View Full Version : My dreams last night and astral projection study

21st January 2008, 09:06 PM
Hi all :)

Last night I had a couple of dreams that seem to relate to the renewing of my efforts to leave my body. I received the MAP cd companion towards the end of last week, although have read MAP the book and Astral Dynamics. I havnt achieved an obe (that I can remember) but am quite well versed with energy work. Anyway, I have had one session of the relaxation cd but have been practising with the same technique each day without the disc. (Although will be using it on and off until I feel I have the knack). My goal has just been relaxation each time.

Last night I dreamt at first that I was on a train, and I remember saying something to my mum that we were doing over 100mph. When I looked out of the window, I realised we were not on tracks but shooting down a road. Shortly after that realisation, it came to a halt and there was much messing around with wheels and other things which I dont recall.

In my 2nd dream, I was in a speed boat going quickly along a river, but again, suddenly I realised we were on the road again, and hearing the concrete grating on the underside of the boat. We still moved quickly though. At one point we came to a multistory car park and had to wait for an elevator to lift us and the boat to the correct floor. The pointless thing was, it took us to the top then back down again, after which we drove the boat in. I have the vague memory of a tone, like a beep or ding once it was on the right level.

So those were my dreams :D To me, it seems that the issues with the transportation and methods there of, could be relating to journeying out of the body, and my trying different things. Or they could be relating to unconscious journeys, I dont know. The elevator part seems quite close to a lifting out method also. I should add that the last few nights I have been waking up not knowing where I am also, which is very rare for me. It takes me a good 20 seconds to recognise my room. Maybe Im returning from somewhere at the time?

Any input would be greatly appreciated :)

21st January 2008, 10:23 PM
I could interpret your dreams in many ways:
Your subconscious is telling you 'you're on your way', that is, 'you're on the 'right track' or on the road to what you're trying to do. You're 'moving forward', etc.
Another way to look at it is that you went from going 'over water' to 'elevating over ground', which could also be interpreted as your consciousness being elevated from the subconscious awareness (the water) or the material/physical world (ground). And the third way to interpret it is to say that your mind was giving you some subconscious cues to use for lucidity- the incongruity of the changing ways (the track turning into a road) and the use of speed.
I could also to venture that you had a few spontaneous or unconscious exits and processed them as dreams (the processing of the exit turned into speed).
Take your pick. :lol:

22nd January 2008, 10:26 AM
Thanks CFTraveler, that pretty much confirms what I thought in most ways :D

24th January 2008, 10:05 PM
Our mom or spiritual friends very often are with us in guidance dreams.
I think it is saying that you are being too logical about what you are trying to do. You are applying reason to things you cant (yet) apply reason to. APing and other abilities are mainly based on emotion, intention (and/or anti-intention if that makes sence). If you look for the dynamics, or expect something to happen a certain way, especially while you are experiencing something then whatever it is you are doing will be pulled to a screeching halt. You were traveling perfectly fine untill you looked out the window and thought trains cruising down the highway isnt ok with highway regulations. Why not just go with it? You'll get there either way, granted there will be a few potholes for the next guy (ha ha).

The boat and the train are your two different vehicles for spiritual advancement, two dramaticly contrasting ones too.
The boat is used for a bumpy 'dangerous' path that pertains to water. I wont draw conclusions about what water means to you. Indepedence?
The train is used on a set path, one that many people have taken before. (Were there others on the train?) It was going very fast, but your boat was also a speed boat, so it could go very fast also, speed having the obvious meaning. Being on a train is always a good thing, im sure being on a speedboat is too.

At one point we came to a multistory car park and had to wait for an elevator to lift us and the boat to the correct floor. The pointless thing was, it took us to the top then back down again, after which we drove the boat in. I have the vague memory of a tone, like a beep or ding once it was on the right level.
Umm.. :?: The parking lot may be the level you are most comfortable being at. Your center. You were parking because you need (or have been using?) some time to rest (and absorb what you have learned?)

I would say your well on your way to acheiving your goal, you already have the energy part, now the rest of you is catching up via rocket skates. The lesson here may be to stop analyzing or expecting things to happen a certain way (it happens all the time when after we study these things). It is a very important lesson. I've had many experiences just once because once someone experiences something for the first time they often expect it to be the same way the next time. It can be the same with reading about other's experiences and techniques, we are all unique and so are our experiences and the way we obtain those experiences. Im not saying doing someone elses technique isnt good, the rolling tech works great for me now (did 'the voice of silence' develop that?), but you may not be ready to do it that way yet.

imo - Just free float, dont expect anything to happen a certain way, but use intention as needed. Judge and connect to other experiences later if you feel the need.