View Full Version : singing dandylion seeds? Uh..

26th December 2007, 03:38 AM
It was part of a group of connected dreams warning me about what I'll face going back to Alaska.

I was walking on the river flats back home, looking for a camping spot. Some natives were gathering for a powow or something. They had a bomfire that was letting off smoke as thick and dark red as blood. I had a torch, it was letting off blood red smoke too.
I ran into a ghost town, I beleive there was actually ghosts in it. I was in a car when I left the town. I was driving on the flats (wasnt difficult despite the sand). The radio was on, and the news warned of a flash flood. The car was totally submerged, I was probably 10 ft underwater. I as sure the water would receed but it wouldnt, so I rolled down the window and nearly drown swimming to the surface. I crawled onto land all shipwreck style. There were others there who were also cought in the flood. Dandylion seeds started blowing around in the wind. They seemed like living creatures to me. The people began to complain because they knew the seeds would begin to sing. They didnt want to hear it so they left. They did sing something short, but I dont remember what. They told me they created the flood, and they could have sent a blizzard as well, and froze me as I crawled on shore. (I saw a little vision of being cought in a blizzard)

Later dreamt I was navigating a shipwreck with 3 others in the open ocean while hanging from the mast. The mast kept dipping me in the ocean, and there were all kinds of odd and dangerous sea monsters swimming around it. I found some rocks and we landed there. One of the sea monsers beached itself trying to get us, it was a 100lb leech. I poked it with a stick then smashed it with a boulder where it's head should have been. Oh, then we contemplated eating it... mmm fantastico.

I'm just glad to see some liquid water in my dreams, rather than ice/snow :P

26th December 2007, 04:43 AM
Well, here's my pathetic attempt at dream interpretation:

It was part of a group of connected dreams warning me about what I'll face going back to Alaska.

I was walking on the river flats back home, looking for a camping spot. Some natives were gathering for a powow or something. They had a bomfire that was letting off smoke as thick and dark red as blood. I had a torch, it was letting off blood red smoke too. Here is the fire element. Red as blood- sounds very strong- fire burns clean, but it also means message (smoke signals). So you are being warned by the own agent that is the danger. (Yourself?)

I ran into a ghost town, I beleive there was actually ghosts in it. I was in a car when I left the town. I was driving on the flats (wasnt difficult despite the sand). The radio was on, and the news warned of a flash flood. Ghosts to me are the past. You left the ghost town in a car (the car is a vehicle to escape, so you're taking yourself out of the past- you are evolving.

The car was totally submerged, I was probably 10 ft underwater. I as sure the water would receed but it wouldnt, so I rolled down the window and nearly drown swimming to the surface. Water element, the subconscious. Your subconscious is starting to drown you, you are surfacing from all those elements that are giving you trouble (unconscious elements=underwater). You are overcoming all those unconscious things and going to the surface (becoming conscious).

I crawled onto land all shipwreck style. There were others there who were also cought in the flood.The others were also 'survivors' of unconscious issues. They're all aspects of you. So you're 'finding yourself' out of the wreckage of your rediscovery.

Dandylion seeds started blowing around in the wind. Do I have to say it? Wind element. :D

They seemed like living creatures to me. The people began to complain because they knew the seeds would begin to sing. They didnt want to hear it so they left. The people are those aspects of you that are grounded, and don't want to be 'uplifted'- too serious, don't want to be 'flighty'. Taking yourself way too seriously? Interestingly those are seeds? I see a sexual theme there- or the seeds of an idea perhaps? You can tell me.

They did sing something short, but I dont remember what. They told me they created the flood, and they could have sent a blizzard as well, and froze me as I crawled on shore. (I saw a little vision of being cought in a blizzard)
Well, let's see, the 'ascensive' parts of yourself sent you the unconscious messages so you would get an idea. It could have been a 'frozen' idea (no idea what it means) but instead you were able to surface. So I guess that some of the unconscious issues were more manageable than you would expect.

Later dreamt I was navigating a shipwreck with 3 others in the open ocean while hanging from the mast. The mast kept dipping me in the ocean, and there were all kinds of odd and dangerous sea monsters swimming around it. I found some rocks and we landed there. One of the sea monsers beached itself trying to get us, it was a 100lb leech. I poked it with a stick then smashed it with a boulder where it's head should have been. Oh, then we contemplated eating it... mmm fantastico. A repeat of what I said before The boat is the vehicle for your evolution, the unconscious is full of dangers, but as soon as you are able to navigate it you can conquer it and even learn from it (eat it).

31st December 2007, 02:27 AM
DM- "Bonfire
To see a bonfire in your dream, suggests that you need to find a new path and set forth toward a different goal. It is time to freely express yourself and let go of the old outdated ways of thinking. " And it says blood is passion, love, and dissapointment. Smoke is not seeing things clearly.
It's a strong message that I'm not seeing human love and passion clearly. That my ideas about it are wrong.

To see a torch in your dream, represent self confidence, ability to succeed, or spiritual confidence.

To dream that you are carrying a lit torch, symbolizes love. The dream may be a metaphor that you are carrying a torch for someone."
A secret admirer? :oops:

Dandylion seeds started blowing around in the wind.Do I have to say it? Wind element.

Actually you do, I hardly know anything about common knowledge or beliefs, just what I've learned on my own.

To dream that you are listening to the radio, symbolizes your awareness and intuition toward a particular situation. What you hear through the radio also represents messages from your unconscious. It is possible that it is some for of ESP or telepathic communication."
Hmm.. I think the flood is large tribulations and tests that my unconcious or someone else has created for me. It is enough to stop my car, or my spiritual progress. Maybe the test is me having to stay with my family. I actually had another dream where I drove my dads truck backwards and crashed it.. same message. Im being warned about my familys influence. Maybe theres a good chance I'm going to crash, but I can learn something from it. (I actually want to get the hell out of here and go live in a snowcave or igloo right now. Its not that theyre bad in a common sense, but who I am and who I want to be is very different from them, so I have to change myself just so I can be around them.)

They seemed like living creatures to me. The people began to complain because they knew the seeds would begin to sing. They didnt want to hear it so they left.

The people are those aspects of you that are grounded, and don't want to be 'uplifted'- too serious, don't want to be 'flighty'. Taking yourself way too seriously? Interestingly those are seeds? I see a sexual theme there- or the seeds of an idea perhaps? You can tell me.
I really apreciate your invitation to talk :) but I dont think im up to it right now..

They felt so intensely like living thinking beings.. makes me think theres a message. Your right about the people. They must be my lazy side.

I view seeds as something wonderfull. A whole being contained in a little pod. A little being waiting to take part in the life.
I also think of seeds as our life journey. Like seeds in a river, we float allong getting thrown about untill we wash up on shore (when we die) then we sprout. All the things we contained while in the river of life become visible, we become what was hidden, not an insignificant seed anymore (ordinary person), but a beautifull growing being. Alternatively, bad seeds dont sprout, but remain seeds.
I see the similarities between water and wind.

They could have been seeds of an idea. I know I can really become someone if I can find the right place to live. I have been trying to find that place.
My future feels like an egg that I'm carying around, pretty fragile, but containing something very good. All I need is a warm place to put it, its almost driving me nuts carying it around. I guess that would be the 'frozen idea' your talking about.

They said they could have sent a blizzard. I see hardship as a good thing, but it isnt good if you cant overcome it or it takes over your life. A blizzard when I was all wet like that would have killed me in minutes.

Um so the lessons..
*My beliefs on love and passion are wrong. And I might have a secret admirer.

*Im going to have (or am having) a spiritual carwreck; take it easy and learn from it.

*Keep the egg containing my ideas safe, it has a lot of potential.

Thanks CT! :D It wasnt pathetic, I agree with all your interpretation, mine was just a repeat of yours really
