View Full Version : Working life

23rd January 2008, 08:56 PM
Hi, as a student with plenty of free time and long lie-ins I got pretty good at messing around with NEW, I never achieved an obe, just the weird sensations or rushes, which are interesting and enjoyable enough. So I classed this as meditation time, where I would just experiment.

but now that I work, and never have any time to do anything, when I go to bed and lie on my back, I instantly have no enthusiasm for all this mediation stuff. and I just want to roll over into the fetal position and go to sleep. (Practicing NEW or meditating in the fetal position is near impossible, at least for me).

I just don't know what to do to get back into it, I know it will benefit me, and I do enjoy it. I've just lost interest. Perhaps if I re-read Astral Dynamics I'll start again, but I fear quite the opposite would happen, I think if I re-read it I would be even more skeptical; because now I'm in the 9-5 routine and not feeling remotely spiritual at all.

...any suggestions?

23rd January 2008, 09:19 PM
I'm afraid that at some point, energy work simply comes down to discipline. If you know it's good for you, do it even if you don't want to.

23rd January 2008, 09:50 PM
What kind of job do you have? It may be possible to do energy bounces if you don't need your full attention at work, or in some other way you might be able to combine some sort of practice. Repeating mantras usually combines well and so does awareness on your breathing. Placing a light focus on the third eye can help as well, because it not only is energy work, but it reduces the impact of events on the job on your energy body so you will have a longer attention span later. Also, something to keep in mind is that switching from school to work can be somewhat stressful by itself and you need more energy when you are under pressdure in any way.

Neil Templar
23rd January 2008, 09:55 PM
Perhaps if I re-read Astral Dynamics I'll start again, but I fear quite the opposite would happen, I think if I re-read it I would be even more skeptical; because now I'm in the 9-5 routine and not feeling remotely spiritual at all.

...any suggestions?

i find that going back and re-reading the earlier books i read on OBE-for me that was a book by WILLIAM BUHLMANN,which has alot more descriptive stuff about OBE experiences had by the author,often fires the imagination more than reading about the excersises you have to do.then you'll find yourself more motivated to go over AD again...maybe?

23rd January 2008, 10:10 PM
AD is not as 'how to' as MAP, so it may help motivate you. However, for interesting material, I'd add to the titles. One thing to consider- if you find it burdensome to do daily practice, maybe you can dedicate a little time to ework during odd times of the day (not meditation, just NEW stuff) and even at work, as Tom said, and dedicate one morning on the weekend to wake up early and try to do some 'meditation' aka 'trying to project', and sleep in the other day so you don't feel too put-upon. I did it when I was working a normal job, and found this to be workable for me, and if I couldn't project, I just slept in, so all my needs mere met. :)

24th January 2008, 09:04 AM
This morning I woke earlier and did some movement Qigong. It made me more awake and was a good start into the day. I do energy work on the commuter train. Sometimes I just stare at my screen and do something "inside" instead. I know it can be hard, though. Sure you have the right job?

Take good care,

24th January 2008, 08:36 PM
thanks folks. I think reading some success stories is the way to go, seeing as though that is what got me in to this in the first place :)

My job is computer based, basically sat down for 7 hours, so I suppose I could try energy work, but I find I can't program (geek code etc) and feel energy at the same time. it takes too much effort to feel, and be sensitive to energy. it's 'either-or' I'm afraid - at least at the moment. Perhaps with practice I'll be able to do the two at once?

thanks for the responses anyway, just posting this message has spurred me on.

edit: p.s. I bought a william buhlman book, it had great reviews too