View Full Version : Spiders and chocolate

11th February 2008, 02:10 AM
Sitting in a chair and about to grab some chocolate from a box, left hand table. When grabbing for a piece, two small spiders
comes and block the chocolate, like protecting it. Don't want to touch them, because they give a nasty bite. Brushing them away
with air instead and blowing on them, they run away from the box. Grabbing for a chocolate again and they come running back,
obvious to make me not take anything. Like they are protecting it.

Sounds silly, but lost interest in chocolate. Don't like it anymore. :shock:

11th February 2008, 07:07 AM
Is your health okay - especially your blood sugar? Sometimes "anti-sugar" dreams like that can be a warning that your body has a problem with what you eat - be it a food allergy, blood sugar levels, etc.

Take good care,