View Full Version : Reincarnation dream and obe maybe

13th January 2008, 02:42 PM
This morning I dream t (and I was abit lucid), that I was in a room and opened boxes that contained all the presents that I had received in past birthdays and even future ones. After that I thought that maybe I should experince my higher self, I shouted out "higher self now" but then as I started to move fast I got scared and changed my mind, and thought, - no, I´m not ready for this yet.

I went back into the room with boxes, I opened the door which I somehow knew lead to my past life,
I met a young girl who I somehow knew was my past life, she was going to take me on a tour of her life and what lead to her early death.

Don´t remember exactly what I saw but its was sometime in the 70´s so I concluded that she must have died shortly before my birth. ( in the late 70´s )
Don´t remember if she took her own life, but circumstances pushed her into some kind of tragedy.

Well, dont´know if this was a reincarnation or not but It was interesting.


13th January 2008, 03:14 PM
It can be your spiritual acolyte or his imagination in your mind. I met very strange people in my dreams. In all cases they brought me some knowledge or understanding to something. Maybe you knew only the thing, that door has some spiritual meaning, doors are a spiritual symbol too. There are always interesting things behind doors, if you are concentrating to what is behind them. All interesting people in a dreams are something like teachers for you, because they can improve your psychic abilities. They can be "something real" or subconsciousness is making them, it neverminds.
In all cases:
1. They are conscious experience for you.
2. Induce many unconscious improving activities too.
3. They are usually bringing the most needed understanding - like specific computer application. (but in your subconsciousness)

It mustn´t be obvious understanding or informations they bring to you. Sometimes you can´t consciously notice, that it was useful, but it is most useful in unconscious mind - there are many improving implications. It can be obvious after some time. :D

It was something more than normal dream of course. It was dream with strong thought form impression in astral. These dreams are somewhere between your mind and astral informations, they are something like your own school for you in your subconsciousness. Normal dreams are closer to your mind, AP is closer to objective astral informations. In your experience you were communicating with astral but from your dream. Sybmol of communication were probably interesting person in this room. Only you can consider it. :)