View Full Version : My grandma's deceased partner visited me in a dream.

24th November 2007, 01:11 AM
My grandma's deceased partner John spent the last year of his life fighting Motor Neuron Disease. I always got along with him and found him to be a knowledgeable and pleasant man. However some of my father's brothers and sisters did not like him and one even had a physical fight with him once. My father said that John was making stuff up about his past etc and didn't like hearing it. Now after John died, say two weeks later, I had a dream where I met him in pub and we chatted. He was healthy again and I told him that I always thought he was ok even if my dad and his brother's thought otherwise. It was fairly brief and I remember saying goodbye to him.

To be honest I can't shake the idea that we met somewhere in the Astral or even where he resides now - but how could that be possible if he's now dead and I'm still alive ?

I may have posted this over the summer after his death, so I'm sorry if I'm asking it again :D.

24th November 2007, 02:40 AM
My grandmother, with whom I was very close, came to me many times after she died. Usually in the dreams I'd say something like, "Hey, what are you doing her? You're dead!" and she'd laugh. She always appeared much younger in my dreams, with her hair still red as it was when I was very young.

I don't remember her imparting any particular wisdom to me, though she might have and I just don't consciously remember it. I think she was mostly just letting me know that she was still with me and that she was well and happy.

As for how it's possible, I have no idea the mechanics of it, but it's something that people have had happen to them for millenia. There's a certain quality to a dream like that, it's more than "just a dream" and it lingers with you, usually as vivid as it was when you first had it.

It was nice of John to come and have a drink with you and say goodbye. :)

24th November 2007, 02:17 PM
I don't remember her imparting any particular wisdom to me, though she might have and I just don't consciously remember it. I think she was mostly just letting me know that she was still with me and that she was well and happy.

That's it I think. I never visited John during his last year because he lived up in Scotland but also because my father thought it would be too upsetting for me - I was feeling somewhat low at the time, such is life. I get the impression it was like John was letting me know that he was fine now and happy where he is but also to say farewell - for now. Meeting in a pub seemed somewhat fitting really, it's the place I spend most of my time socializing - or on the net :).

As for how it's possible, I have no idea the mechanics of it, but it's something that people have had happen to them for millenia. There's a certain quality to a dream like that, it's more than "just a dream" and it lingers with you, usually as vivid as it was when you first had it.

Yes, the dream did have a different feel to it and it was on my mind for weeks afterwards. I kept thinking about it despite how brief it was.

It was nice of John to come and have a drink with you and say goodbye. :)

It was a good experience :) I think I'd like to do something similar to that to those I leave behind.