View Full Version : Humming stimulating chakras

Neil Templar
22nd February 2008, 05:34 PM
the other morning i became conscious,and in my mind,i heard myself humming a single monotone note.then i felt a tiny point of vibration begin in my heart chakra.i realised that the humming was causing it,so did a test-stopped humming(i'm not sure if it was a dream hum or if i was actually/physically humming)and a few seconds later the vibration stopped.at this point i became more awake,and tried again-humming,for real,sure enough the vibration started again,only stopping a few seconds after i stop humming.i then remembered the John Selby book i read recently,telling of the different sounds to chant to stimulate each chakra,so i started going thru the different tones,soon i had a tiny vibration in throat down to sub-navel charkras simultaneously!
the vibrations seemed to extend from the centre of the chakras,straight out to a point about 15 cms outside my physical body.

tres cool. 8)

26th February 2008, 12:53 PM
Happy Birthday Old Chap :D x

Neil Templar
26th February 2008, 01:44 PM
Why thank you dear!! :D

28th February 2008, 07:35 AM
Congratulations, welcome to sound magic. Changing the pitch will allow you to stimulate other chakras. Also the longer you hum, the longer the vibration will last on its own after you stop.