View Full Version : Mission Impossible Cell Phone!!

6th February 2008, 11:17 PM
Someone I know had this dream, he wrote it down-

He was walking up this staircase inside this high tech looking instalation. He was on a mission to set off a nuke in a room at the top. He didnt know why he needed to set it off, but he knew it was the most important thing in his life, he also knew he would die. He got to the top room, there was radiation in there and something that looked like a hydro generator, and there was radiation everywhere, but he didnt think it was mattered because he'd die soon anyways. There was a space age style computer touch pannel. It requested a 4 digit passcode to detonate the reactor or bomb. He didnt know he would need one and guessed. "Code incorrect" it said. "Security alerted... one more try granted." He didnt want to guess a second time, he went out into the stairwell to call his brother on his cell phone (radiation interference). His brother has recently been showing up in almost every one of his dreams as his spiritual dream guide (as scary as that is, his brother is a psycho.. with a good heart). He knew his brother probably knew the pass code. He tried dialing his brother. He dialed the wrong number. He tried again, he couldnt dial the numbers correctly, like his fingers wouldnt listen. Over and over he tried to dial the number, but he kept dialing the wrong number, or the numbers would get scrambled. He started getting really frusterated and dissapointed in himself. It went on and on, and each time he dialed he got more and more tired. Eventually he got ahold of his aunt. "Hello? Who is this?" He told her "Im sorry, I cant talk right now, I'm trying to do something really important. I have to go, sorry." She just kinda hung up on him. He continued to try to dial uselessly, getting more and more tired as he reached the bottom of the stairs. He was so tired he couldnt walk and could barely move his fingers to dial. He fell under the stairs, hoping the guards wouldnt see him. Even though he was barely concious he tried to dial curled up under the stair. Everything was dark, and he could hear guards walking around. He thinks they found him right away but they didnt capture him. They were actually whispering like they didnt want to wake him and let him sleep. He fell asleep in the dream and woke up in bed.

I thought it was strange that he really felt physical tiredness in a dream like that, and how it ended, and how determined he was even though he felt more and more frusterated and disapointed in himeself when he couldnt dial right... kinda sad too.

It seems to haveto do with self sacrifice. I actually wanted to share it mostly for an observation I had but I musta used all my brains trying to speaka da engileesh and forgot what it was.. I'll remember later.

7th February 2008, 03:30 PM
Well, here is my interpretation (and it isn't a nice one):

I think he may have projected into the body of a terrorist, and was there to witness firsthand when the plan didn't work. The reason the thing in the stairwell happened is that at that point he was going back to his own body and bilocated, so he at that point was getting input to when the guy, possibly sick from radiation sickness (depending on exposure and how much of this was symbolic) and his own sleeping body began to merge consciousness and he was perceiving both realities at the same time.
It is possible (IMO) that the person who was commiting this suicide mission had misgivings about it from day one, and was thinking that his brother should have been the one to do it, may have even guilted him into doing it. Your friend's relationship with his psycho brother made him identify with the terrorist, and this caused some sort of 'resonance' with him (oops I just borrowed a concept from another thread, but it applies here- maybe this principle is what he (Korpo) needs to look at, but I'm digressing)- which is what caused to project 'into him'.

This kind of thing has happened to me in the past, which is why I think this may have happened.
On a related note, I think that things like this probably happen more times than we even imagine, and never know about that. But I'm digressing again.

7th February 2008, 04:46 PM
I often gain lucidity or have vibrations when I'm sleeping in a dream. I think your friend is on the right path if he wants to be a lucid dreamer or a projector...

As for the dream, I would interpret it as frustration over co-dependence. A fear that perhaps one day, he'll run into a problem he can't solve himself, and the people he usually depends on won't be here to help him... Would he happen to be in a situation where his brother is, I don't know, getting married, or moving out, and won't be around to look out for him anymore?

7th February 2008, 09:56 PM
Very interesting. But the guards didnt capture him even though he was nearly unconcious. Also, a 4 digit self destruct code doesnt seem realistic.
His younger brother isnt ACTUALLY psycho, he just calls himself evil but I can see that his younger brother's heart is very good and understands some very good concepts, but he doesnt have nearly as deep an understanding as his older brother. Thats why I thought it was so funny that he became his older brothers spiritual dream guide (the spiritual friend that shows up in learning dreams).

As for the dream, I would interpret it as frustration over co-dependence. A fear that perhaps one day, he'll run into a problem he can't solve himself, and the people he usually depends on won't be here to help him... Would he happen to be in a situation where his brother is, I don't know, getting married, or moving out, and won't be around to look out for him anymore?
He recently moved to his small hometown and is having a lot of trouble finding situations to challenge himself spiritually, everyone is too nice. He asks God for people to mistreat him so he can forgive them, but nobody will. He does whatever he can in the name of self sacrifice, but it's not enough. I think he is to the point where he cant do any greater deeds, he's frusterated that God wont challenge him. (Carefull what you wish for, I know, but he's done some unbelievable things, I really think he is capable of anything, but he has never been allowed reach his roof). God even keeps him from having to endure hardships for some reason, he is given the option, but he wont deny help from God. Maybe he needs to work on other areas rather than exhausting himself trying to sacrifice himself.

7th February 2008, 11:23 PM
Maybe he needs to join here. I'll be happy to give him some abuse.
JK, but, sacrificing himself as a goal? Does he think that's what God wants? -See? Like that.