View Full Version : Sometimes energy awareness just feels plain weird...

4th February 2008, 04:23 PM
Today I was working on my neck at a break in the office. I stretched the tissue between my vertebrae with my hands and worked on all the irritated tissues I found there. After some time I stopped.

Shortly afterward I felt a disturbance at about my stomach, something feeling etheric, unreal, soft. It seemed like a soft block stuck out of my body. I went there with part of my awareness, starting to get it into awareness, and then I realised its strange shape - like a cone extruding.

And then I had to laugh - the strange shape that had made we wonder about its strangeness came from my solarplexus region - it is a chakra! But just from feeling it it was not easy to indentify it, to link it something I know. Like the monks identifying the elefant without sight...

Just the chakra I was told needed some energetic attention made itself known with a sense of etheric energy that was somehow disturbed. It also projects feelings of nausea in my stomach area.

Just the feeling of something sticking out of me... I never had *that* before...


9th February 2008, 03:58 AM
I don't have anything to add except that that is awesome, and you have a good attitude towards weird experiences :)

Palehorse Redivivus
9th February 2008, 01:20 PM
Today I was working on my neck at a break in the office.

I don't have anything useful to contribute, but we were just laughing over here -- "normal people take smoke breaks or coffee breaks; AD people take energy work breaks." :lol:

9th February 2008, 02:57 PM
I'm taking coffee breaks as well. Guess I'm a lazy bugger... :lol:


9th February 2008, 06:18 PM
That's really good that you were aware of that!

"normal people take smoke breaks or coffee breaks; AD people take energy work breaks."

:lol: :lol: :lol:

10th February 2008, 07:09 AM
More stuff happened...

As I was sitting, doing energy work, I must have gotten deeper in a trance. I usually don't pay attention to my vision as I do not work with my sense of vision in energy work. I was working with this huge blockage complex in my right shoulder. At some point I realised that right bottom of my vision was filled out with a light (my eyes were closed). The light had a blueish tint and was round, like a blob. I noticed it and thought "WTH! How did that come there - my eyes are closed and there is nothing to explain it (away)!" I think I had another case of "energetic vision", where blockages register roughly as blobs of light in my field of vision.

Mishell and I were sitting on the couch, watching an interview on the computer yesterday. The computer is sitting on a desk with several other devices. I had done energy work that day. I closed my eyes. Then the after-image effect seemed to happen backwards! :shock: First I saw nothing - I did not try to. Then a view lines would form, like after-image outlines of something. I thought "Strange, I do not remember seeing that - what is it?" After some time it was "fading into the foreground", getting more detail, until it finally looked like an after-image of the computer screen with the open window of the video inside, and the devices in the background. Then it faded into the background, and the field of vision was empty or blurry. Then it reoccurred.

I could do this several times, closing my eyes, bringing the image back, and the interesting thing was that it did not start out with an after-image that I held, but instead some time after closing my eyes the image faded into view. Even funnier I noticed, as for the first time, that the point of vision my mind centers on is not at my eyes or in between them, but always above them where the third eye is. And I thought - how could I have missed that for all the time? Oi!

I know this is similar to candle-gazing and an exercise Robert recommends. What really made the difference for me that it worked was "not trying". I was just having the experience. I did not try to make it happen. When I tried to do something more actively about it, the experience got lost. Like in so many aspects about those experiences for me... They get lost as soon as I start to "try hard" to get them, but they are easy, really easy when I just have them when they happen... Maybe one day in the far future I learn something from that observation...! :roll: :lol:

When I took a nap yesterday, I was not that sleepy, so I went into "energy work mode". I scanned my energy body for blockages and softly worked on them. My mind was slowly drifting through different stages of trance, as I did not require it to necessarily stay awake. At one time a feeling of "being out" happened, because I was more like floating while doing the work, the perception of my physical body slightly reduced, and I thought "Oh cool, some sort of OBE." and just continued, enjoying the feeling. Skipping back and forth across states I even fell asleep. Twas good energy work. :)


15th February 2008, 10:00 PM
It seemed like a soft block stuck out of my body. I went there with part of my awareness, starting to get it into awareness, and then I realised its strange shape - like a cone extruding.

I had this once...a sort of triangular cone-ish vortex flopping out of my heart above my chest from the left to central, a bit like a flower. I could feel the vibrations inside it in exactly the same way I could feel them inside my usual body shape, red and scribbly. I had a partial rising a few weeks later, so maybe you're onto something very good here! :D

15th February 2008, 10:18 PM

I'm not looking for one, though. :)
