View Full Version : Person murdered across the street

12th February 2008, 11:52 PM
2 nights ago someone was shot to death at the sotre across the street from my house at 11 p.m. The person was shot twice in the chest, the heart i was told.

I was awake at the time and hear the 2 bangs knowing they were gunshots, i looked out the window to see a car peeling off down the street. There on the ground was the body, which i could tell. (Even now the feeling i got seeing this sticks with me, and i think it will for the rest of my life). I called 911 imediatley. After i went to wake my parents.

The next morning they both recall having dreams of being shot just before the incident occured.

My stepdad said he dremt of someone shooting through the window hitting the ceiling

My mom recalls being shot at by a machine gun, and thinking, this is wat it feels like to be shot.

Mabye i would have had a dream like this if i were to be asleep, but idk.
Is it possible that this was a sort of physic reading or what not. And just to state, my step dad is deaf in his right ear, and he was sleping on his left side so he couldnt hear anything.

Thnaks JS

13th February 2008, 05:47 AM
Sorry to hear about that happening to your neighbor. It must a terrible time of insecurity for you and your family -- one always thinks those things won't happen close to home, but when they do the trauma doesn't go away very quickly. Wishing you healing thoughts, and perhaps insightful dreams that will help you get past this.

13th February 2008, 06:38 AM
Well, a person being murdered is a pretty psychically traumatic event. Murders are some of the most common things associated with hauntings (note: I'm not saying there will be a haunting; I'm just pointing out how traumatic it is).

I wouldn't be surprised if there was a sort of huge psychic shock wave from the murder and your parents picked it up. Even people who are not usually particularly sensitive to psychic phenomena will sometimes react to very strong ripples and hauntings and spirit visitations and so on.

I hope the person who was murdered was able to leave this world easily and peacefully, and I know that the person who killed him will reap what they've sown, sooner or later. :(

Blessings to you and your family.

14th February 2008, 03:03 AM
Thnaks to both of you.

But where i live there is a lot of shootings and murders (im sad to say it). I think thi really just hit me because i seen it happen.

Also while i was waiting for 911 to show up i was trying to send life energies in hope that he might make it, i didnt know how bad he was at this time.

I wondered if this could attract his spirit to find me and mabye say something. This kind of scares me, im not into seeing any ghosts.

But i think the physic shock is most likely wat hapened.

Thnaks JS