View Full Version : A dream to cure the "Evil Eye Curse"

3rd December 2007, 08:06 PM
I keep having dreams that I am trying to find a cure for the "Evil Eye." I have a friend who feels he is cursed by this and after doing some reading I would agree he is... I have had 3 dream in the last three nights. He even has been seeing someone to talk about this and after they were told about my dreams and his situation, they believe I am his "Angel". I am up for anyone's interpretation of this.

______ The 1st Dream ________

I was in India trying to find a cure for the "Evil Eye". I searched and searched for this small shop in town where a wise man told me that I needed to find 4 rocks. If I found these 4 rocks they would give power to keep the "Evil Eye" at peace since it didn't like the constant reminder of good.

The rocks had names on them to give strength. I received a piece of paper with the following directions;

1 – Faith ~ so that you would have faith in what you do.

2 – Hope ~ so that when something good happens it will stay that way.

3 – Courage ~ so that when something seems to go wrong you have the courage to change the outcome. You would stand up to the "Evil Eye" and make it back down.

4 – Love ~ so that you learn to believe in love. To be afraid of love gives the "Evil Eye" power because you yourself are turning into yet another "Evil Eye." To accept it in your life weakens the "Evil Eye" and the end result is crushing the "Evil Eye" to pieces.

These rocks once found need to remain with you as a reminder and you will feed from their strength. That means keeping them at work, another set in your car, and yet another at home. When you feel you need extra strength pick up a rock and it will give you that strength.

As I went searching for these rocks I met an older couple. They looked as though they were sad over all the pain they had caused. Knowing the story before leaving on my journey I was a little scared to allow myself to speak with them.

Yet in our conversation with them they told me they were sorry and that in order to make things better then I had to help them with their granddaughters wedding. I agreed as I knew this curse wasn't on me and if I could help I would. I went to their granddaughter's house I helped her with all her wedding needs to the best of my ability as I was hoping to find those rocks, to find a cure. In order to get deeper into the mind of the family I was asked to be apart of the wedding and I accepted.

I came home not telling anyone what I was doing and a few months later I went back to India for the wedding. As a complete surprise to me I saw so many people there. As I walked down the isle people didn't understand how I could be there. I stood strong. I will overcome the bad feeling I felt inside me.

As I stood there waiting for the Bride to come I heard a voice. "If you want the rocks, go talk to the Bride and tell her she shouldn't get married." I excused myself to see if I could help the Bride. Upon finding her, I saw her crying. She was crying because in her heart she wasn't in love. She was marrying this man to get a name, so that her family would be lifted from the curse. As I talked to her and shared my story with her, she agreed that she needed to follow her heart and not let this curse take her as well.

As I walked out to get the Groom the people were pissed. They seemed to be talking in tongues trying to get me to break or to leave. But from somewhere deep inside I pushed that away. I knew I had to finish what I came here for. I was standing their in the most beautiful red dress ever, I had a smile on my face that made them madder. As I told the Groom what was going on buckets of rocks appeared.

He said, "This day was your test to see if you could stand up to the so called 'Evil Eye' and you did. You didn't do this for yourself which shows your strength and love for another life. Here is the next test, you have 1 minute to go through these 100's of rocks to see if you can find what you are looking for."

They turned this timer over and I began going through 100's of rocks. All kinds of names were on these rocks to make it harder. I heard another voice, "Believe, believe that you will find what your heart is looking for in order to save a life." With that I found the first rock. To make it harder the people were now walking up to the stage and mixing the rocks up.

I wasn't going to give up, I found two more. And here comes another voice, "The last rock is the smallest yet most important so look hard." I ran my hands down towards the bottom of the rocks and pulled up a tiny rock. Time was out. If this wasn't the right rock, I would have done this for nothing.

As I flipped over the rock, the people turned into a loud cheer. It was the rock I needed, LOVE. The people looked at me as a hero because not only did I lift the Evil curse from you I lifted the Evil curse from the small town I was in. No longer were people depressed and scared, they were happy.

As I returned home I didn't even make it off the plane. You were already there standing there with a smile. You knew I had done it as a large weight was lifted off of you the minute I grabbed that last rock.

Let me know if you want to read the others.

4th December 2007, 08:01 AM
Beautiful! The dream mind is omniscient! If people simply have the faith to hold a question in their minds as they go to sleep, they will find that they have the power to solve any problem! I will remember this post, thank you.