View Full Version : A couple recurring dreams I have.......

24th February 2008, 05:14 PM
OK, I have never posted in the dream forum before, but here goes......

I tried searching for similar threads but did not find any. I keep a dream log, and I have similarly based dreams all the time about houses.

Recurring dream #1 - The general dream I have is of being in a house (usually one I am familiar with in real life) and doing repairs on the house. Most are focused on heating systems with me adjusting or repairing the heat pipes, thermostats and furnace in the house. However, sometimes it will be plumbing also. Repairing clogged drains, adding piping.

Note: My father passed when I was about ten years old, and I became "the man of the house" my Mother being on fixed income had little money to maintain a house, but we did. The house we lived was a very large 2 story home and it was up to me, as best I could to keep the furnace, plumbing, roof, and electrical in repair.

Am I just dreaming of this life I had in the past, or is there an interpretation in here somewhere???

Recurring dream #2 - Another house based dream I have always occurs in a basement (cellar) of a house. I will be in the basement and there is a passage (hole) in a wall always at the back of the basement. For a long time I was fearful of this whole and would try to seal it up with boards or whatever. The last few years I have explored this hole, finding a tunnel behind it and a thriving civilization of elves (gnomes) living there. They are friendly to me, but fearful of other "big" people. I never recall conversations, although I have talked and been given a tour of their city. Any thoughts on this one???

Thanks in advance......


24th February 2008, 10:13 PM
Well, I can tell you that when I dream of a house, it means me, myself. I've had "house" dreams for years (not so much lately, though), and when I look back, it's very clear. House = me.

I think this is the case for most people, with variations.

The first dream looks to me like a "making changes" type of dream. That you're altering the underlying structures that make a house really usable. Heating ducts are not seen but are very important, and the same with plumbing. (Plumbing also has the connotation of sexual organs as a metaphor, but I'm not suggesting anything, just mentioning it in case it has any meaning at all to you.)

The second dream feels to me like a dream about your subconscious life, and that there's a lot more to it than you've allowed yourself to investigate. There's a whole world there that you've been afraid or unwilling to explore for whatever reason, but now you're getting closer and closer to discovering it.

Note: I could be way off. I'm just making suggestions to see if they help. If not, feel free to disregard, although I think a lot of people will agree about the house being yourself thing. It's an almost universal dream symbol. :)

28th February 2008, 12:14 AM
Thank you for the response! I had figured that the house was about me (body/self). Had not clicked that it was about working on myself, makes sense though.

Your ananlysis of 2nd dream is amazing! It fits like a glove! I am frustrated with trying to go OBE and working hard on it. What or why I am struggling is a mystery, but I have deduced that it is a hidden fear or uneasyness that is blocking me. It is uplifting that you see me as breaking through this (again it makes sense now).

Thanks again!!

28th February 2008, 01:33 AM
You're welcome. Glad to be of help.