View Full Version : Storing energy in the Tan Dien

Eight Gods
19th February 2008, 06:11 AM
I'm new to N.E.W and am wondering when you are supposed to bring your energy to your sub navel storage centre.
Say like when you do the brushing of the legs and feet or arms and hands. I feel vibrations/electricity in those areas, but am I supposed to just brush these areas and move on so as to clear those passages, or am i to circulate the vibrations/electricity I feel from those specific areas into the sub navel storage unit, or maybe a combination of both?

19th February 2008, 06:28 AM
Use the brushing, sponging and energy ball exercises to clear the pathways. Energy residue you find there I would recommend to send through the feet into the ground. You could for example continue sponging through your body until you reached the bottom of your feet and then let the energy sink out of you in any way you could come up with - by visualising roots into the ground like a tree would have, or by just trying to feel in your mind how the energy dropping below would feel.

Draw fresh energy through Robert's Energy Raising and Full Body Storage Circuit exercises instead, and store that in the Lower Tantien.

Take good care,

Eight Gods
19th February 2008, 10:49 PM
Thanks a million 8)

Burning Palms
15th April 2008, 07:08 AM

Could you explain the fully body exercise or where can i read about it?

Burning Palms

15th April 2008, 01:39 PM
It's here (http://www.astraldynamics.com/tutorials/?BoardID=6&BulletinID=241).

22nd June 2008, 12:22 AM
You could for example continue sponging through your body until you reached the bottom of your feet and then let the energy sink out of you in any way you could come up with - by visualising roots into the ground like a tree would have, or by just trying to feel in your mind how the energy dropping below would feel.

Hi! I was under the impression we should never "un" raise energy and only do upward movements, however it makes much sense to me to discharge some types of energy. So, should we just, say, go up through one side of the body and down the other side (creating some kind of renewable circuit) or should we start from head to toe? (which I guess would interfere with the crown chakra and for newbies I'm also under the impression that's not adviseable). Or some other visualization? Thanks!

22nd June 2008, 04:18 PM

If the pathways are open the energy will follow the attention and can be made to circulate naturally along the yang path up the spine and down again along the yin path on the front of the body. In my experience, the energy will disperse at the point where one stopped the exercise and withdrew attention.

It's recommended to not let it happen in the brain area because of the delicate nervous tissues involved, but rather take the energy down into the stomach area before leaving the energy circulating/raising exercise.

For me, going into the feet and further below seems to increase energy in the system and it will tend to move upward on its own. Letting go of excess energy this way therefore doesn't really work for me, but since we're all somewhat different everybody should find out for themself what works and what doesn't.

Pulling all the energy out through the crown has to be approached very carefully IMO because there can be serious problems resulting from this if the system isn't adequately prepared. It's probably better not to seek it, but to let it happen by its own accord when the inner energy and its pathways are sufficientlly strengthened and purififed.

22nd June 2008, 04:47 PM
I often feel a "dropping sensation" when I lead energy into the termination points at my toes and finger tips. I would interpret this as a grounding sensation. These points are for exchanging energies.

The idea of only "upwards movements" depends - you can end the movement at the sub-navel, but there are several techniques that prefer to stop at or below the feet. This does not "unraise" energy, it seems to help the system to get rid of excess.

Downward energies are considered soothing and can help build capacity in the pathways for safely handling more energy later.

It is true that leading an energy downward can trigger an opposite flow upward. It is an exchange. Do it smoothly, gently and softly, and it will be helpful. The both energies - the rising and sinking currents - will harmonise then and be balanced, and some believe that this is an especially safe way to work the upwards current - by developing the downward current and let the upward current develop on its own on natural effects.

The upwards current can be very energising, but can also be too strong too handle safely. This works different for everyone, but working the downwards current to trigger a natural upwards current is a safety measure that is part in the Qigong I do. Bruce Frantzis describes the downward flow from heaven to earth as the energy that takes care of "what humans cannot handle".

Whatever you do in energy work, monitor your intent, sensations and feelings. All these contribute to what actually happens due to the energy you move. In the same vein energy is not uniform. It carries attributes. Robert writes that energy from blockages is often a dissonant mix of vibrations, better to be cleared out of the system. Better get new energy in.


24th June 2008, 12:35 AM
So, energetically speaking, how would one distinguish energy residue? Or recognize how it feels? I've been feeling different symptoms, warmth, cold, diffuse pain in certain areas while working (which I reckon are blockages being rammed at but not quite unblocked yet). Are we supposed to feel the same all over the body?

24th June 2008, 06:48 AM
It's very simple - ground everything after doing energy raising or circulation or whatever you do. Your body has taken in what it needs, the rest is excess or residue that can be safely dropped. You cannot cram more water in a sponge after it is soaked full.
