View Full Version : Dream of being taught relaxation

14th February 2008, 10:03 PM
This day I had a quick 2 hour nap in the middle of the day,
where I had one of my strange dreams, I think it was semi lucid.
It was about me laying in bed relaxing or atleast trying to relax, but
someone was with me aparently guiding me to it.

She told me to relax as much as possible and after that she would tickle
or pinch me and when i moved she told me that I had to do much better than that.
She said when you are truely relaxed you learn to somehow ignore outer influences on
your physical self.

She said if i moved and tensed when she pinched me I was only as relaxed as normally
the body would allow and that i needed to practice a deeper form of relaxation where
outer things wouldnt interfere,
She said something about shamans using this technique to induce obe.

I think I got annoyed at her for interrupting my relaxation with pinches and such and
i remember saying "damn whats this good for Crystal" and then I woke up, just 2 minutes
before the alarmclock.

Never tried to be instructed 1 on 1 like this before but it makes kind of sense,
that relaxation is the foundation of obe's. Robert Bruce mention it again and again
that if you haven't gotten the relaxation part right, inducing obes can be very hard,
if not impossible,

Just though I'd share this little thing with you.

Best Regards and happy times

14th February 2008, 11:06 PM
Wow, what a cool dream!