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18th January 2008, 08:08 AM
Are concentration and meditation enough to open a chakra?

Somebody told me that a incense can help to open and develop a chakra

Can somebody help me?

18th January 2008, 01:41 PM
Concentration and meditation are enough to open chakra. You mustn´t concentrate intensively. You must use your imagination in the place, where chakra is. For example I can open chakra with imagination my body is halving in this place and similar imaginations. You can imagine only a flow of energy or vibrate-oscilate in some frequency. If you can arouse buzzing in your head on some frekvency(very easy), you can imagine this frequency in some part of body and it induce opening chakra in this place.

19th January 2008, 03:36 AM
Thanks a lot.

And how many time it does take open a chakra?

Someone who practice kundalini told me that yo can open and develop a chakra in a couple of weeks ¿is that true?

19th January 2008, 06:53 AM
If there are things you need to do that you are reluctant to do, do them. If you have phobias, conquer them. Whatever is in your "shadow" - the things about yourself you find hard to look at - go out of your way to examine them. It isn't that you should do anything crazy or irresponsible. Opening your chakras is also about expanding your comfort zones. Learn to do new things. Live your life more fully.

19th January 2008, 10:12 AM
It is good viewpoint, chakras aren´t something abnormal. We are unconsciously working with them and now on our spiritual way we want to improve this work consciously. Chakras are natural system in your body and out of your body too.

If you want to open and develop chakras and you are enough creative, you can do it in some hours, not weeks. :) But developing is relative.

19th January 2008, 10:36 PM
If you want to change your chakras and you keep your life the same, there will be far more resistance than necessary and it will take longer than it has to. You will have to be ready to be in unfamiliar and uncomfortable circumstances if you want to make the most rapid progress possible. You will feel out of control.

24th January 2008, 07:49 AM

But how can I stimulate a chakra?. With meditation?

24th January 2008, 04:20 PM
Even thinking about a chakra has an effect on it. NEW has several suggestions for stimulating chakras with tactile imagery.

24th January 2008, 04:21 PM
http://www.astraldynamics.com/tutorials ... etinID=237 (http://www.astraldynamics.com/tutorials/?BoardID=6&BulletinID=237)

Hey Tom- we cross-posted!
What Tom posted using the above link.

1st February 2008, 09:37 PM
take a deep breath, hold

focus your awareness in the area of the chakra you want to open

exhale slowly, keeping the awareness locked, you can feel the breath in the chakra. the chakra breathes.

if you dont feel anything, take another deep breath, try again, reach harder, with focus.

once you feel it activated, move on to the next one.

if you feel pain or what feels like a muscular knot in the area you are working on it is probably a blockage of sorts.

use NEW (link above), and drink copious amounts of water.

1st February 2008, 10:06 PM
And wake the kundalini? how many time it takes?

I heard that once you wake kundalini higher bodys wake up (etheric body, mental body, soul) ¿is that true as well? :oops:

1st February 2008, 10:24 PM
And wake the kundalini? how many time it takes?
Everyone being different, there is no real answer to this question. As long as it takes.

I heard that once you wake kundalini higher bodys wake up (etheric body, mental body, soul) ¿is that true as well? :oops: The answer to this is probably in the Kundalini forum, but all your bodies are already awake, you just need to be able to access them consciously.

2nd February 2008, 06:18 AM
Thanks dude

It is good viewpoint, chakras aren´t something abnormal. We are unconsciously working with them and now on our spiritual way we want to improve this work consciously. Chakras are natural system in your body and out of your body too.

If you want to open and develop chakras and you are enough creative, you can do it in some hours, not weeks. :) But developing is relative.

But what you mean with creative?

2nd February 2008, 10:55 AM
By the word "creative" I mean the ability to use your own methods. You can feel, what method is useful for you and you can make new methods spontaneously immediately. You can do that, if you have an opened mind to all possibilities - connection to creative potential of your mind. Your mind is the only guide for your whole spiritual work. It is possible to open this potential, for example if you believe in yourself very intensively. It isn´t concrete method, it is your natural potential, your beautiful abilities. I only wanted to say, that some more natural and easier methods are possible. We can discuss, if concrete methods aren´t only an impulse to unconscious opening mind potential. But creativity is the first thing in all cases.

2nd February 2008, 11:23 AM
And wake the kundalini? how many time it takes?

It varies.

But be careful with that. You should have a look in the Kundalini forum. Awakening Kundalini is not always a happy or pleasant experience.

3rd February 2008, 07:31 AM
Thanks a lot.

And yes, I head some experiences about premature wake of kundalini.

Padmasana or Siddhasana could help to open chakras a little faster?

And what about karma? it affect to the kundalini develop?

4th February 2008, 10:58 PM

5th February 2008, 12:04 AM
I suggest you pm Tom about this- I believe he has explored many of these disciplines- I think.

5th February 2008, 12:32 AM
Padmasana and Siddhasana are ways of sitting with your legs crossed. Both are helpful in combination with techniques for raising energy or meditating because they keep your back straight without making it rigid. By themselves, though, they are going to take a very long time to make the kind of difference you are looking for.

One way to look at karma is that you are an expression of your karma from the past and that your actions now determine who and what you will be in the future. So yes, naturally karma affects the way your Kundalini develops. Anything you do to improve yourself and your situation improves your karma. It just seems a bit strange to be talking about it that way.

5th February 2008, 02:18 AM
Thanks a lot

What kind of exercises would help to padma and siddhasana? ¿Pranayama? ¿mudras? ¿Visualization? ¿Concentration?

And how karma it affects to kundalini?

5th February 2008, 03:31 AM

You are asking about different yoga positions (or asanas) and which ones will help you with your chakras. The truth is, they all do. It is important though that you do not focus on one or two which you feel will "help you the most" with one chakra or the other.

The thing to note about asanas is that while you can research them and find that "siddhasana will do this", or "naga-asana will do that" in respect to which chakra they focus on, each asana has one or more counter-poses that work to keep balance in the physical, as well as spiritual (chakra) development. So, they tend to go together in a form of postures, or routine. Do an internet search on "sun salutation". This is what you need to help at this stage. I highly, highly, highly recommend taking at least one yoga class with a certified instructor, at least to guide you through the asanas, so that you will know the correct posture (there are breathing techniques and other things which you will not learn from reading alone).

Ultimately it won't do you any good to perform the asanas incorrectly, and be very cautious because you can really hurt yourself if you rush into it and don't know what you are doing. But if you take the time to do it correctly, it will open up a new communication pathway into yourself and you will gain many benefits.

I am saying this because you can simply lay/sit/stand and imagine your chakras and begin to develop an understanding about them without the risk of physical harm that can occur from unguided attempts at advanced yoga techniques. Padmasana is advanced, and although it looks like you are just sitting there, there is so much more to it than that.

Embark on your journey, look around, breathe in the air. By the time you get to your destination, it will be the events that you have gone through which will have given you the wisdom to understand where you are... otherwise you will just be sitting there with your legs crossed and a pain in your knees.


5th February 2008, 03:35 AM
If you want to work with Kundalini, the yogic exercise alternate nostril breathing would be best. You breathe out one nostril, inhale through the other, breathe out, and the breathe in through the first nostril ... then you breathe out, breathe in through the second nostril, breathe out through the second nostril, and breathe in through the first nostril. Yogic breathing exercises often start the breath as beginning with the exhalation because the clearing out of stale air and prana (energy) is what makes room to take in fresh air and prana. Start by allowing your exhalations to lengthen. Breathe only as long as it is comfortable. Breathe quickly if that is comfortable. The exhalation, if possible, should be equal in duration or longer than the inhalation if you want a target. Some breaths will be longer than others and some might be really fast. Just watch and allow the exhalations to grow longer as you sit quietly and breathe. You use the thumb and ring finger of the same hand to close the nostrils you are not using at the time. This is supposed to be really easy. Fifteen minutes once daily is more than enough. You seriously do not want to rush this. This simple exercise lowers your blood pressure and pulse. It balances the hemispheres of the brain. More advanced variations have this at their core; it is not something to rush through and forget about. This exercise can help you later on if you find you need to calm and balance your energies.

When you think about karma, try looking at the kinds of situations that keep happening to you. Look at the kinds of people who consistently come into your life. The things that keep happening over and over and over that you don't seem to be in control of. These patterns are showing you your karma. The point of looking at them is so that you can examine the pattern and think of ways to react differently when they happen again. It is like with lucid dreaming, when you examine your dream records for things that might be a good signal to do a reality test. The ways you find yourself going around in circles in your life are also perfect for triggers to remind yourself to be more lucid and present in the moment. If you find that once again you reacted the usual way, without catching the moment, just notice that it happened and move on. The fact that you noticed afterward is an improvement, right? You may also find yourself really sensitive at times of fast progress. Things may irritate you that you wouldn't have even noticed another time. This is okay, too. The point of doing this work is not to feel trapped by the way things are. You look at them and to the extent that you like what you are getting you encourage more of the same. To the extent that you don't like it, just choose something else and trust that in time the old thing will drop away on its own. The point of working with karma is to change it. It always takes a long time, because it has been a long time in the making. It does not have to take as long to tear down as it did to put together.

5th February 2008, 11:50 PM
Thanks for your answers,

Well, I would like to take some yoga class, but here where I live there's no yoga class.

This is why Im asking help here, because I dont know how to begin or how can I open and develop my chakras :oops:

5th February 2008, 11:59 PM
You might want to try this guided meditation:


It suggests waiting until you can spend 20 minutes on the meditation, reading it on-screen, because it is meant to have the biggest impact the first time you go through it. (I sort of ruined that for myself, skimming through it and printing it out and then noticing the instructions after having skimmed over it one more time.)

6th February 2008, 02:52 AM
Tom ¿Do you have open chakras?

6th February 2008, 05:05 AM
Yes, I do. My favorite exercises for opening the chakras and balancing them is the 5 Rites, also known as the 5 Tibetans. I bought a pdf with the exercises. There are threads about them around here somewhere on Astral Dynamics including links to sites with details on how to do them. When you build up to 21 of each of the 5 exercises, you can do them in 10 to 15 minutes. Balancing your chakras is more important than getting them open because they all have to be open to an extent or you would not be alive.

7th February 2008, 02:15 AM
I never heard about that exercise of 5 rites.

How much you delayed in opening them?


7th February 2008, 04:18 PM

The exercises don't seem to really be Tibetan, in that I have had several opportunities to speak with Lamas from Tibet and they don't recognize the exercises. Still, they do clearly resemble Hatha Yoga exercises except for the first one, which is to spin in clockwise circles as fast as you can without getting dizzy. The important thing is that the exercises do seem to work. They have the effect of drawing energy into you. Even doing the exercises only once at 3x each has an immediate effect that I have had verified clairvoyantly by two people who don't know each other. The exercises open your chakras more fully and they balance your chakras. At one time my third chakra was open far wider than the others and as a side effect of this it was very difficult to keep food down. I was planning my meals based on how they would taste coming back up. The 5 Tibetans or 5 Rites don't cause problems that way because they cause a balanced development. Also, high blood pressure tends to run in my family and at one point I had to be on medication to lower mine. It isn't a good idea to stop taking medication without your doctor's approval, of course, but that's what I ended up doing. It wasn't as completely irresponsible as it sounds. I have my blood pressure checked regularly by nurses at work. That's one of the nice things about working for a lab at a hospital. The employee clinic checks my blood pressure for free. If I need to go back on the medication they will refer me back to my regular doctor.

8th February 2008, 03:04 AM
Thanks, you're helping me a lot..

By the way ¿do exist a energy tan-tien?..somebody told me that is an energy that can facilitating the opening of chakras

8th February 2008, 03:09 AM
Thanks, you're helping me a lot..

By the way ¿do exist a energy tan-tien?..somebody told me that is an energy that can facilitating the opening of chakras

Robert Bruce calls this the sub-navel storage center (it is the same as the main tan tien). It distibutes energy where it is needed most. There was a recent thread started by someone who was surprised to feel energy moving from the sub-navel storage center to some of the primary chakras. I have also had this experience. It was weird to feel threads of energy moving through one chakra to another.

8th February 2008, 05:24 AM
Oh.. that mean than that energy (tan-tien) move trhough 7 chakras and open them? or am I wrong?

8th February 2008, 05:48 AM
Yes, you could work with just the tan tien and wait for it to open all seven primary chakras. For a while I did that and it worked. The energy went all the way up to my crown chakra and all the way down to my base chakra.

8th February 2008, 06:22 AM
How it feels that energy and how it feels to have an open chakra?

concentration and visualization are enough to active that energy? (sorry for that old question) :oops:

8th February 2008, 06:59 AM
The energy isn't as clear and distinct as I would like it most of the time, but sometimes it feels like a current of running water flowing through my body. It is about as thick as my thumb. It continues to surprise me even now. It never happens when I actually expect it.

Yes, concentration and visualization are enough. I learned reiki, though, so I prefer to guide energy through my hands. That's another reason why working exclusively with the tan tien is so convenient. I can put my hands on my stomach, start the reiki flowing, and just focus on the flow of energy until I fall asleep at night. It is very relaxing and I can be sure to get some energy work in every day no matter how busy I get. It makes my dreams more vivid, too.

Neil Templar
8th February 2008, 06:21 PM
hey check this out-it's from astralpulse.i've used it a few times.. it seems to be very effective.look towards the end of the thread for the download link,as it's been changed a few times over the duration of the thread..
http://www.astralpulse.com/forums/welco ... 409.0.html (http://www.astralpulse.com/forums/welcome_to_energy_body_development/download_a_free_chakra_stimulation_amp_obe_mp3_fil e-t14409.0.html)

8th February 2008, 11:17 PM
hey check this out-it's from astralpulse.i've used it a few times.. it seems to be very effective.look towards the end of the thread for the download link,as it's been changed a few times over the duration of the thread..
http://www.astralpulse.com/forums/welco ... 409.0.html (http://www.astralpulse.com/forums/welcome_to_energy_body_development/download_a_free_chakra_stimulation_amp_obe_mp3_fil e-t14409.0.html)
I'm confused. Is it the Boxed Nirvana, Abyss, or something else?

Neil Templar
9th February 2008, 12:26 AM
hey check this out-it's from astralpulse.i've used it a few times.. it seems to be very effective.look towards the end of the thread for the download link,as it's been changed a few times over the duration of the thread..
http://www.astralpulse.com/forums/welco ... 409.0.html (http://www.astralpulse.com/forums/welcome_to_energy_body_development/download_a_free_chakra_stimulation_amp_obe_mp3_fil e-t14409.0.html)
I'm confused. Is it the Boxed Nirvana, Abyss, or something else?
yeah-boxed nirvana 2.
it's been VERY effective... :)

after using it a few times i can now activate most of my major chakras with a thought..it used to take alot more than that. :D

9th February 2008, 07:01 AM
Thanks a lot for everything, you guys..

For what I see, there are a lot of ways to open chakras and kundalini.

I would like to taste exercises with the tan-tien.

But I want to know if persolnality have influence in chakras develop and kundalini raise.

This is the deal: In some books I read that personality have influence, 'bad people' cant wake kundalini and chakras.. however some guys that i know told me than that is not true, that it doesn't matter you personality and chakras, that the only thiing it matters its the wish of wake kundalini and chakras

Im confuse and i dont know what to believe :roll:

9th February 2008, 07:13 AM
Being evil is not a block toward meditation and even spiritual development. The question is if you want to go up or down, and how quickly? Depending on your personality and your goals, some techniques will be faster than others. Your intuition will guide you. You only have to listen to it.

9th February 2008, 07:53 AM
Yes. I think in meditation you got some important thoughts about chakras (how to open them) and other spiritual thougths

But for example, I read an experience (in a forum) of a guy who opened a couple of chakras just to gain some siddhis, and he said that he made it in just 3 months. He got it with meditation as well. ¿Is that possible?. I write this because sivananda and other kundalini yoga books says that is impossible open chakras if you want only siddhis and you're evil

I want to wake kundalini for spiritual evolution and samadhi. But I dont know if i will make it, i feel insecure about all this

9th February 2008, 08:23 AM
Hello Diego. It is possible to quickly gain siddhis. It's a waste of time unless you've developed enough, however.

If you are a sex starved man and you develop instantaneous manifestation techniques without any knowledge or wisdom, you'd make a sexual paradise. Lots of beautfiul women, that's all you need, you'd be fine. But....after that desire had run it's course, you'd need something else. So you'd make a bunch of food....and then need something else. And then try having lots of money until that got boring....and then.....you get the point. Siddhis are useless for 99% of the population, *especially* if they are active 24-7. True mastery is probably not related to siddhis at all. They seem rather childish, and only in the hands of a really wise, smart person would they cease to be. I have the occasional psychic exprience. I don't want any more than I can handle. Rushing for power is silly. If you give a spoiled 8 year old millions of dollars, it does nothing for anyone. It won't even make the child happy....

Activate your chakras and kundalini for the feelings that you *think* the siddhis will give you. I shouldn't get all biblical but...it applies. "Seek first the Kingdom of God, and all other things will be added to you." I like easy stuff like this, siddhis make my head hurt. Have fun :)

9th February 2008, 07:40 PM
I want to wake kundalini for spiritual evolution and samadhi. But I dont know if i will make it, i feel insecure about all this

Hello Diego,

You won't wake kundalini if you feel insecure (she might awaken, but that is another story).

Also, you seem to want these things to happen really fast... as fast as possible.

There are no shortcuts, only truths. You might become enlightened tomorrow, then again you might not. Nevertheless, you will still be Diego.

Just take it one step at a time... forget about siddhis, samadhi, and all that jazz. If you start to think about this stuff, then you will expect this. That can create an illusion of what might happen, or what you think is supposed to happen. This can throw you off-course, and it might end up taking you longer to get to wherever you are going.

Focus on your energies (chakras and stuff like that). That should build up you security level :wink:

10th February 2008, 09:38 PM
And how to develop and to wake the kundalini of the mental, etheric body and of soul?

Is the same way?

10th February 2008, 10:14 PM
Most of your development will happen without your conscious participation. Kundalini will develop all of your bodies for you, including your physical, etheric, astral, mental, and the higher spiritual bodies. The most important thing is being willing to have this work done for you.

There is a Christian technique called "Practicing the Presence of God". It is that simple. No matter what you are doing and no matter where you are, realize that God is with you. It is not easy to knowingly do things you shouldn't do with God watching so closely. It seemed a bit creepy to me when I first heard about it.

10th February 2008, 11:04 PM
Most of your development will happen without your conscious participation. Kundalini will develop all of your bodies for you, including your physical, etheric, astral, mental, and the higher spiritual bodies. The most important thing is being willing to have this work done for you.

That incluides soul chakras as well? :oops:

Christian method? ¿What is it this technique for?..

And to be honest, I have another religious beliefs :?

10th February 2008, 11:31 PM
I'm not Christian either. :)

Yes, chakra work as well.

The fastest tool for developing your chakras and working with Kundalini is to focus on service to others, with no expectation of any kind of reward. That includes spiritual development. It is included in both Karma Yoga and Bhakti Yoga. The important thing isn't whether your efforts are successful, even, because the point is to put the focus of your efforts outside of yourself somehow.

10th February 2008, 11:38 PM
Service to others is a fast way?

Meditation, concentration and visualization are not fast?. I write this because some people told me that meditation, concentration and visualization are fast. Even tha guy who develop his chakras and got his siddhis developed in a few months.

Even you told me than that exercises and techniques develop chakras quick0ly

10th February 2008, 11:58 PM
If you want to develop your intuition and gain some psychic ability, that doesn't take much. If you want to improve your health and feel better and have more energy, that doesn't take much. If your goal is spiritual development to the extent of fully developing Kundalini and attaining enlightenment you are going to have to work a lot harder at it and you will have to spend most of your life focussing on this.

11th February 2008, 12:13 AM
Psyquic Powers or siddhis are not in my plains.

What i really want is wake kundalini and develop my chakras 100% and get the enlightenment.

But to be honest I would like to improve my health and still be young for a long time to can get what i really want (spiritual evolution and enlightenment). I heard you can keep young devolping 5th chakra. But im not sure to make it because its a siddhi and sivananda says that if you use a siddhi you never will get the enlightenment.

11th February 2008, 01:09 AM
I agree with Tom. If you want enlightenment service without expectation is the way. When you get that, you'll get "that".

11th February 2008, 01:13 AM
Im not that kind of person. This is why I ask about evil person or not

11th February 2008, 03:41 AM

If you have time and energy and opportunity for an extremely intense practice, there are 112 to choose from. Some are based on devotion, but most aren't. Most of these are intended to be practiced as close to 24 hours per day, 7 days per week as you can.

11th February 2008, 04:13 AM
Well.. I dont have that time to practice.

Open chakras not take a long time, all chakras can be developed quickly (6 months in some ocassions), so why kundalini raising takes more time?

11th February 2008, 04:32 AM
There will be more things to do no matter how advanced you become. I started sometime between 1985 and 1988 with self-hypnosis, basic meditation, astral projection, and runes. By the end of the year I will be able to claim a solid 20 years. I wouldn't say I have any siddhis at this point. What I do have is the ability to meditate half-way well and I can send energy fairly easily. At this point I think maybe I will focus a bit more on making some money so my life will be a bit more comfortable. It might also be nice to make an effort to spend a bit more time with my wife as I work too many hours. In other words, some time this year I plan to start to get a life because that is the best way I can improve my spiritual practices. It is vital to live a balanced life and I have let a lot of things slide.

11th February 2008, 04:56 AM
Well.. talking about siddhis just for a moment. Can anybody explain me this just a bit?

We have higher bodies ¿right? (astral, mental, etheric and soul), and a person told me that each body have different powers.

For example astral body is the body of psionic powers like telekinesis, pyrokinesis and ESP.

Mental Body powers are more impresive because dont change reality only since his effects, but his cause as well, inside this body are incluides powers like materialization, time and space control, telepathy. Reality is a dream and mental body allows to conceive internal dreams that can change our entornos and environment. (Sorry for my english one more time)

Etheric Body are much more impresive because with theme you can change the environment, objects and even fisic look. You can materialize in other place (no matter how far is). Allows materializa psiquic objects suddenly.

Now soul powers.. are the powers that mythology gods had. world creations and those kind of powers.

You can develop those powers in proportion to kundalini snake advance for the chakras.

I dont know how true is that.

11th February 2008, 02:04 PM
I don't know how true that is either. The people I know that have raised Kundalini are as human as you and I. They get sick, and have 'regular world problems' as you and I. However, their attitude and perspective is different- more "at peace ".

11th February 2008, 04:27 PM
I don't know how true that is either. The people I know that have raised Kundalini are as human as you and I. They get sick, and have 'regular world problems' as you and I. However, their attitude and perspective is different- more "at peace ".

The trouble with having really spectacular psychic abilities is that usually the people who have them are not living in the same world that the rest of us are living in. They are the only ones who can appreciate what talented individuals they are. It is a lot easier to shape your own reality if you are not sharing it with anyone else. Every person acts as an anchor for the way things are. I have met people like this. They really aren't any fun to be around.

11th February 2008, 06:55 PM
In other words, some time this year I plan to start to get a life because that is the best way I can improve my spiritual practices. It is vital to live a balanced life and I have let a lot of things slide.

Isn't that the truth.

Here is a story for Diego:

There was a young monk who heard that it is possible to levitate, if one can reach the right mindstate. He sat down next to the bank of a river, determined that he would not rise until he could learn the secret of levitation, and float across the river. He began meditate with this purpose.

Each day a poor ferryman who lived on the other side of the river would see the young monk, and wonder what he was doing. He would watch the monk meditating as he brought travellers across the river on his raft. Weeks, months, and years passed. Soon twenty years had passed, and the once-young monk slowly began to rise off of the ground. He had learned the secret to levitation! After he floated across the river, he went to the ferryman and proclaimed his achievement with joy. The ferryman looked down, reached into his pocket and drew out a small coin. He gave it to the monk and said, I don't know how to levitate, but this coin would have saved you twenty years.

11th February 2008, 10:05 PM
For what I know, you can learn to levitat just in a couple of months

11th February 2008, 10:24 PM
For what I know, you can learn to levitat just in a couple of months

Have you seen it done?

11th February 2008, 10:39 PM

I asked to a person who practice kundalini yoga and he told me that with a lot of concentration you can fly in just a few months, may be less depending of the person

11th February 2008, 10:44 PM

I asked to a person who practice kundalini yoga and he told me that with a lot of concentration you can fly in just a few months, may be less depending of the person

Clearly I am doing something wrong. :shock:

11th February 2008, 11:01 PM
May be.. because you said that siddhis can be developed quicly (a few of people told me that as well) and fly or levitate is a siddhi too.

11th February 2008, 11:10 PM
The word siddhi means "accomplishment". It is usually used to refer to psychic abilities. The more you have to bend or break physical laws to accomplish a task, the more difficult it is and the more training it usually requires. Enlightenment is the ultimate siddhi. The best approach is to work toward enlightenment and to trust that if and when you accomplish that the lesser siddhis will be included. Telepathy is a natural extension of being aware of the little things people do without knowing it that give away what they are thinking and feeling. It is one of the first things most people start to notice, and even then it isn't under control. It just happens from time to time. This is the sort of thing you can expect after only a few months.

11th February 2008, 11:25 PM
In a few months you can develop chakras and aftert of that you can get some siddhis like levitation, psycokinesis and another psyquic habilites. For what I know each chakra has siddhis ¿or am I wrhong?

11th February 2008, 11:48 PM
In a few months you can develop chakras and aftert of that you can get some siddhis like levitation, psycokinesis and another psyquic habilites. For what I know each chakra has siddhis ¿or am I wrhong?
Diego, you don't seem to be understanding (or want to accept) that you cannot and will not develop any special powers in just a few months no matter what you try to do. If by some miracle you do it's because you have been practicing for years or in a previous life and were born 'almost ready'. You can ask the same question another fifteen different ways and the answer will always be the same.
Please reread Tom's previous response- it's as accurate as accurate gets, when it comes to this sort of thing.

11th February 2008, 11:52 PM

I asked to a person who practice kundalini yoga and he told me that with a lot of concentration you can fly in just a few months, may be less depending of the person I know a lot of people (myself included) that practice Kundalini Yoga and I can tell you that THIS IS NOT TRUE.

12th February 2008, 12:02 AM
I asked to people that really know about energy.

Clean nadis and practice pranayama give you the power of levitation in 2 months.. Develop chakras with meditation (2 hours by day) give the siddhi of that chakra. That of years of practices is not true.

I reapeat, I asked this to a lot of people and that people told me the same (you can develop some habilities in a few months if you practice every day)

12th February 2008, 12:12 AM
I asked to people that really know about energy.

We aren't trying to sell anything to you. Someone else is.

12th February 2008, 12:16 AM
I asked to people that really know about energy.
If you have resources like that, why are you fooling around online? I'd be very happy to be able to discuss matters like this face-to-face with people who know. Much more effective than online discussion, I should think.

Have you actually seen the levitation or flying? I've read about it, and read the testimony of some eyewitnesses of Indian yogis who apparently could do such a thing, but certainly I've never seen it for myself. I'd love to see such a thing.

What i really want is wake kundalini and develop my chakras 100% and get the enlightenment.
Ah, enlightenment. First thing is to learn how to repress the ego. Not an easy task. And raising Kundalini may well destroy your ego, but it's not instantaneous, and it can be extremely painful for a variety of reasons. Be careful with deliberately raising Kundalini. Ultimately, whatever happens will be for your highest good, but it may be incredibly unbalanacing and painful while you're undergoing the process of change.

Although, if you have people in your life who can help you with these things, you're probably better off going to them. Hands-on guidance beats internet forums any day, in my opinion (which is not to say I don't enjoy forums; it's just that "face time" with a truly accomplished master is worth an infinite number of text-based messages in a semi-anonymous environment).

12th February 2008, 02:01 AM
For what I know, you can learn to levitat just in a couple of months


You missed the whole point of the story!

The point is


12th February 2008, 02:37 AM
Guys and gals- it is obvious, after many pages of asking the same thing, that Diego is not looking for a way to develop himself, he is looking for a shortcut into gaining some type of power. He hasn't figured out that the desire to 'be more' than others or 'do more' than others is the reason we have bodies, it is the way that the universe has come up to experience separation and the ability to differentiate. He just wants superpowers and he wants them now.
It doesn't matter what anyone says, he will either continue to ask until he gets bored or someone tells him what he wants to hear, even if it's total bs.
So, have a good time- but please don't break any rules.

Donald McGlinn
12th February 2008, 02:42 AM

I asked to a person who practice kundalini yoga and he told me that with a lot of concentration you can fly in just a few months, may be less depending of the person

How do you *absolutely know* the person who told you this is telling you the truth? If what you say is correct, then adepts would be levitating all over the place, it would be a common thing to see it happen. I *have* been around people who know energy for many many years and I can honestly say I have never seen anyone levitate themselves. I know it can be done, but it would take many years of disciplined daily practice to be able to levitate.

Donald McGlinn
12th February 2008, 02:44 AM
To further add to my comments above, I just asked Robert Bruce about it and his reply was "Bull♥♥♥♥" and he said to quote him. He just then said a better reply would be "First learn to walk on water".

Back to you Diego.

12th February 2008, 03:20 AM
ok I will not ask anymore


Donald McGlinn
12th February 2008, 03:42 AM
Diego, any learning starts with questioning. The reason I posted my message to you is it was clear to me you were taking as gospel what you were being told without further investigation.

I would encourage you to seek several sources of learning so your knowledge becomes balanced. Be open to the idea you could be right, but also be open to the idea that you could be wrong. You are obviously an intelligent person. Focus your intellect on finding the truth for you. It's fun and daunting and challenging and very rewarding and I would highly recommend you consider my words and then go seek counsel with others on this matter.

Arhatic Yogi
5th May 2008, 07:43 AM
Your chakras are always open. To develop them the fastest and safest way, and the most permanent way- is typically through service. If you want to be more clairvoyant, do a lot of healing work and try and look at the body more.

It really depends on what you are trying to do and how you are trying to do it, and I guess WHY you want to is another question you might want to ask yourself. Your chakras hold ancient seeds, and the more activated they become, the more ancient stuff starts to leak out... just make sure you are truly ready for what you are asking for.

Imagining will only temporarily open them, just like 20 push ups will only temporarily harden your muscles. You need to work the energy over a long period of time before it is highly activated and energized. But you also want to open them all in proportion to one another... or you will become imbalanced, or your life will become imbalanced.