View Full Version : Astral dream Guru?

26th December 2007, 04:33 AM
(Split off from "Would you like a Jungian Dream Analysis?" ..Edited it a little)

I had a dream I met someone important. I was in this place that was a bunch of islands floating in the sky. He lived in a temple on one of these floating islands. I had to jump between islands to reach it (it seemed like a place meant for flying).
There were no doors to the temple, only two narrow slits 15 ft apart. I squeezed into one of the slits, it got even narrower as I moved through it. It became 2 or 3 inches wide, at that point I was pretty uncomfortable, but I made it through. It opened up on the other side and was quite big. There was a guard or receptionist, he was expecting me (something about me meeting someone). Someone walked by and said, 'There's a visitor now.' (I wonder if he thought it?) The guard pointed me to two big open doors. As I walked through them 2 buddahist (?) monks closed the doors behind me. I thought I was the last person he was going to see, and I got there just in time (but the doors were possibly just closed for privacy.) We sat down at a large round table. The person I met was a monk, he seemed to be royalty, he was surrounded by disciples or servants. I dont remember actually talking to speak to him, we must have communicated telepathicly. He said he lives in multiple temples, and see's many people a day, yet he didnt seem tired or drained at all to me. He said he provides the service of interpreting dreams and counceling people on how they change things in thier lives and selves by dream guidance.
I was rather intimidated by his status and I was very respectfull and abnormally formal, like I was meeting a king. But he was very easy going and compassionate. He placed his hand on my arm as I told him about my dreams, the ongoing things happening in my dreams, all my dreams throughout my life, I think I even told him about some dreams I didnt know I had.

When we were done he asked me about common life. Silly things like brushing teeth and cooking. He showed me some cooking utensils and asked me about them. We walked through a store and checked out all the stuff people need, like food and toilet paper (actually, we didnt discuss toilet paper :oops: ).

It was kinda interesting. Wonder who he was. Maybe just a dream, but then squeezing through the entrance I remember feeling very real, plus, who talks telepathicly in dreams? Im often struck by how it seems like another me in these dreams, 'higher self' perhaps.

While writing this one down a couple dreams I dont remember ever having before surfaced suddenly. Like I was remembering dreams I had long ago for the first time.

One was about me being in a place that was nothing but volcanoes lava and melting rock, and having to avoid burning up despite lava flying everywhere. Eventually a nereby volcano erupted and spewed a tsunami of lava, I think I died (10yrs ago?). Then another about being in a place that was a big island. I was given the choice to go anywhere I wanted on the fascinating island, and I chose to go deep sea diving far off the coast down a crater in the sea bed where I thought there was a sunken temple, there were many sharks, and it got very dark as I descended. I didnt have gear, but breathed underwater (13yrs ago?). And one about walking on ground that was red hot, my sandals began to melt, I put something down and it burst into flames (very recent).

PS Sorry, Pnuemaphor I didnt read your last post.. (I split it so that you can have others look at it and reply to it if they want)-CF
PSS Thanks CT :D