View Full Version : dreams of being possessed

12th February 2008, 09:01 AM
iv been having trouble with a neg on and off for a few months now and atm its not bothering me really...but it used to talk to me inside my head a lot
but lately iv been havin dreams of being possessed....like something goes inside me then takes control of my body
the dreams dont scare me at all....and im wondering if this is just my mind or if the neg is trying to tell me that it wants to possess me

12th February 2008, 01:12 PM
My guess here is that even though you don't feel scared about it your subconscious is telling you different- after all, usually it's in control, and the idea of relinquishing it to an outside entity is scary, after all.
I can't imagine why a neg would tell you that unless it's trying to scare you- but I get the idea that your subconscious is letting you know how it really feels about it. Just a hunch, though.
I hope you are taking countermeasures, even if it doesn't scare you?

14th February 2008, 07:33 AM
nuh i havnt been doin any countermeasures...didnt think i need them...plus im really lazy lol