View Full Version : Floating in the air dreams

27th December 2007, 11:21 PM
Greetings all,
I dont know if this is the same as the "flying in air" dreams,
but the last couple of months or more I have often in dreams
been able to fly or float in the air, moving my arms in dreams much
like the wings of a bird I find myself able to float.

Its very strange cause the dreams arent lucid but somehow the majority
of my dreams involve me trying to float in the air and all the time I
I have been wondering a lot what this might mean, I use it in dreams like
its some kind of natural thing that I have always done, like you walk or
In the dream state it doesn't strike me as something out of the ordinary,
cause it happens just as much as for example walking.

Can antone point me towards what this might mean?

Best regards

28th December 2007, 12:23 AM
flying, floating, same thing... Recurring-dreamstate flying is indicative of more sophisticated abilities...
I call it 'flight school' .... I have had so many semi-lucid and fully lucid flying dreams, i lost track... seems to be always about the 'mechanics' of flying/moving... they can also be an OBE in progress, and you are seeing it through a dream...
Welcome to flight school!!! Good luck!!!

28th December 2007, 12:36 AM
Hmm, I don't know....I've been having dreamstate lessons for flying since I was very young, with some hiatuses, and they stopped once I became aware of the lessons themselves and what they were. I've also been taught other stuff, like pk, yet lately, (like in the last two months, so mree's post is giving me chills), I've been having these 'floating up and down' lessons, and directing it with the way I raise my arms- (arms up with palms up is 'float up', and palm down with a 'push' down is down). This is sort of freaky because I have not posted these particular lessons in the public forums and it has been made clear to me this teaching was in a 'Hogwarts-type' school with 'astral dorms' and everything.
This is the kind of experience that raises my eyebrows.

Neil Templar
28th December 2007, 02:04 PM
Hmm, I don't know....I've been having dreamstate lessons for flying since I was very young, with some hiatuses, and they stopped once I became aware of the lessons themselves and what they were. I've also been taught other stuff, like pk, yet lately, (like in the last two months, so mree's post is giving me chills), I've been having these 'floating up and down' lessons, and directing it with the way I raise my arms- (arms up with palms up is 'float up', and palm down with a 'push' down is down). This is sort of freaky because I have not posted these particular lessons in the public forums and it has been made clear to me this teaching was in a 'Hogwarts-type' school with 'astral dorms' and everything.
This is the kind of experience that raises my eyebrows.

now you're giving ME the chills.
as a kid in my flying dreams i learned to fly up or down by raising/lowering my arms gently at my sides,in a standing position.
AND-a month or two ago i was taught how to fire energy from my third eye,focusing it by making a triangle shape infront of it with my hands.the intensity of the energy depended on how the fingers of each hand were arranged.we then proceeded to play a game where two teams had to knock each other off of broomsticks,in a quiddich-like "sport",with our energy bursts.Much fun! 8)

28th December 2007, 03:42 PM
Well, this morning, after a vision in the middle of the night (apparently it's the second one according to my husband, but that's another post) I dreamed that I was in a shopping mall and I decided to fly around it and give people flyers on how-to. It didn't really work because the people that worked there didn't want me to do it but I escaped out to the parking lot flying. No one in the dream flew after me which made it a sort of pointless dream, except for me to practice my arm movements. Darn, when will forehead shooting start? :| :)

Neil Templar
29th December 2007, 09:11 PM
. Darn, when will forehead shooting start? :| :)

Hehe.you gotta get back to Hogwarts first!! :D

2nd January 2008, 12:07 PM
sound hella fun.

I've had very few flying dreams. But Ive had many where I defy gravity by leaning back on my heels untill im floating on my back. It seems totally natural but I always wondered how I was able to do it, I often asked whoever is around how it is possible, but It usually didnt get me lucid, I often woke up thinking it really took place.

I did have my first (perhaps) flying dream last year. It was so fun that I spend the entire dream flying. All the charactors in the dream stood around below me waiting impatiently and telling me to get down, they wanted to get on with the dream, but I refused :lol: makes me laugh thinking about it. I remember using movements while flying and turning, rather than being a stiff board. I did it instinctually.

2nd January 2008, 05:37 PM
I know we've talked about this before (or I'm sure we have) but those 'leaning back and floating' techniques to start flying is the way I used to do it as a kid. You just reminded me of this. :D
How old are you, Alaskans? (If I may ask)

7th January 2008, 12:20 AM
defy gravity by leaning back on my heels untill im floating on my back.

Sounds like flight school to me... notice also, that there is always someone there to comment to... or they will be wathching or standing by... always about the mechanics of flight, (or other specific thought function),,, and always someone watching... 8)

9th January 2008, 05:24 AM
I know we've talked about this before (or I'm sure we have) but those 'leaning back and floating' techniques to start flying is the way I used to do it as a kid. You just reminded me of this. :D
How old are you, Alaskans? (If I may ask)

I'm 27. But I actually havent had a floating dream in few years.. or have I? Months seem like years lately. Maybe my last one was 5 or 6 months ago, or years ago. I seemed to have them more when I was a kid.

Sounds like flight school to me... notice also, that there is always someone there to comment to... or they will be wathching or standing by... always about the mechanics of flight, (or other specific thought function),,, and always someone watching...
Always someone there. I dont remember them giving any input though.

9th January 2008, 03:26 PM
I know we've talked about this before (or I'm sure we have) but those 'leaning back and floating' techniques to start flying is the way I used to do it as a kid. You just reminded me of this. :D
How old are you, Alaskans? (If I may ask)

I'm 27. But I actually havent had a floating dream in few years.. or have I? Months seem like years lately. Maybe my last one was 5 or 6 months ago, or years ago. I seemed to have them more when I was a kid.

That's why I ask. I used to have them at 7 or 8, and once I mastered the techs I gave lessons to my siblings and other kids, but you wouldn't have been born yet, since I'm 50.

Neil Templar
9th January 2008, 05:32 PM
i also haven't had a flying dream for about 5 months..
i used to have them all the time when i was a youngster(wow-using that word really makes me feel old!lol)
it seems that they would happen in bursts of maybe 3 - 4 dreams over a short period of time,and then none for ages.
why is this?does anyone else get that,or is it just me?
do we get "reminder" lessons,in case we've forgotten our ability to fly? :?

9th January 2008, 07:26 PM
In my case, instead of reminder lessons, I would get 'more advanced' lessons, and later on, I was the one teaching. Although I haven't done that in years.

9th January 2008, 09:34 PM
In my most recent flying dream, I was presented with a satchel of 'messages' from 'friends'. for ex: Keep up the good work, cant wait to see your progress, wish you were here, etc. In the dream, the satchel was given to my by my 'instructor', and, although i have no idea who the messages were actually from, it some how made sense in my dream, and was actually very encouraging. This all happened after i demonstrated some flying skills, and telekenesis skills...

9th January 2008, 10:24 PM
In my most recent flying dream, I was presented with a satchel of 'messages' from 'friends'. for ex: Keep up the good work, cant wait to see your progress, wish you were here, etc. In the dream, the satchel was given to my by my 'instructor', and, although i have no idea who the messages were actually from, it some how made sense in my dream, and was actually very encouraging. This all happened after i demonstrated some flying skills, and telekenesis skills... Maybe you got my missing paperwork from the last one I had! :shock: :D

viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1609&start=105 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1609&start=105)

Last post

10th January 2008, 05:40 AM
Maybe you got my missing paperwork from the last one I had! :shock: :D

For some reason, teacher never believed me when I told her thats how I lost my homework

10th January 2008, 07:37 PM
How do I always end up with all the homework??? :? :x :mrgreen:

21st January 2008, 05:16 AM
Had a floating air dream again this night, it was very detailed,
started with me running at some pavement practicing my ballance skills,
some one ran in my opposite direction and as he came near i jumped to the side
and floated untill he was gone and landed on the pavement and kept running.

I experimented with this floating and tried to do back flips and what not, and succeeded, wondeing
if gravity somehow was altered around me.
Sometimes when I floated, I found myself to drift as the wind of passing cars would suck me in.

As I had practiced floating a bit and still running, I came to a place where I saw people
practicing floating in the air, a lot of people was assembled and many of these practiced
jumping off a high place and right before they hit the ground, they would float and land safely.

I aproached these people and got to talk to them, I remember talking to one about not thinking
there where others that did this kind of practice floating in the air. He also thought he was
alone doing it.
I told him about my recent floating and about how high up I could get, and he seemed to not
believing it so I wanted to show him.

I started flowing upwards, using the arms (like a bird) and made all kinds of summersaults and acrobatic
moves while floating soon I was about 200 meters or more up in the air, got a little scared now that
I was so high up, from the ground I heard some in the crowd yell that I had broken several of their records
and if i approached the tower from another direction (yes they was a tower there also, like a bell tower or something)
i'd have broken them all. (dont know what he ment with that, and why i'd be a feat to do that).
Anyway I was about 300 meters up now and decided to get down to ground, seemed not so easy so I used a technique
pushing air upwards with my hands (palms facing upwards) and thus shifting myself downwards.

this is roughly where the dream ended, still dont quite know what to make of it,
it feels very natural to do in many dreams I have (floating in the air)
but this is the first time i met others practicing it.

If you chain the act of floating in the air to astral projection,
you can say that even though "astral projection" is an integral part of our world makeup in the real life
not many practice it, eventhough it feels (to me) as a quite normal thing,

Whats your thoughts?

Best regards

21st January 2008, 05:08 PM
Did the others seem to be lucid? (In this case I mean did they realize they were not in their normal waking state?) I believe you wandered to a dreamstate lesson. Were you lucid in it?

22nd January 2008, 03:55 AM
Did the others seem to be lucid? (In this case I mean did they realize they were not in their normal waking state?) I believe you wandered to a dreamstate lesson. Were you lucid in it?

Yeah I was lucid in the dreamstate and the one I talked to seemed to be aswell,
I cant really tell for sure cause I didnt talk to him about that, I just talked about my ability
to float in the air and how i had practiced.
It seemed to be a camp of practicioners, but the one i spoke to was not training at the
point where i came to the place.
What i could grasp, it seemed that he was as puzzled about the whole floating thing
as I was.

Its still strange for me why you would learn to float/fly in dreams,
maybe its to build up some kind of reflex, right about now it seems like the most fun
way to travel in dreams as I do it so often, this was one of the first times I had been so
high up in the air though, I tend to float very near to the ground normally.

Some fun thing i have to mention also that I forgot (or was too vain to tell earlier).
When i came to the place and got to talk to him, I told him how i was doing with the floating,
and I told him that even though i weigh 100kg(thats in the physical life) that I can float pretty good and he said
"No way you can do that weiging so much", and thats when i showed him my high floating skill.

Do you know what the floating business is about CFTraveler?

Best regards

22nd January 2008, 04:09 PM
Not a clue.
But thinking about it, it occurs to me that sometimes when I want to shift phases (that is, go to another plane) I take off in different angles and speeds, and that sometimes shifts me to other dimensions. Maybe it's practice for this sort of thing?
Like I said before, not a clue, but I can always guess. :lol:

Neil Templar
22nd January 2008, 04:47 PM
I reckon that in non-physical states,we have no need to walk on the ground,and flying is the most efficient way to get around(within seemingly physical locations).it's obviously a natural ability of ours,so we do it.and it teaches us to disregard the conditioning we've encountered in the physical.
something like that... :?