View Full Version : Women with huge black eyes

24th January 2008, 05:43 AM
Today, i had a very frightening dream.

First, i want to tell you a bit about myself;

I'm 16 year's old from Israel, and i've had several 'mystic' experiences in my life. The first one happened when i was about 12 year's old, my sisters were staying at their grandma, and my mom and dad were going to stay at a friends house, so i was all alone in my house. When i fell asleep, i've suddenly felt 'differently', and when i would wake up, i would know that this dream was not just a dream, but something different. In my 'dream', i was flying above the building i was staying in, and it felt very real, i could feel the wind blowing on my face, and could feel gravity trying to pull me down more and more, as i went higher. And that's all what i remember. When i woke up, i've had very long and deep scratch marks on my back, about 1/2 a CM deep, and covering all my lower back. And what's even stranger, when i woke up there was no blood at all, not on my back, not on the sheets, not on the walls, not on the floor, not anywhere. The scars were so deep, that even now, 4 years later, i still have very visible scars, and probably will have them for the rest of my life.

And now to the dream i've had last night;

I remember that the dream started pretty much like most of my dreams, slightly blur and somewhat 'unrealistic', but i also had a feeling that someone was watching me(As if you were walking down a street, you could feel someone watching you, you turn around and there's someone walking behind you, that kind of feeling.). After a while, the dream changed; I was walking up a street(a street that i sometimes walk in in real life), when that feeling of being watched become more intense, and i, calmly, looked to my left, and see a black woman, wearing short jeans, and with very big black eyes, the way it seemed in the dream, from my distance from her, was if each of her black eyes were about a quarter of her face, and she was simply staring at me. Right now, i wasn't frightened or anything, and i just looked away and kept walking. The dream changed into something else(the feeling of being watched is still there), and then changed of me walking yet another street, a different one(One that i also use frequently in real life). I was walking up to a crossroads, turning right and walking a bit, and then i felt something in me being 'pulled'(i can't really describe the feeling, but it was as if i was somehow pulled mentally), i look to my left, and i see the same woman, with the very big black eyes, staring at me. I look away, and try to keep walking, when suddenly i'm almost overcome by an extremely intense feeling of fear, fear so intense that i've only felt it once or twice in my whole life. And i quickly turn my head to the woman with the black eyes, and hiss towards her(like a cat hisses when i feels threatened). At the moment i hiss at her, her head drops to her chest, as if her neck is too tired to hold it straight, and she collapses. As she falls to the ground, i suddenly see an image of another black woman with big black eyes, this one seems more mature, and is wearing a typical ethiopic clothing, that elderly ethiopic women wear. Then the image disappears, and i awake. I awake completely conscious, and with the same overwhelming fear, and even as i explain to myself that it's alright, and that there's people 10 meters away from me, i still cannot get that fear away(which is very strange, because usually once i wake up from a frightening dream, i calm down pretty quickly.), and only about an hour later, which to me seemed like 5 minutes, i managed to calm myself enough to get back to sleep. During this night another strange thing occurred, after this dream, when i managed to get back to sleep, i suddenly felt huge pressure all over my body, and when i woke up(in the dream, i think)i've seen this huge shadowy black presence sitting over my chest. I woke up again, filled with that same fear, and was close to tears. Afterwards, i went back to sleep again, and nothing extraordinary happened.

As a side note, over the past 4 or so years, the city was constructing residential buildings about 1 k/m north of where i live. Those buildings were constructed mainly for all the ethiopian immigrants that are arriving to my city.

24th January 2008, 11:51 AM
A question: Which shape were the eyes of these women?

Please see also AD-Pedia (here: http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=8159) on the topic of the "Dweller" as for apparitions one perceives to be in the same room when waking.

Take good care,

24th January 2008, 12:59 PM
Pretty much the shape of ordinary eyes, just completely black and very big(completely black, without the white). They were also slightly glowing with black color, but that could just be an effect of the dream.

Another thing that might be worth mentioning, when i woke up the second time to find that shadow on me, i've tried to get myself to sit, and actually did for a second, before i got pushed back. But when i was in the sitting position, i *knew* that i was still lying down. It's as if i was sitting and lying down in the same time.

I hope that makes sense to you.

24th January 2008, 03:54 PM
You sat up with your energy body (partial projection) but still had feedback from your physical body, which indicates a 'dweller' phenomenon.
Frankly, I think you were projecting your own fears or prejudices into your own energy body on the second instance.

25th January 2008, 04:19 PM

But what about the dream?

I've done some reading, and it seems as if people have met these 'things', but in real life, and not in a dream. They also seem to experience an overwhelming feeling of fear, and try to avoid eye contact.