View Full Version : Kundalini rising during Obe or what?

25th January 2008, 02:03 PM
Yesterday,I decided that I was going to take a nap even though I've been unsuccessful to take naps lately.I seemed to get lost in this void and either obe or remote view certain events but no sleep.Yesterday,I started feeling these electric charges around my body early on and then started to see some images in my field of vision but they made no sense ,then I feel Kundalini being raised and I felt on fire and it was coming up fast,felt like a freight train, just like it happened before when I was awake.I could think and I said to myself "Oh no,not again.Please slow down".It did slow down but it didn't stop.Also I could feel my heart beat really fast threatening to come out of my chest.Then I decided that I was going to wake up and that's where it gets interesting.I woke up and I was sitting by the edge of my bed and I could see these light strobes all around me and I didn't like it and thought to myself that it couldn't be happening and that I was not awake.I decided then to open my eyes and then I was really awake,hence no light strobes but then went back and I was in a house I used to own.I could see my daughter and this man I've been dreaming about for a long time there.My daughter was talking to this man but I think they could not see me because they were not talking to me but I could walk around the house and see that the pink carped was ripped out and instead of the wood floor,there was a tile floor underneath.Then this man was talking on the phone and went in this bedroom and I followed him there and there was a baby there dressed up in blue shirt on and the crib sheet was blue too.I could see his white diaper.Then my daughter went there too when the baby started crying.Ugh,can you see that I am frustrated.What the heck was this ? :shock: :)

27th January 2008, 03:15 PM
Yikes ! So much for answering my own question.Since nobody answered I googled this and found an explanation here http://books.google.com/books?id=PId1Ue ... fBjgQPG5ak (http://books.google.com/books?id=PId1UeRY_TYC&pg=PA118&lpg=PA118&dq=kundalini+raising+during+obe&source=web&ots=-uEU1PkLsS&sig=YJUMQ1wfbxSlmnDmafBjgQPG5ak) Looks like Kundalini raising causes a spontaneous obe and the strobing lights I saw were my brow chackra and my heart chackra strobing .Considering from the amount of the strobing lights it was more than one.Ugh,so much for enlightment.Just my view on the world and the role I have in it changed , nothing else.I still parent my children but in a more uninvolved way,go grocery shopping,eat,sleep or get lost in the void,interact with other people,work,cook,clean the house.So, before enlightment,chop wood carry water,after enlightment chop wood,carry water ! Lol. :D :shock:

Aunt Clair
1st February 2008, 03:39 PM
Hi , I did not read the entire post . I suggest you break up large blocks of text into paragraphs and perhaps post smaller amounts at a time and you will get more replies , I feel .

Congratulations , it seems as if you had a k event . Projection can occur with an event . Robert Bruce has written about this . And attunements and initiations can occur in projection also .