View Full Version : Yelling doesn't work

10th January 2008, 02:05 PM
The morning after I read rain IF's tutorial, I had a lucid dream. I think I was a little irritated and blurred the line between forcefully commanding the higher self and yelling at it, lol. In a past astral experience, I made a command to be taken to someone and was immediately whooshed up through the ceiling, as if carried by a big hand. I also instantly got stuck in the ceiling. THREE times. Dang imagined limitations. But I know from that experience that commands done right will get an instant response.

So I was commanding more lucidity and only getting slight changes... the lucidity would increase but then my vision would blur. So I would command for better visibility and lose some lucidity. So I was demanding again for more lucidity, more forcefully than was perhaps necessary.

This didn't pan out well... the dream took an anxious turn and suddenly I had my dad barreling his way into the room I was in, while I was trying to push him out. (Classic anxiety dream 'cept usually I'm in the bathroom and someone is barging in, depriving me of privacy) Lucidity was overtaken by emotion. The anxiety / chaos element in the dream built til I was forced to abort it before I got too upset, waking up and ending the dream prematurely.

Remember to use commands clearly, and deliberately, but calmly. I think the dream environment is just too sensitive to change and flooding it with negative emotions isn't a good idea, lol.

My most successful lucid dreams have unfolded beautifully when I have approached them with a sense of objective wonder, reveling in every detail. This only causes a LD to unfold in even greater beauty and detail.

10th January 2008, 02:32 PM
Be nice to yourself! Even to you Higher Yourself! ;)

Different people use voice commands with varying degrees of success. William Buhlman swears by them in AP, and gets results. Other people get none. So there must be something more to them - a certain way of expressing your intent or a certain confidence?

Bruce Moen writes he found the "secret" behind expressing intent. He calls it the "Silly Little Finger Bending Exercise". He observed the process of bending a finger of his non-dominant hand so long until he could exactly identify the moment the intent preceeded the action. How this feels he simply remembers (typical TMI/Monroe-style of accessing states of consciousness) and expresses his intent in that state. It is the quality of absolutely expecting the result to happen, and that is also a state of mind that can be found and attained, and we subconsciously do it on every move of a muscle for example. That's why he is looking there to make this thing conscious. Then he uses this in any non-physical reality to make things happen - expressing his intent to see, to fly, to do this and that. Since these worlds are experienced with the mind they seem to be particularly influencable by this quality of mind.

Hope this helps,

11th January 2008, 10:45 PM
Be nice to yourself! Even to you Higher Yourself! ;)

Afterall, intent is asking someone to do something for you, even if it is just free floating energy. Courteousness is met with more willingness to help.

Using the idea that I dont care if my intent is carried out or not has been very effective for me, even neccicary for it to work. I never had to use it that way in AP though.

14th January 2008, 12:43 PM
I guess what I am trying to say is that I'm dancing that gray area between a request and a demand. I've seen it said commonly 'round here that clarity and brevity can be helpful, using precise commands in a present tense help to convey a meaning to the Higher Self which doesn't necessarily speak "Present Time English" the way we understand it. (Or perhaps the lack is more on our end, lol.) I believe in this because the few times I've heard voices from higher beings / self, it's sounded rather androgynous or even robotic. In my "guided" AP, the voice sounded androgynous but recognizably human, with human humor and nuance. A voice that knew me and understood me well. During the AP I've mentioned at the forums before, I reflected something internally along the lines of "Hmmm, this is astral... I can go anywhere" and this great big ALL CAPS ROBOT voice came booming down, striking instant lucidity (and utter surprise) into me saying "YES... WHERE DO YOU WISH TO GO?" That was the Big! Genie! voice. I am SO not used to having my thoughts heard out loud, lololol... much less responded to by some kind of Omnipotent-Sounding Important Voice. (Disclaimer: I realize this can be altered)

I guess I should throw into there that my astral/lucid self is not the same as my conscious self. My reactions and experiences are often times not what my conscious self would do. I have found it to be a more... exaggerated? form of myself. Blunter? Filtered down to something purer? Hard to explain. In earlier experiences I was much more of a passive observer. Way more passive than my conscious self, just sort of taking everything in stride... sort of wandering around awe-struck, just quietly taking it in. Now that I realize I can exert some choice into the environment, I find that the astral reflection of this intent is a more "petulant" version of myself... In one memorable experience I "awoke" on the astral plane, trying to fight against the astral wind. I was actually YELLING at it, as if I could somehow prevail and not be picked up by it. To wake up somewhere in the middle of yelling at some kind of Irrepressible Force is really disarming.

I'm a kind of shy person, so Oliver the verbal commands do work well for me (as long as I stop letting myself get stuck in the ceiling, hehe!) in gaining confidence on That Side. It's something I've integrated very well and I do like the idea of asking for something with the full expectation that it will occur. The trick is now to just fine tune it and take the edge off the aggressive angle I've over-pushed my astral self into. No sense being an astral bully, especially to myself.

15th January 2008, 02:31 AM
It's cute how you told your story :D

and this great big ALL CAPS ROBOT voice came booming down
Hehe exactly. Thats just what I thought about some people. Most of the time they would be very generic, except usually I could tell whether male or female, pretty uncommon for there to be emotion (or other things) in their voice. Only a handful had very original voices. One spoke to me with every particle in my body vibrating and speaking in unison (in ALL CAPS). I told mom and she said she had the same happen to her when she was younger, we think its God.

I guess what I am trying to say is that I'm dancing that gray area between a request and a demand.
Being the owner of a human body is being the ruler of a kingdom, we have to let it be known who the boss is, leadership is vitally important, but it wouldnt be kind to be a tyrant, thats all I meant.

As for the difference between waking and APing... our waking bodies contain many intentions and energies that are like objects, they influence our behavior. When we ap I think we leave some of those behind in the split. (Its really helpfull if you can learn to controll, create, or destroy the influences you do or dont want in waking.)

That is just my perspective.

Thanks for sharing :)

16th January 2008, 11:19 AM
It's cute how you told your story :D
Being the owner of a human body is being the ruler of a kingdom, we have to let it be known who the boss is, leadership is vitally important, but it wouldnt be kind to be a tyrant, thats all I meant.

Oh, I agree!!

:D :lol: :D :lol: