View Full Version : Can anyone interpret this dream I had this morning?

27th November 2007, 10:37 AM
...Before I forget it! I usually have very vivid dreams if I get woken up an hour or so before I should get up and fall back asleep, or sleep lightly in the day.
This morning I had a dream in which I was on a bus going to town but something wasn't quite right and when we got there the bus driver would not let me off until he'd gone right round the back of town. I remember thinking I was late for something. When I got off I noticed in all the houses and flats there were those small thin candles alight that you get at religious ceremonies in all the windows (I did not have a religious upbringing) and it was some sort of religious day. I then saw a lot of people worshipping or being happy and they looked south american (Peru or mexico, something like that) again I know no-one from America nor have an interest.
I remember town looked slightly different, more 'classical' such as somewhere like Rome (which I have never been to.) I then met a friend in the 'Roman' town square and was very confused, then in the dream I think I fell asleep momentarily then when I woke up in the dream we were sitting out in the open in this square and being served a meal (vegetarian) I do not know whether this was some part of the religious day...then I woke up!

Very strange, any ideas? :shock:

Edit- I looked up candles in that dream website someone posted a link to, and apparently it signifies wanting to progress in spiritual stuff, which is what I am getting into now! Any more info would be great :)

27th November 2007, 11:14 PM
My personal interpretation; The bus is us and your friend, and anyone else you look to for spiritual inspiration. That the bus kept going may mean that you have been given a little too much to absorb. You feeling that you are late for something.. may be hesitation. In dreams food signifies a way of decision making, like eating a pastry means indulging your desires, usually in a bad way. So eating a vegetarian meal is a good sign that you are doing something in your life that will bennifit you in a good way.

DM-"To see windows in your dream, signifies bright hopes, vast possibilities and insight.
To dream that you are looking out the window, signifies your outlook on life, your consciousness, point of view, awareness, and intuition. You may be reflecting on a decision and seeking guidance. Or you need to go out into the larger world and experience life. If you are looking in the window, then it indicates that you are doing some soul searching and looking within yourself. "

So the candles being in the peoples windows... well you get it.
Dreams really do have a lot to tell huh?

28th November 2007, 11:17 AM
Thanks for replying, I am going to writedown any strange dreams i have now (pen and paper by the bed) so I don't forget them!