View Full Version : Dreams with water and trains.

31st December 2007, 03:40 AM
Greetings Dreaming Forum,
once again I shall ask your help for I have as of several months had recurring dreams
about the following two topics:

Dreams about being "on top of a train", riding a train (like a normal passenger),
using a train to get somewhere and then being lost.

Rivers, Water:
Being swimming in rivers, lakes, yes even a sewer, sometimes also in conjunction
with a train dream where i go from the top of the train to a river or a whirlpool in the water.

Its strange that I have these dreams with consitent themes a lot but I dont know what to
make of them, its not like scary dreams or nightmares so they are not a problem in that sense.
Dreams dont scare me anymore, they just make me more curious about the meaning, especially
the ones with a recurring theme or element, like these "Train" and "Water, River" dreams.

Can anyone shed a light on what these might mean?

My own interpretation is that I might be lost or holding onto something but get lost along the way.
A train for me symbolizes something with a set course that dont stray off the path choosen for it,
and me holding on to the train and sometimes get thrown off (or getting lost along the way),
might symbolize that I try to hold on to a course that is not my own and thats why i get thrown off.

Maybe you have other explainations or can provide me with some insight about dreams with recurring
themes, especially these two themes.

Best regards

31st December 2007, 04:27 AM
Try to meditate and find some connection to these themes hidden in your subconsciousness, because dreams are making something like your own spiritual mirror. It is good to use your whole creativity potential in this finding. Try to become lucid, when you notice this themes. It is possible, if you are thinking about this themes during a day and before sleep with connection to lucidity and the sentence: "It is dream." You can see train or water and you remember, that you want to be lucid.

31st December 2007, 11:09 AM
I agree with your translation Mree. The first thing that came to mind when I read about the trains and water is that you live in a buisy city.
The kind of water really matters. So being in the sewer means hanging around bad influences or being in a bad environment. Alternatively clean water is a good thing usually.

Dreams evolve. If theres something really important that the person needs to look at then thats what they will dream about (often same message but different symbolism). Once the person changes whatever is holding them back in life, then they will dream of the next most pressing issue, it goes on and on untill thier spiritual journey is complete. It's like our guide book to.. however high we're allowed to go. It's really a shame people dont pay more attention to it. Blah blah blah dont mean to sound like I'm trying to educate you, I'm only saying.
Ive experienced how environments hinder or encourage growth. Some places are very bad for developement. I wonder how life can even exist in LA (I went on a long road trip :) ) Some cities have a big blob of energy over them that supresses anything supernatural, including awareness.
But I would say your right about what your dreams are about. To be more precise it is probably about your own personal perception of what is actually good being higher than that of the popular opinion of good. Maybe your own better judgement is being supressed?
According to D.M. being on a train is actually a good thing, it means you're on the right track in life and headed in the right direction.