View Full Version : Something that happened to me while sleeping

Sleeping Cookie
7th January 2008, 09:16 AM
A few weeks ago I was sleeping in my room and my husband was taching tv in the living room. While sleeping I suddenly realised there was a somebody near my bed. This figure looked blur, but it looked like my husband. It didn't feel menacing. It frightened me cause I could hear my husband in the living room and knew it could not have been him. I woke up quite scared. Needless to say there was nothing or nobody near my bed. I know it was not my husband since he was awake watching tv.

I would very much appreciate hearing what you think it could have been.

7th January 2008, 09:31 AM
Sometimes I have similar half-dream. I am lying on bed and I think, that something is here with me. I look on my bed and see nothing. Sometimes I do something in my bed in a dream and I wake up in it and realise, that I did nothing. These dreams are good for LD. :D

7th January 2008, 01:50 PM
Among other things, It was probably your own projected double, and your mind-split could have interpreted it as 'something else'. That and other things happen to me sometimes.

9th January 2008, 09:20 PM
I onced sensed my mom turning off the TV next to me. Iwoke up and got so scared.


10th January 2008, 11:42 AM
Since it was gone when you went "awake" again, it was a non-physical perception. It could have been your husband therefore, maybe he was just thinking about checking on you?
