but not sure

26th February 2008, 10:08 AM
Yesterday evening I decided to meditate for a while as i had a spare couple of hours. I am posting it here as I am not sure if I fell asleep or not and as I have never experienced sleep paralysis I am not sure if there was an element of that envolved.

I had been meditating for about 20 minute-ish when I suddenly felt like I was having sex :oops: At first I thought it was my partner and all was quite nice but I quickly realised it wasn't him. I started to get quite concerned but he felt very heavy. Eventually I manage to push him off and he backed off to the end of the bed and huddled up like a naughty child. I was still quite shaken and was shouting 'who are you?' and I was poking him with my finger as I repeatedly asked the question over and over. He was a naked, muscular, fair haired man, not someone I recognised. He just continued to huddle up at the end of the bed like a naughty little boy and my panicky, annoyed state brought me out of my trance/dream(?) state and his image faded away. I was suprised to find myself still in my meditation position with my eyes closed, it had felt so real I thought I was at the end of the bed.

As I have never experienced anything like that I just wanted to sound it out and see what you guys think. Had I unwittingly fallen asleep and this was just a very vivid dream or was it something else and if so who was he?


26th February 2008, 09:51 PM
It's hard to tell, could be either- the way I'd tell is to see how I'd feel for the rest of the day.
Here's the possibilities:
*A regular old sex dream- if you went to bed aroused, it's not unheard of. If you feel energetically ok for the rest of the day I'd say it was a vivid dream, possibly related to sleep paralysis. Especially if you went to bed exhausted and aroused.
*A projected-double sex encounter- You had sex with your partner while in projection. This does happen and the only thing that makes me think it could have been is that your first reaction was to think it was him at first. Something familiar?
*An incubus- I'd go with the incubus/succubus theory if you felt drained afterwards. I have some experience with this and it feels like someone drained the life out of you. You feel like you can't wake up, as if someone had switched your coffee with decaf and didn't tell you.
If this is the case don't despair- In my experience these are the neg-types that are the easiest to get rid of.

27th February 2008, 09:29 AM
Thanks for the reply CFT.

I didn't start off aroused and my partner doesn't live with me and wasn't there that night so don't think it could be either of those (unless I got aroused while drifting off).

If it was an iccubus as I went back to sleep afterwards I'm not sure if felt drained or not. But if it was he didn't finish the job (so to speak :oops: ) so couldn't have got very much. He was also very timid when I was angrily asking him who he was, so timid in fact, that the more I thought about it afterwards I actually felt sorry for him (i'm no shrinking violet :lol: ).

Whatever it was, it was something I've never experienced before so it was certainly very interesting. It's funny, I have been meditating and doing energy work on and off for about 18 months or so now and was getting to the point where I thought nothing would ever happen of any significance and my interest and motivation were beginning to wane. Then all of a sudden the fun begins with void experiences, vivid dreams and possible projected sex or iccubus encounters.

Thanks again,

27th February 2008, 03:22 PM
His reaction makes me think of a projector who thought he was getting lucky.... :mrgreen:

28th February 2008, 11:41 AM
His reaction makes me think of a projector who thought he was getting lucky.... :mrgreen:

YUK!! If it was he better not try again, or any other oppotunist for that matter. :evil:
