View Full Version : Dad's double

11th January 2008, 02:58 AM
Here's from my notes:

It takes place at my dad's house(you all know where that is right?)

Me, my cousin were chasing around this group of kids, including my lil cousin (she is 8) and she was trying to stab me with this poker thing.
I chased 1 girl to the window and right as she was about to jump out i grabed her pony tail and it fell right off her head.
They ran to the bar across the street.
We we were watching them and they came back ready to fight again.
But as i opened the front door to attack back, one of my good friends pooped out of know where.
He said lets play some beer pong. He had a 24 pack of Lime Budweiser (do they make that?)
We all went up stairs and i started clearing off the table.
There was a pile of clothes on it, and as i moved it i found a $20.
I asked my dad if this was his secret stash, and he repilied "Ya how you find that".
I set up the cups and right when i was about to pour them another of my dad walked out of the bath room.
They were NOT both in the same room at this time, but i knew it was his double, energy body, wat ever it was.
I asked everyone if the could see him and they sed ya, then i sed can you see the other him and they replied yes again.
I got them in the same room and explained to everyone wat this was.
Then i asked them "where do we usually go camping"
The one i thought was the double said idk
But my real dad replied. (Eventhough when i woke up and recalled he said the wrong place).
They wee sitting next to eachother like it was nothing.

Do you think this could have been my dad's double or energy body, or whatever?


11th January 2008, 11:11 AM
JS, I think it was a chance to get lucid.

On the topic of doppelgangers though, I remember when I was about 14, a girlfriend confiding that every night she would wake up and watch her dad pass by her room on the way to the refrigerator. Then, she'd see her real dad pass by her room on the way to the refrigerator just a little behind his doppelganger.

12th January 2008, 03:17 AM
Ya it probably was. It was one of those dreams were i woke up to check the time to see how long i ad b4 i had to get up for school (there is where most of my best dreams happen). But twords the end i think it started becoming lucid because i wouldn't have asked that question in a regular dream. Then my mom woke me up.

But what s a dopplerganger

12th January 2008, 06:01 PM
But what s a dopplerganger?

I put it in the ADpedia.

12th January 2008, 09:25 PM
When I used the word I simply meant "exact double" and not the connotations of it being an ill omen.

12th January 2008, 09:51 PM
When I used the word I simply meant "exact double" and not the connotations of it being an ill omen.
I think that a meaning llike 'ill omen' is cultural- I for one would only take it (and use it as) the weirder aspects of life that serves us things like other people that look exactly like us without being related.
When I was younger, I used to drive a red car, and everyone kept telling me they saw me in places I knew I hadn't been. Then one day as I was driving, I saw a woman that had exactly my hairstyle and color, driving the exact model car I drove, and the same color. I never saw her face so I couldn't see if she actually looked like me, but tried to catch up with her because the whole thing was so weird. I never caught up with her but saw her around town a few more times.

12th January 2008, 10:41 PM
Reminds me of something I heard about there being a 'twin' of each person somewhere in the world.

Or how quantum particles have twins who react to each other at beyond the speed of light response. It makes perfect sense to me that if quantum particles have twins, then our singularity of consciousness would have a twin, which means there is a person who is the same as us in all but DNA and environmental influences. Different bodies but exactly the same at the deepest root of our soul... hmm just had an interesting thought. Are we split and born twice? .. more ideas.. found another goldmine I think, I'll have to keep digging. Thanks Beekeeper and Jo.

13th January 2008, 12:27 AM
That is an interesting thought. If it is true, i'd like to meet my other. Well he would be hte same as me but id still like to meet him.


13th January 2008, 11:06 AM
I saw my double on a train once. I felt someone looking at me and looked up and she was staring. I'd seen her before too. When my sister got married there was a photo of another bride at the reception centre. It freaked a few people out that she looked like me.

My sister's double went to our school. It was a year 11 and 12 senior high school. My sister is a year younger and told me that everyone had been commenting on her similarity to a girl called Fiona. I was in the bathroom and I looked at the girl beside me at the wash basins. I said, "Oh, you must be my sister's twin," and she knew exactly what I was on about. They became best friends for a while. They fell out over a boy whom my sister rejected and then changed her mind about too late. Fiona ended up married to him. :D

15th October 2009, 04:44 PM
I'm reading some of my old posts and I noticed I mentioned budweiser lime (which they did not make at the time) and now they do make it. That's weird huh?

15th October 2009, 05:07 PM
It happens to me all the time. Vuja de. :D