View Full Version : dreams of being naked

Jenn Lynn
19th January 2008, 07:08 PM
for most of my life when i dreamt of being nude in a public place, i was always running for cover, but over the past few years there has been a gradual change in these dreams and my response in them. it seems like i have been getting less uncomfortable with people seeing me partially to mostly exposed in some way, leading up to the dream last night where i was completely nude around several people who were fully clothed, i was in a public place, and when i realized my nakedness, it didnt bother me one bit. in fact, i was amused by the situation, and felt slightly empowered by the fact i didnt care... has anyone else experienced this? what is your interpretation?


19th January 2008, 10:31 PM
This kind of dream happens to me, too, and tends to be a going back to school dream as well. Either I'm in class in my underwear or completely naked. It makes for a sharp contrast with feeling invisible in public much of the time. The weird thing is that usually no one seems to notice in these dreams. Is that the case for you, too? Do you tend to feel invisible a lot of the time?

20th January 2008, 12:34 AM
Yeah, almost all interpretations of dreams are based on opposites or their complexes. Once I had this type of dream too, but it wasn´t anything wrong, I didn´t feel it was wrong. Maybe I unconsciously knew, that it was only a dream.

Jenn Lynn
20th January 2008, 05:10 AM
actually i cant recall a time when i felt invisible to others in my dreams.. in fact, my experience is quite the opposite, whenever others are around me they are either interacting with me in some way or paying unusually close attention to me. thats why last night struck me, the dream was completely unconscious, so i was convinced that i was standing at a window counter in some public place in the waking life, and i could see others around me, and i thought "what are they going to do when they notice that im completely naked?" :shock:

but it was at this point that i became amused by the situation, my concerned completely diminished, i may have even felt a tinge of rebellion oddly enough, and then the dream ended. its interesting that you feel invisible in these circumstances... so when you feel that you are invisible, but you are also unclad, are you still concerned with hiding your nakedness or worry that someone might see you?

you know ive been racking my brain for a couple of years now trying to decipher what the clothing represents for me in dreams because it comes up so often. and now it seems i dont need to wear them anymore. what the hell.

something funny that occurred to me a few hours ago is the story of genesis, as soon as adam and eve eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, their eyes are "opened" and the first thing they become aware of is their nakedness, which they quickly try to hide. not only do they want to hide it from each other, but also from god. fascinating book :)


22nd January 2008, 02:24 PM
I have read in a dream book long long LONG ago ... where was I? Oh, twas a long time ago, when I was still young...


I read that these kind of dreams occur rather often. Nakedness symbolises being exposed. Not necessarily literally naked.

Settings like a childhood home or your old school can denote at what time of your life the feeling originated. You might say the emotional age of that part of you. (Or you might not ;))


To dream that you are naked, denotes the fear of being found out and exposed about your activities and misjudgment.

To dream that you suddenly discover your nudity and are trying to cover up, signifies your vulnerability to a situation.
(from here: http://dreammoods.com/cgibin/searchcsv.pl?method=exact&header=dreamsymbol&search=nude)

Whatever your feeling of "being exposed" refers to, it seem to have less power over you. You might have lost that feeling of "shame" or embarassment that originally was present in the situation.

Have you any clue to what quality or situation of your life this "being exposed" may refer to?

Hope this somehow fits,

22nd January 2008, 02:26 PM
Tom, this I found on the feeling of not being seen by others:


To dream that you are invisible, signifies feelings of not being noticed or recognized for what is important to you. Alternatively, you may be trying to withdraw from the realities of life. (from here: http://dreammoods.com/cgibin/searchcsv.pl?method=exact&header=dreamsymbol&search=invisible)

Hope this helps,

Jenn Lynn
22nd January 2008, 07:03 PM
Oliver, surely you cannot be so old ! :D

it does seem that the clothing represented some sort of protection... but the nature of it is what eludes me. over the past couple of years i havent had any situations in my waking life that i feel would correspond to the dreams, my waking life is quite comfortable and i have very little fear here... but my presence in the astral/spiritual realm has been growing, and my consciousness has become more substantial there, so the only thing i can conclude is that the nakedness somehow relates to this. it feels like something has happened in the astral that i dont understand, i guess ive lost some fear of exposure there, but to what i dont know. this is why im wondering if others may have experienced this same process, insight is always a plus. it clearly has been a gradual process, when the dreams first started 3 years ago, i would be aware that my shirt was unbuttoned too far, which eventually led to no shirt at all, to running around in my skivvies, and then eventually completely nude with no care. weird.

i guess more thinking on my part would help :)


22nd January 2008, 07:31 PM
Could it have anything to do with breaking rules? There are laws about going around naked in public, but that isn't really the kind of rule that keeps people from doing it. Even thinking about it is supposed to be shocking. In the book 1984 there was a scene in a dream where the main character dreamed of a woman who took her clothes off and he said it wasn't actually sexual, but it was shocking to even think of undressing that way. It was a kind of freedom he felt he didn't have for himself. I forgot their names.

Jenn Lynn
23rd January 2008, 05:11 AM
Could it have anything to do with breaking rules?

you know, maybe... i cant think of how it would tie into everything, but i did feel a bit rebellious, when i was standing at the counter naked, people hadnt noticed me yet but i knew they were going to, and i was almost challenging someone to notice and then say something to me. i dont know, it was such a odd combination of emotions all at once, pride, rebellion, liberty, amusement... but you make a good point, i should consider this :)

23rd January 2008, 12:00 PM
Do you consider being present in the astral, projecting, stuff like that to be counter either to public opinion or counter to beliefs of other people you know? Would you have admitted it openly years ago to anyone or everyone and how about now?


Jenn Lynn
24th January 2008, 03:06 AM
Do you consider being present in the astral, projecting, stuff like that to be counter either to public opinion or counter to beliefs of other people you know?

not to be crass, but honestly i could give a flying @$%# what people's opinions or beliefs are :P
people make me tired, they are way too caught up in drama and each other, and im way too concerned with trying to maintain my own sanity at this point.

i do see what youre getting at though, and you know, its funny, i was actually more open to telling people about all of this stuff years ago than i am now, but unfortunately i have become a bit jaded. most people cant see past the end of their nose, and i prefer to conserve my energy for my own endeavors rather than waste it on trying to show them some light. and besides, even with everything ive seen so far, all i have are more questions and less answers. the best i could do at this point is walk up to someone and say, "the only thing i know for sure is that i exist. remember this." :?

man i AM feeling ornery this evening, youll have to excuse me. i woke up about 20 minutes ago from a really odd projection where i received some sort of shock therapy and then after a while lapsed into a dream where i was eating german fudge with my brother. i woke up and went to my kitchen and started shoveling chocolate down my throat. not normal behavior for me ...

does germany produce fudge? im a huge fan of the cookies (yay bahlsen!) but i dont remember any fudge there.



:mrgreen: <------- what the hell is this. does this mean i recycle?


24th January 2008, 11:45 AM
does germany produce fudge? im a huge fan of the cookies (yay bahlsen!) but i dont remember any fudge there.

In a sense - here it is just called "frosting containing cocoa-fat" when I checked. ;)

And no messing with Mr Green, okay? ;) :mrgreen:


24th January 2008, 04:00 PM
Ha ha ha ha ha.. :mrgreen:

Jenn Lynn
24th January 2008, 04:06 PM
ok, ill just stick with the cookies then.

also, my higher self has informed me that since i have been told not to mess with mr green, i am in fact now obligated to mess with him... and i have learned now to not question higher self jen. :twisted:

24th January 2008, 04:12 PM
I have better Mr. Greens but then I'd have to ban myself.

10th February 2008, 04:50 AM
people make me tired, they are way too caught up in drama and each other, and im way too concerned with trying to maintain my own sanity at this point.
most people cant see past the end of their nose, and i prefer to conserve my energy for my own endeavors rather than waste it on trying to show them some light. and besides, even with everything ive seen so far, all i have are more questions and less answers. the best i could do at this point is walk up to someone and say, "the only thing i know for sure is that i exist. remember this." :?

LOL I love how you put that, most often I feel the same way.. I love it


Jenn Lynn
10th February 2008, 05:15 AM

thanks! your comment is encouraging... i swear half the time that im posting im just pissing people off. my mouth has a tendency to precede me...

with any luck, in the next few hundred years i'll be able to say that i exist AND i think. :)