View Full Version : Valkyrie

24th February 2008, 07:14 AM
I had a dream that had a lot of symbolic meaning. It's still with me very strongly, and it's got that "feel" of a significant dream. I'm not going to relate all of it, but in a nutshell, I went from a university student who had a few interesting magickal abilities to a sort of guardian wizard who had very strong magickal powers to obtaining a double headed sword and realising that I was, in fact, a valkyrie.

One of the images in the dream that is still with me was that of a damaged car (a van, actually). The headlight fixture and fender had been damaged and I repaired it by simply willing it to be repaired and holding my hands in front of it, palms toward it. I could feel energy coursing through and from my hands. As I watched, the crumpled metal moved back to pristine shape, the electrical fittings re-engaged, it all just went into place, to what it was supposed to be. I didn't really know how it was 'supposed' to work (having no particular knowledge of electrical systems or auto bodywork), but all I had to do was will it to happen and it did, right before my eyes, and I could clearly feel the power/energy in my hands.

The progression from student to goddess is fairly clear. And I am very much aware that I've reached a new spiritual level (this was confirmed in multiple ways). It was only when I had the sword in my hand that I realised my "true nature" as a valkyrie.

I do have a long identification with the image of the valkyrie of legend, battle goddesses who retrieved the souls of the slain and took them back to Valhalla, pretty much the Norse equivalent of heaven-for-warriors. Valkyries, although immortal, may not have always been so, and mortal women could become a valkyrie through various means.

In doing some research, I see that the valkyrie is associated with the Mesopotamian/Sumerian Ereskigal, the goddess of the underworld, and also with Persephone/Prosperina, the Greek/Roman goddess of the underworld. I'm not disturbed by the association with death, as I understand death to be a passage to another stage of existence, just as birth is. All of these images seem to be of the change between mortal and immortal, though, which strikes me.

Some of the images in the dream are fairly clear to me, some are not (a sword with a blade on BOTH ends that's held in the middle, for example). It does seem to have to do with passages and with divinity, and with progressing in magickal/spiritual power or ability.

I'll keep reading and meditating to see if I can work out more, but always, thoughts and input welcome.