View Full Version : Experiences from childhood

31st December 2007, 11:32 PM
I think, that these experiences are very important for my whole life, because if I had no lucid dreaming and astral memories from childhood, maybe I never noticed, that something like that exists. When I was child, I was very frightened, when I was lucid dreaming, because I didn´t know, that I can get full control of this reality. It was mostly terrible memories, but useful. I had some horrors like items in my room were flying and deforming.

A long time ago, I spontaneously became lucid in a dream and a sorcerer was chasing me. I was running away and I saw a stub and a brick. I thought, that if I put my hand on this stub and hit with this bricket, I wake up. :idea: I did it, but I won´t wake up and it hurt me very physically. :x Of course, the sorcerer did nothing to me and after some time I woke up. It was terrible, I didn´t know, what I should think about that.
I have an AP in childhood too, but I thought, that it was reality or very strange dream. I wake up at night and in my room was totally dark. But I could see normally(better), like in a day. My room looked like some area, what is full of emotions and energies - not like quiet and peace atmosphere at night. :shock: It was horror too, I became frightened and wanted to get out of this strange room. When I was almost out of the room, something began pulling me back. :shock: It was terrible, I couldn´t do anything, I wasn´t stay on a floor with my physical legs, I couldn´t go out. It was only my fear, what pulled me back to body.

My child-experiences with trance state were very intensive too, but I absolutely couldn´t understand them. So, now I am glad, that it happened to me, because maybe it was my key to the gate of astral. I think, that I am not only person with any "curiosities" from childhood. :D

1st January 2008, 12:07 AM
Wow thats so interesting,and quite similar to my childhood :-D And im glad you allowed yourself to grow from those experiences rather then letting them make you too scared to explore. Iv encountered magical beings too. I dreamt of a wizard,he was teaching me to be able to identify a demon. Because not all scary looking things are actually demons,we just freak out when we see a odd/scary looking being and think their demons when their not. Iv got the giggles now thinking about that sorcerrer chasing you,the poor fellow probably wanted to catch you and re assure you that he meant no harm and teach you some things :-D the mental image of him running after you to tell you he is a friend,is quite funny to me,though i do have a weird sense of humour hehehe ;-) i dont mean any offense at all. You sound very gifted :-)

2nd January 2008, 12:45 PM
Iv got the giggles now thinking about that sorcerrer chasing you,the poor fellow probably wanted to catch you and re assure you that he meant no harm and teach you some things :lol:

Thank you for sharing Psychotronic, very neat childhood experiences. I had some crazy things happen to me when I was a child too. One was especially amazing, and I unfortunately didnt beleive it really happened untill I was about 22. I was told "[Dont tell anyone what happened, and you will get a special gift. However, you will tell somebody.]" If I had beleived it since the beginning I wouldnt have told anyone.. no extra credit for me 8) . However, realising it took place has turned the last 5 years into 50. I would even say that without it I might never have enlightened to the true reality.
I think that it is this generation. Stories like ours are probably pretty common for us. I beleive this generation comes from high places, and so our friends, or ourselves, placed these experiences in our lives so that we would not get deluded and lost among the others. We took a big risk coming here. Why? The world is so messed up, we have a chance to be even greater, because the greater the evil the greater the good. Light shines much brighter when illuminating the dark.