View Full Version : Hi I am new- just learning, my experience with a lucid dream

26th November 2007, 09:26 PM
Hi all. I am new but I have been reading these forums avidly every day for weeks now. I am a very very sceptical person, having had no psychic 'anythings' as far as I am aware, but I would like to. I have so many questions but I don't want to post the wrong thing in the wrong topic so I thought I would start by describing a dream I remember having as a 5 year old child:

I can remember in my old house walking downstairs but knowing I was dreaming. I can remember going into the kitchen and looking at the teatowel (!) thinking 'this is mad, I'm dreaming but I can see everything like I am awake!'. I then remember seeing my mom in the dream and saying to her ''I'll wake up in a minute, this is a dream!'' but I don't think she believed me, she (in the dream) thought it was a 5 year old kid making things up! It was very strange. That to date is the only 'strange thing I have ever experienced, and through reading this forum I presume it was a 'lucid dream'.

Recently I have been trying to attain an OBE but fail miserably, mainly due to the fact that A) I have chronic OCD so cannot quiet my thoughts and B) have various mental disorders which prevent me from relaxing even though I have learned and tried many techniques. I also suspect that I may be covered in 'negs' as you call them- I cannot see or sense them but after trying years of medications for my disorders I am starting to wonder. The things I fear most always happen to me so I am considering this MAY be the case but I am not experienced in this subject enough yet. I also feel like I am blocked, or have a 'brick wall' so -to-speak in regards to anything supernatural or psychic.

I am aware there are far too many subjects here to cover in this thread and I don't want to put it off topic, but seeing as I had that experience I thought I would put that in the relevant forum first and then see if any of you kind people could offer advice to a complete newb to these subjects/questions. I am unsure of how to remove this 'block' or these 'negs' so I can relax. Thankyou :)

26th November 2007, 09:46 PM
Hi Turquoise and welcome.
Yes, it sounds like you had a lucid dream at a very early age.
You know, you don't have to blank the mind to OBE, this is IMO a misconception due to the idea that it is necessary to be 'quiet' to phase, which is one type of projection.
Keeping the mind as blank as possible is good in the sense that it allows you to be conscious of how your body goes to sleep, hypnagogics start, and helps you stay in control of your awareness so you can try to exit, but it is not strictly necessary. Focus however, is, and this is where your ADD may be problematic. However, there are things you can do to help overcome this.
I hope you realize that the easy realization of your fears is not necessarily a symptom of having negs, just of an advanced manifestation ability (or awareness of) and you can turn it around to manifest desires of the good or wanted kind. But this is here nor there- we're here to try to help where we can and have a nice group of people that are good at different things.
I hope you enjoy the forums.

26th November 2007, 09:53 PM
Thankyou for your quick reply!

I have so many things to ask but don't want to put things in the wrong forum...is there a link to 'stages' of OBE that I could read so I could see how far I am getting? Also can you direct me to somewhere where I could read about how to know if you are affected by 'negs' and how to become more open to spiritual things? I feel I am totally blocked. Sorry if this is too much off-topic but I just need somewhere to start, thanks again :)

26th November 2007, 10:02 PM
Well, I'd advise you to read Robert's Treatise on Astral Projection, and in the Psychic Defense Forum there is a topic entitled "How to tell if you have Negs", or something like that.
Let me go get you some links and I'll be right back on this topic.

26th November 2007, 10:11 PM
Here's the links:
Robert's Treatise: http://www.astraldynamics.com/tutorials/?BoardID=65
Your first conscious projection: http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?t=7315
A Primer on Negs: How to recognize...: http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?t=3418
Countermeasure links: http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?t=5441


26th November 2007, 10:12 PM
Thanks again, off to read them now :)

26th November 2007, 10:21 PM
You'll need this.

26th November 2007, 10:29 PM
Lol I am a fast reader, I'll cope...I've been reading this forum until 4 or 5 am for weeks now and I have to get up at 7am :shock:

26th November 2007, 10:40 PM
I just read the first time projection one. So far, I can get to almost asleep, where I will 'hear' voices as if a daydream and get that thing where you suddenly 'jump' for no reason but after that I just either fall asleep or a noise or something wakes me back up again. I suspect what I just mentioned is perhaps the very very first stage, am I miles off?

26th November 2007, 10:45 PM
No, hypnagogia is the first stage of trance- it gets deeper, and more real. When the images and sounds slow down and you start to 'see very clearly', as if the dream were unfolding in front of your eyes, you're getting closer to exit time. This is where you will get either the vibrations plus noise, or rocking sensations, and then you will be 'ready to exit', or if not then just a little bit later on. This is the time where you usually fall asleep. The trick is not to, and it's easier said than done for some people.

26th November 2007, 10:53 PM
This is so interesting! :D
I might have a try again tonight.
Just looked up the jumping thing it is called a hypnic jerk? I get these every time im just about to fall asleep. What should I do when I get these in terms of staying awake and hopefully attaining an OBE? at least I have some sort of signal to work on now. I am learning a lot tonight :D

26th November 2007, 11:22 PM
Nothin', just get back to trance and wait some more...

27th November 2007, 05:16 AM
You have no idea how much I admire you Turquise... to wonder and ask questions about things you have given no evidence even exists, wanting to find the truth despite all oposition. Sorry, I should keep it to myself, but to me, you are an amazing person.

27th November 2007, 10:28 AM
Wow thanks..It's strange, I am very sceptical (you don't know how much lol!) and I always need evidence before I believe something. A friend of mine is into all this sort of stuff and although I rubbished it at first, it really made me think, especially about negative forces and energy so now I really want to find out more even though I have never had any sort of psychic experience. I really like this forum everyone seems very kind :D