View Full Version : Sleeping position

3rd January 2008, 09:39 PM
I don't know if some of you already know this but i figured I'd post it for those that didn't. In Astral Dynamics R.B. says the the position you sleep in affects what occurs during sleep. I've been trying this lately and it proves true (for me, everyone is different).

Sleeping on my right side, I can't really remember dreams and thry're usually dull.

On Back: Robert says this causes more frequent spontanouse OBE's to occur during sleep. I cant sleep on my back though.

Left side: I have more vivid dreams and can remember them much clearer. Im working on becoming lucid.

I always sleep on my left now just because of this. I think it has to do with the sides of the brain and which one is more creative. I suggest you atleast give it a shot over the next few nights. Hope it helps.


4th January 2008, 02:06 AM
Very interesting topic you brought up JoSac, I have been wondering myself about the very same
and I myself have great problems falling asleep laying on the back. Once I did an experiment
to see if I indeed could, but after half a night on the back with no rest, I had to turn to my
usual sleeping position which is on the stomac (call it lack of character).

Usually when I half awake from my nightly dreaming or barely awake, I force myself to lie on the back,
and very often that trigger some kind of lucidity, I have not yet had an OBE laying in my usual sleeping position,
which makes it hard for me.
Many texts I have read about the subject suggests that laying on the back doing energy / relaxation work,
breath work is a good way to induce OBE.
But my problem with laying on my back is that the 'body at asleep' part is not happening.
I can with great persistence get my mind quieted and be totally relaxed in my body,
but thats about it.

I have as experiments tried using various techniques to induce the 'body at aleep' state but
after 4 hours my persistence (or lack there of) kicks in and I have to change position to
the normal sleep position.

I almost always remember my dreams in great detail, in whichever position I fall asleep in
my problem is just that I cant fall asleep on my back, and I find it hard to to relaxation,
energy work and breathwork laying on my stomac.

4th January 2008, 02:33 AM
Well what i was trying to post is that laying on your left side which is the more logical side, i think kind of gives the right side some space to 'breath' (if you would). That makes your dreams more clearer and vivid (this is just what i think). But i can go to sleep on my back if i really want to it's just uncomfortable for me.

You were saying you have tried to induce the 'body at sleep' state techniques while on your back. These tech's are used to put just the body asleep, not your mind. So they won't actually cause you to go to sleep.

But sleeping on your back only helps induce a dream projection. If your just trying to consciously project, you can use a nice arm chair like I. Try using the water skii projection technique if in a chair. Works pretty good for me.


9th January 2008, 05:55 AM
Very good topic! I learned the same thing as RB. Best AP position seems to be flat on back hands open. The position of your arms and legs matter too.
Arms and legs crossed tightly concentrates energy which is usefull for quite a few things.
Right foot against knee, right hand on belly or hip, left hand on upper chest circulates energy quickly.
Thats just for me, but position is definately something worth exploring.

Neil Templar
9th January 2008, 02:07 PM
as for myself-all my life i've been unable to fall asleep on my back,but since starting doing energy work and trying to AP,i've trained myself to fall asleep on my back MOST of the time now.i hardly ever sleep on my side these days..

Very good topic! I learned the same thing as RB. Best AP position seems to be flat on back hands open. The position of your arms and legs matter too.
Arms and legs crossed tightly concentrates energy which is usefull for quite a few things.
Right foot against knee, right hand on belly or hip, left hand on upper chest circulates energy quickly.
Thats just for me, but position is definately something worth exploring.

that's interesting...

9th January 2008, 03:21 PM
There are no 'right' or 'wrong' positions for AP- it depends on the person, what's comfortable for them, what's too comfortable for them, etc.
I have found that I project best reclined on my back, I have waking paralysis on my right side, and I sleep better on my back or left side. I hardly ever project on my back or left side.
The point I'm trying to make is that the ideal position for AP is that which is comfortable enough to trance in, but not too comfortable so that you go to sleep.

9th January 2008, 09:04 PM
Ya i need a nice recliner to help with my energy work, i think it will help a lot. I just came back from the dentist and those chairs would be great for this purpose.