View Full Version : The Rise and Fall

7th February 2008, 09:13 PM
(sounds like a tittle for a movie :lol: sorry.. I wanted you all to read this)

Years ago, I had this dream about the same time of my 'awakening', it was clear as waking. It was what's called an epic dream I guess, the first amazing dream in a myriad of amazing dreams to come. Kinda like initiation I guess. In it I was this disembodied conciousness in a desert, long long ago, I figured it was at least 10-15 thousand years ago. The dream was very long and I remembered every bit of it. In it a royal magician called Adama betrayed humanity and was responsible for wiping out all civilization, in return for immortality. I never had a dream like it, it all flowed like I was actually there, and there were twists and things in the story I couldnt have fabricated with my immagination without creating the entire dream before I dreamt it (probably impossible).

I looked up the name Adama, the main charactor in the dream. It means earth, and it is also the name of the (gasp) magician 'messiah' of a strange cult in California, he's from a civilization that lived untill (gasp) 12,000 years ago. They beleive he will come from the volcano Shasta. (Shasta, btw is showing signs it may blow soon)

I sent an email to the site, but never heard from anyone back. I figured it was just some crazies, or someone trying to scam people for thier money. I spent almost a year trying to figure out the meaning of the dream. I gave up eventually and put it at the back of my mind.

The other day I had a dream that was interesting to me.
I dont remember part of the dream, it was foggy and distorted untill I said "There is an angel hidden amoung us."
I was with 4 other people. One man's eyes began to glow blue, they got so bright they became like light from a blue lantern. Everyone gasped in shock.
"Sorry, God warned us of what we show in our eyes," he said.
He had a high pitch voice, which I thought was strange. In retrospect it isnt at all strange. When beings speak directly from another dimension thier voice is distorted to the one listening, unless they speak using a supernatural ability. Because his voice was high pitch it means he was speaking from a slightly higher level than me. He said something else I think, but dont remember what it was.
"This is our symbol," he said. A bright blue eye conjured over his hand.
"And this is our prayer," in a very skilled voice he sang a short tune, no words in it (I think), only sounds. I remembered it on waking and wrote it down.
"A password would be helpfull for you to get into the city of Telos." I dont think he told me the password (afraid I would tell?), but he sent me something psychicly, at this point I woke up.
Laying there I had this overwhelming feeling about the word Telos. Like it was more familiar than my own name and I always knew it, maybe not just in this life. But I didnt have any experience I could recall involving it.

I thought Telos was a heaven, so I googled 'heaven telos' and didnt find anything. Then I googled 'city of telos'.
I couldnt believe it, the only place the city of Telos is mentioned is.... (pause for effect, paaaaause for effect!).. that strange cult site where I read about Adama from my first epic dream.

I'm beginning to think that the Lemurian civilization really did exist.. (civilization has risen and fallen many times throughout history). I was put off by thier cultist type thinking and lack of logical thinking on the site (thats how some of what they say seems to me). But that is to be expected, humans often get over-exited over returning messiahs, aliens, the 'apocolypse', and such things, that lack of restraint is what I find repellant. It doesnt mean it isnt true however. But I dont think Adama is the person they believe. They see him as an angel of light, and thats probably what he looks like. I wont say who I think he is.. I dont want trouble, or to say what isnt true, but you can guess what I think :twisted: . Maybe I'm just being paranoid, I'm always distrustfull of strangers who say they are beings of light but live deep in the burning hot depths of earth :roll: .

For the record, I had a dream before my epic one, one of those that you forget, but suddenly remember years later (like when I visited the dream master). It takes place in the same time and setting as my epic one. In it, a man is standing on top of a pyramid, surrounded by a large army. He is holding a staff, the same staff I saw in my epic dream. He lifts it and waves of flame shoot out from him, incinerating the army like a blast of fire accross a field of dry grass.
I suddenly remembered it after having the epic dream, and realised it was the missing peice to my dream, I never saw civilization be destroyed, I fast forwarded through time past that part.

I want to know what part I have to play in this. But most of all, im getting really damn sick of trying to figure out sides and who these great beings who are showing themselves really are. (I have a hard enough time just deciding what candybar I want!)

7th February 2008, 09:48 PM
Sometimes the part you play is being the observer, you don't necessarily have to do anything about this.
Interestingly, just last Sunday in church, the minister commented that the word "Adam" of Genesis means "earth". So you see Adama is just the modern take on Adam, and it's meaning has always been that. Obviously the leader of this cult or organization is using the name of 'primordial man', Adam, and crowning himself.

Telos is an island in greece, named after a character in greek mythology that is probably made up, or of pre-Hellenic origin.

8th February 2008, 09:59 AM
Maybe you just had a vivid past life memory? Michael Newton thinks incarnations of people still incarnating stretch some 10,000 years back - up to 50,000 and more, but the more years, the rarer it gets...

I thought of this because you were the observer - you don't need to relive past lives.


9th February 2008, 09:27 AM
I thought of this because you were the observer - you don't need to relive past lives.
There was a voice that guided me and explained what was going on in the dream as well. I was totally bodyless and invisible. Nobody that I saw really seemed like they could be me, exept maybe Adama because he did a few things I have done before. He didnt wipe out everyone himself, someone else did that; a mysterious figure holding a staff who came out of a deep cave. But Adama betrayed everyone by summoning demons through portals over many years, maybe even hundreds of years, he was really feared and hated in this time.

He wasnt the only one that was spared, his wife was also allowed to live, but she wasnt given immortality, I dont know how she died, but they had many children, and thier children had many deformed children. Adama became very bitter and evil over the years.

I wonder if I am related to him. Then again, if it is true, then most of us are related to him.

Thats a short summary of the main events. (I told you it was long!) I drew pictures of the places I saw, and Adama. Quite the story.

Maybe I should create the intent to AP to Telos. That angel was a little creepy to me though (although my feelings havent been very trustworthy in dreams lately).