View Full Version : Limbo dream/astral place.

Neil Templar
29th December 2007, 06:03 PM
Okay so this morning i woke early,so did my ladyfriend.I've been telling her about my astral interests lately-she's not skeptical,but a little afraid of the whole thing.Anyway,we both woke early,and i explained that normally,if i was alone,that it would be the ideal time to try to project.
Anyhoo,we were both very tired-we were out til maybe 4.30 this morning drinking beer :) ,so we both decided to get some more sleep.Unfortunately the sun was blasting through the blinds and i had a hard time getting to sleep again.
When i did drift off,i found myself in a place i'd never seen before.My best friend was there with me(he's there alot of the time when i'm having learning dreams),and some female i've never seen before.She was tall! :shock:
Anyway,it was outdoors,grassy fields all around.We were following what i thought were train tracks,these later turned out to be what i can only describe as tiny(about 10 cms high) metal fences,like square tubes/pipes.They seemed to follow the contours of the land.As we walked,there were various doorways by the side of our path.Kinda like entrances to shopping malls,or discount warehouses,something like that.There were people coming and going from these doorways,who seemed not to see us.At one point i had to jump out the way of a family on bicycles.
At some point we went into one of the doorways,and found ourselves in what was almost like an airport check in area,or maybe an information point.There was an old guy at a desk,and people were coming and going,some talking to the old guy.
sometime in this area we were told that we were dead,or at least that when we left we would be dead.At this point we were given the option of going through a door that would take us back to life,but if we decided to do that-we would have a really bad time when we next experienced death.
So at this point my friend decided he'd had enough and left to go and get on with being dead.I decided i wanted to explore this place some more,so i stayed and went back outside with the tall female.From this point it kinda felt like there were more people in our group with us but they never really seemed important.So we continue walking around-following those little metal fences along the countryside.Soon we saw a small pond by the side of the path.Near it was a man,wearing a pink turban on his head.He asked us where we were going,and seemed a little put out by us being there,i think.I can't remember what conversation took place between us,but we quickly left him behind-i think he had to stay by the pond.
we carry on,and at some point find a pair of men's workpants hanging in a tree.I search the pockets and find some strange items,little rubber padded tubes-like those inflate-able armbands for learning to swim-only they were filled with something that felt like sand or something,and we realised that they were for putting on your fingers-to form a rubber knuckle-duster! :shock:
At this point we seemed to feel that the owner of the pants was guilty of something bad-possibly the person who'd killed us?
So kept walking,and found ourselves at a place we'd already seen.We turned around and retraced our steps.
We saw the guy with the pink turban again,then found ourselves at the info point again-tho this time it was also a public toilet.
I saw a womans legs disappearing into the waste paper disposal flap.Looking into it i could see that if you were small enough,you could squeeze thru to get to a different area.None of us were small enough so we left it.
At this point things get hazy- don't remember too much more.

I must say-all along our "path" the doorways were just that-doorways.There were no buildings behind the doors.just the sky and fields continueing..if you looked in the doors you could see the inside of a large spacious building,but from outside-only the doors.
It was a largely uneventful dream,just alot of walking and deciding whether or not to go into "doorways"it felt like each door held different consequences if you chose to go thru it.
When i woke tho-i could remember it clearly,and most of today i feel like i'm still there-in the back of my mind,even now as i type this.

It really didn't feel like a "normal"dream.Does this place sound familiar to anyone?Open green fields with numerous doorways around the place?..
Any thoughts folks?

31st December 2007, 11:47 AM
I wonder if the "fenced off" path was the path of life. It's really easy to step over the fence and go off the path, its tiny because the path is often hard to see. Square pipes mean something im sure. Square is completeness since it contains number 4, the path to completeness. The doors go allong with that, each door being a path with a consequence. Could the tall woman be your female side? The unimportant people following you could be more parts of yourself, that is used a lot in dreams.
What do you mean learning dream? Like AP? Astral places seem to have symbolisms in them too, but in that case its not personal, or is it? This does seem like ap..

Neil Templar
31st December 2007, 06:12 PM
thanks Alaskans,that makes alot of sense.
i use that term "learning dream" purely because i didn't have any exit sensations.so i don't want to throw around the term AP,incase it isn't a projection.
so any "experiences" i have where i'm being taught something,or have to work out some stuff,they're learning dreams. :)

31st December 2007, 06:30 PM
"Learning dream" :?: Of course, every dream is learning - resp. understanding, notifying ... :D

I use dreams very often to meditating or trying spiritual techniques, it is beautiful and very useful.

I was speculating in themes of "Meditation" about the fact, that subconsciousness can give us some abstract emotions and they are pure knowledge in their principle. I have understanded many things and situations from real life(world) in a dream. If we have opened gate to subconscious knowledge, why can´t we use that? :D

2nd January 2008, 11:44 AM
Huzzah Psychcotronic ! :D

My pleasure Neil. I didnt look over every inch of your dream, or try to find any message, because It seems like a cross between a dream and ap. But if there is a personal lesson I think that it is in the part about the pants in the tree, especially if the pants were hanging in your path. Pants could be a persons human social or family life. The rubber armband thing could be a message about something in your childhood. Kidy armbands full of sand seems like a strong statement about something very hard for a child to deal with. That you thought they were knuckledusters may mean that in your older age you've learned to turn it into a weapon. ie: Maybe you use it to fuel your determination. Is it a good thing or not? May be the question being raised. A dream asking for judgement is a first for me.

Neil Templar
5th January 2008, 05:08 PM
"Learning dream" :?: Of course, every dream is learning - resp. understanding, notifying ... :D

Of course,i understand that.But there are some that are more obviously lesson-like.

Alaskans,as always,you've given me something to think about there.. you may just be on to something there..

9th January 2008, 05:31 AM
Thanks alot Neil! :D I sometimes get the feeling Im offending people by looking so closely at thier dreams, I seriously appreciate the feedback. It's good to know I help occasionally.

Neil Templar
9th January 2008, 01:24 PM
Thanks alot Neil! :D I sometimes get the feeling Im offending people by looking so closely at thier dreams, I seriously appreciate the feedback. It's good to know I help occasionally.

you definitely help!!
i put these dreams here because i want someone to interpret them,as i don't always see the symbolism involved.
it's funny-it's YOU who most often seems to reply with an interpretation of my dreams,and each time the stuff you've said has been spot on in relation to things going on in my life at the time. :D

so again,thanks! 8)

10th January 2008, 05:47 AM
Cool dadyo 8)