View Full Version : My dreams are boring!

15th January 2008, 04:26 PM
I'm training my recall, so I write down my dreams whenever I wake up, but they are always so boring!
Most of my dreams concern everyday things like school, work and hanging out a bit. I'm even dreaming that I'm playing games(But only when I just played them in real life, so I can explain that).

I dreamt about doing normal jobs twice in a row now! Before that I even dreamt that I was shopping in a supermarket, I mean, thats like so boring that it's almost weird. So yesterday, I dreamt that I was working in a supermarket. There were some strange things going on (customers returning one bean, packed in neatly)But I was just refilling the store, nothing to get excited about. This night I dreamt that I made a big food delivery to someone. I did work in a supermarket, and I'm a delivery guy now, but this is just strange. The weirdest thing of all is that the boring dreams seem the clearest, and the dreams in which I am fighting(which actually happen really often) or talking iwith people always fade more quickly.

Now for my question, what is the reason for this? Am I lacking energy, or is it just that my mind is preoccupied with these things?
Even though I write most of them down, even if it's just little notes, my recall is still lacking clarity. The images I can remember fade away very quickly.

15th January 2008, 04:47 PM
Do you have ideas about what you'd rather be dreaming? (This is the part which stops me ... my dreams are boring, too, and I don't know what I'd rather dream about.) Write about what you want to dream before you go to sleep. Make it vivid and include lots of details.

Jenn Lynn
15th January 2008, 06:36 PM
those dreams are likely giving you information that would be useful to you, regardless of how boring them seem...ive found that some of my least exciting unconscious dreams have contained the greatest amount of insight, especially when i start to see repetition and good clarity as it seems like you are now. i would recommend keeping careful track of these dreams and record all the details that you can remember, start making a conscious note of the repetitions, and start focusing on asking what you are being shown here.

its something thats worked for me :wink:


15th January 2008, 09:52 PM
I agree, I think you are going through the right steps to lead to more interesting dreams a little while from now. You've already gotten past the first, most difficult step ... training yourself to actually keep a dream journal! Don't worry, you WILL have more amazing dreams. I can just feel it, as I'm writing this post to you!

15th January 2008, 11:38 PM
Try different sleeping positions.

The left side works best for me.


16th January 2008, 12:31 AM
Jen and Al are totally right. Although I would add not all dreams have meaning.
I've had spells of booring dreams myself, I am now actually. I think you have to go through them to 'get them out of your system'. When I went camping out in the desert, for the first week all my dreams seemed superficial. It felt like I was getting all the mental junk out of my system. Maybe you should think about the amount of time you spend for entertainment?

I have a theory that if someone has no interference from waking life, all his dreams will be guidance, astral, or prophetic.

16th January 2008, 12:33 AM
Good theory.


Jenn Lynn
16th January 2008, 02:20 AM
I have a theory that if someone has no interference from waking life, all his dreams will be guidance, astral, or prophetic.

if by "no interference" you mean "mostly capable of preventing your mind from getting bogged down by the needless cares and worries presented by the waking life," then i am finding this theory to be true :D


16th January 2008, 02:57 AM
Ya i think he means that.

Most dreams are a reflection of the subcoucious mind, which picks up all those little things in everyday life.


16th January 2008, 08:16 PM
Ok thanks for the replies. I do miss a lot of details in my recall though. I wish I could train it better. Sometimes I'm too lazy to record them, and I think i'll remember them, but after a while I still forget them!~ :lol: I'm trying my best but I usually get 7 hours of sleep every night (or less), So doing wake ups in the middle of the night always really tire me out.

I'll definetly keep recording them.
