View Full Version : For mother Earth, a technique to help her :)
14th January 2008, 08:57 PM
Well Hi its me again, well last night I had some difficulty to sleep, and so after some minutes I discovered a technique to give energy to mother Earth (or Gaia, or whatever you call it)
Is like this, is VERY simple,
Just lay with down in a bed or whatever you have, (I did not try the earth itself, probably is even better, ok, angels are telling me in earth is even better) you have to be watching the sailing or sky and your hand must be with your palm up, after that, start imagining that a white energy starts to get out of your physical body, I did this in my mind, I imagined my physical body and then the light coming out of it and going directly to mother Earth, after some litlle time I started to feel my hand and feet with lots of energy getting out of them, it was very good and felt really great.
I hope you can understand me, if not I will explain it again, I suppose maybe someone alse knows this technnique but just in case I put it here.
I must say also that it was very strange, I never thought that truly you can give energy to the planet, I knew it was alive but never thought it like that :)
Hope you understood ok :)
14th January 2008, 09:19 PM
Well Hi its me again, well last night I had some difficulty to sleep, and so after some minutes I discovered a technique to give energy to mother Earth (or Gaia, or whatever you call it)
Is like this, is VERY simple,
Just lay with down in a bed or whatever you have, (I did not try the earth itself, probably is even better, ok, angels are telling me in earth is even better) you have to be watching the sailing (ceiling?)
or sky and your hand must be with your palm up, after that, start imagining that a white energy starts to get out of your physical body, I did this in my mind, I imagined my physical body and then the light coming out of it and going directly to mother Earth, after some litlle time I started to feel my hand and feet with lots of energy getting out of them, it was very good and felt really great. Does it go up and then down into the earth, or does it go out into the atmosphere? I'm trying to visualize this in my head.
I hope you can understand me, if not I will explain it again, I suppose maybe someone alse knows this technnique but just in case I put it here.
I must say also that it was very strange, I never thought that truly you can give energy to the planet, I knew it was alive but never thought it like that :)
Hope you understood ok :) Only those questions.
14th January 2008, 10:21 PM
Sorry about that error, is "ceiling", sometimes I am horrible writing that was why I warn you :)
And about the energy, what I saw in my mind while doing this technique is that the energy was like getting out of the body and going directly to the earth itself, That what I saw, you know, I hope this help, I am new trying to describe the new teachniques I learn so please help me with this by telling what you dont understand ok?
Maybe be I can describe it in spanish and then you translate it, its quite difficult for me to do it in english, I dont know the words :(
"Era asi, mi cuerpo yacia boca arriba y de el salia energia blanca, muy blanca y brillante, quedaba flotando un momento y luego vi que hiba hacia el suelo en una especie de "hilachas" de energia, como si se desilvanara como la tela vieja que se gasta :)"
Hope this clarify something :) The spanish thing I think is really clear, so
14th January 2008, 11:31 PM
La energia salia de tu cuerpo, del abdomen, y no de tus manos? Quiero aclararlo antes de traducir.
Tu forma de escribir es muy bonita- casi como un poema. :lol:
Loosely translated: "My body was lying supine and from it white energy emanated, very brilliantly white, floated for a moment and then floated downwards to the ground in wisps, falling apart and being absorbed by the ground"
Her version in spanish is prettier.
15th January 2008, 12:48 AM
La energia salia de tu cuerpo, del abdomen, y no de tus manos? Quiero aclararlo antes de traducir.
Tu forma de escribir es muy bonita- casi como un poema. :lol:
Loosely translated: "My body was lying supine and from it white energy emanated, very brilliantly white, floated for a moment and then floated downwards to the ground in wisps, falling apart and being absorbed by the ground"
Her version in spanish is prettier.
Bien ya que entendes mi español aclaro en español, vi que la energia salia de todo el cuerpo en esa especie de visualizacion que hize pero en mi cuerpo fisico mismo solo pude sentir gran movimiento energetico en mis manos y pies, aunque por supuesto no descarto todo lo demas ya que sentia mucho movimiento en todas partes :)
Si me entendes bien en español CFTraveler (y te agradezco que contestes) me gustaria saber si has oido algo sobre lo que sigue, me impresiono mucho lo de la tecnica esta y estube charlando un poco con los angeles y et y con un nuevo et que me aparecio hoy mismo y que va a ayudarme a evolucionar mas energeticamente. Ellos me contaron que lo que experimente ayer fue una nueva habilidad que desperto sola ayer. Me dicen que soy capaz de "ver" mi cuerpo fisico en mi mente de tal forma de ver como expulsa energia y que me va a servir para otras oportunidades, tengo la nocion de haber experiemntado esto antes pero ayer fue muy muy claro para mi.
Debo decir que me esta resultando muy impresionante lo que he aprendido casi sin hacer nada, solo siguiendo mi intuicion, ellos me dicen que mi intuicion esta siendo guiada por ellos y Dios en muchas ocasiones lo cual explicaria porque ultimaente hago cosas bastante fuertes sin pensar mucho (por ejemplo, hace unos meses se nos callo el servidor de la pagina web de la biblioteca y me dijeron si queria hacer la pagina yo, yo no sabia ni medio de paginas web pero sin titubear dije que si, que la hacia con mucho gusto, despues de estudiar un poco fui capaz de dejar muy pero muy contenta al personal de mi biblioteca por la gran reconstruccion que hize de su antigua pagina, con un retoque moderno :) )
Tambien me llama la atencion tu comentario sobre la forma que escribi, debo decir que probablemente sea inspirada por ellos, ultimamente noto mucho que aunque siempre pienso antes lo que voy a escribir en mi cabeza al momento de escribir escribo cosas diferentes y me quedan muy bien :) Tal vez sea coincidencia pero si de algo estoy segura es que soy totalmente malisima escribiendo :) y lo digo sin sentirme mal ya que lo tengo muy asumido.
Muchas gracias por aceptar mi idioma CFTraveler, es que a veces me cuesta kilos poder expresarme en ingles, no se si me entendes
Muchas gracias nuevamente y disculpame que sea tan larga.
15th January 2008, 03:03 AM
Gracias a ti.
I just wanted to add that the ability to see energy coming from your body as a form of visualization is clairvoyance, but you knew that. Maybe they are helping you to realize what you are doing when you do it. Does this make sense to you?
15th January 2008, 11:53 PM
Gracias a ti.
I just wanted to add that the ability to see energy coming from your body as a form of visualization is clairvoyance, but you knew that. Maybe they are helping you to realize what you are doing when you do it. Does this make sense to you?
Yes they tell me is a kind of clairvoyance, and no, I did not knew that, for me clairvoyance was another thing (like when I see the future for just some sequonds, though now a days this hability is almost absence thanks God, I really hated that thing, it was creepy for me)
Well, I have to wait and see what is going to happen next :)
16th January 2008, 03:32 AM
I did not knew that, for me clairvoyance was another thing (like when I see the future for just some sequonds, though now a days this hability is almost absence thanks God, I really hated that thing, it was creepy for me)
Actually that's precognition. Clairvoyance it's the ability to see- see energy, see the departed, spirits, etc. "Ver claramente"- clari-videncia.
If you have precognition you can have precognitive clairvoyance, that is, the ability to see what's going to happen. But as you said, that's behind you. "Ya dejaste eso atras."
You may turn out to be a medical clairvoyant or something like that, with the ability to see energy and send it to heal. Very exciting and interesting.
16th January 2008, 03:17 PM
I did not knew that, for me clairvoyance was another thing (like when I see the future for just some sequonds, though now a days this hability is almost absence thanks God, I really hated that thing, it was creepy for me)
Actually that's precognition. Clairvoyance it's the ability to see- see energy, see the departed, spirits, etc. "Ver claramente"- clari-videncia.
If you have precognition you can have precognitive clairvoyance, that is, the ability to see what's going to happen. But as you said, that's behind you. "Ya dejaste eso atras."
You may turn out to be a medical clairvoyant or something like that, with the ability to see energy and send it to heal. Very exciting and interesting.
Well is interesting what you said about my new "profession" because my spirit guide (Martin) told me not long ago that he is going to assist me in this healing abbility to diagnostique sicnesses, but he says is not now, that I have to experimentate a lot of years before he helps me in that matter :) I love the idea to help people in that way you know :) (jeje, astral doctor, and the most funny thing is that I personally HATE medicine :) )
18th January 2008, 09:38 PM
Cftraveler, do you remember about my new hability? Well today chatting with two human friends and also chattin with my "other" friend I figure out what was that.
I have the hability not only to see energy of people in that dimension, but also to know the exact point of evolution of the person, for example, one of the friends was a master with tons of wisdom (golden color and yellow), she came to Earth probably millioms of times, my mom for example is green color and she is here for the first time in her life (dont know what she was before but this could explain why the kaballah tell me that I came here to listen to mom, and God knows I am doing it, shes almost my confident... except in some issues like paranormal, she believe in God but whth this topic she ?=)((////·!!!! :( )
Well I have to ask permission to do it except to relatives but well, I am still having some trouble, it cost me tons to have the vision of the people but is worth the trouble :)
18th January 2008, 10:33 PM
Cool. It helps when you deal with people.
11th May 2008, 02:23 AM
looks like u developed clairvoyance so can i ask how you developed clairvoyance
and how you talk to angels?
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