View Full Version : I found this really interesting!

7th December 2007, 03:09 PM
My boyfriend of many years used to do martial arts and is a different religion to me, one that requires much meditation. I was quoting things from 'psychic self defence' and he told me 2 things- firstly, that he once had a incubus/succubus attack (this is what I see it as after reading the book) he woke up with a heavy feeling on him and saw a woman with pointy ears..etcetc lol you know what I mean!) and the other was he told me he could 'feel' energy, well I was really surprised (we don't often talk about stuff like this) so he breathed in and held his hands apart and when there was about a foot in between them they stopped and he said it was like a brick wall or a ball in his hands. I wanted to test this some more so he put his hands by me and with his eyes closed they stopped every time atthe same point where he said he could feel a wall. I find this amazing! I put my hand inbetween his hands but could feel nothing (if you have read my other posts you'll know I never feel or sense anything)
He says he's always been able to do this. My questions are, what do you think, can you explain what he's doing and also is there a way he could possibly help me with my problems at all? He can't do reiki or anything, just feel stuff. and that succubus thing is also really interesting seeing as I have never had an experience like this!

7th December 2007, 03:17 PM
This energy ball thing I know, too. As well as feeling the aura beyond the human body with the hands. Both things IMO happen with continued training in awareness of energy. Beyond that you can also start to feel inside the energy of another human body and so on. It all starts with developing awareness, and one or more of the "clair-senses".

I'm sure if he wants to and either trains in specific energy work (like NEW) or gets a Reiki attunement, he could also heal others.


7th December 2007, 10:14 PM
A good friend who I have known for years can do it too I found out tonight, he just stuck his hands tpgether and went 'yeah, I can feel like a wall' like it's nothing!

10th December 2007, 08:43 AM
I can give "tele-hugs" by assuming a posture of someone hugging when being alone and thinking of the person. It suddenly starts to feel like there is a resistance you can lean a bit on. A nice feeling. :D

Take good care,