View Full Version : Two End of the World Dreams - Did Interpret Them Correclty?

22nd November 2007, 05:36 AM
Hello everyone.

This is the first time I have attempted to interpret a dream of mine (well two actually) and was looking for some advice or corrections because I have now taken a VERY big interest in interpreting future dreams of mine.

Ok, first I had a dream a few months ago in which the world ended (a pole shift I think). However there was no destruction or death, but the world HAD ended. I remember walking across a field with a lot of friends and people from the area that I live. The sky was purple and the moon was out.

Now, the moon looked VERY different to what it normally does. It was disc shaped (like a flying saucer, but fatter) but was floating in the sky on it's side, with a small groove down it's center. IT was white and and quite a bit bigger than the moon. The dream me didn't find this strange at all.

I had no idea what this dream meant, but this morning I had a dream in which everyone was on a field (again) looking up at the sky because we knew something was coming, going to hit the Earth and end everything.

Now, the sky was pretty cloudy, and suddenly this HUGE saucer shaped thing which looked like billowing clouds came from nowhere heading right for us. Now thing was massive, it took up like half the sky and was moving very fast.

We all ran into these big metal box like tunnel things which were partly dug into the ground. As we did so, the thing above us turned up a little and flew over us and into the distance.

It hit miles away over the horizon and caused the ground to shake, it cause winds of tremendous speed which blew a lot of water come crashing down and past us.

But again there was no destruction or death caused.

Upon waking I immediately recognized the shape of the thing as the same as the other dream I had a few months before.

Now my interpretation could be miles off, but it makes sense to me.

This saucer shaped thing represents several things: end of my current world (which is a good thing, something I'm trying to do), the moon (my dreams), and something "alien" (my personality within my dreams)

What it tells me is this: The alien presence in my dreams will end my world and begin a new one.

This really hits the nail on the head for me and can't believe I never noticed this. The way I am in my dreams is how I want and should be in reality. I never act like I do in reality, I always feel great in my dreams. The physical me and the dream me have never acted the same.

My dream self is my role model now, because HE is the real me, the person I've been striving to find and become all my life was inside me the whole time and it never clicked, and never knew what a source of help/info this could be. Even if my interpretation is wrong, this is still true and can't wait for another dream! And since it's full moon time I'll be having lots!

Let me know what you think yeah?


22nd November 2007, 10:06 AM
My dream self is my role model now, because HE is the real me, the person I've been striving to find and become all my life was inside me the whole time and it never clicked, and never knew what a source of help/info this could be. Even if my interpretation is wrong, this is still true and can't wait for another dream! And since it's full moon time I'll be having lots!

Cal, this part I have quoted of yours is something that I am more glad to read than you may think! This type of true :idea: epiphany :idea: can be enjoyed by anyone if they will only give it a try, congratulations! When I read that I thought, "Wow, I got what he said about about eye work and now he has totally got just what I'm saying elsewhere!" So, THAT'S IT, EXACTLY! That's the reason my signature will never change much.

As for your interpretation, I believe you may have a natural knack for dream interpretation, particularly Jungian interpretation, as you can perceive not only the manifest content or obvious meaning, but you can also sense the deeper layers and interplays (superimpositions) of meaning. That's what it takes and it's great for you that you have discovered a big truth very early in life, comparatively speaking. I'm honestly thrilled for you! I feel it will be great for everybody around you too, it has been for me!

By the way, I've had a very similar dream but replace the apocalyptic feel with a powerful loving revelatory feeling, yet it was still like 'the end'.

Some helpful suggestions:

place a mini voice recorder by the bed every night for convenient drowsy recording.

Written dream journal in which you record what happens every day, even if that means putting down "no dream recall today." I keep mine on the computer for easy reorganization.

Look for common threads that weave multiple day's worth of dreams together, this means looking back over old dreams often. Cross reference dreams with percieved links to each other for better over-all grasp of larger themes.

Exercise! More awareness during the day equals more awareness during sleep.

Any particular thing you want to know more about, hold in your mind as you go to sleep, like a shaman going on a journey to the netherworlds for one specific determined purpose. Your Self will respond.

Read up on Jung: "Memories, Dreams, Reflections", "Man and his Symbols" and "Psychology and Alchemy" would all be great.

Congratulations again! :wink:

5th January 2008, 03:14 AM
Sorry for the delay, haven't been here for a while.

Strange thing though, now that I have this intent of scrutinizing my dream self he seems to have gone into hiding. Like the parts that I wish to witness are now missing from my dreams...

I'm a crafty little bugger but I'll get me eventually :)

Thanks for the info and encouragement, I almost didn't post that dream self epiphany because it sounded wierd.


5th January 2008, 04:42 AM
He didn't go away, he surfaced. He's you now in a way he never was before. It doesn't mean he will never surface again, it just means it will be different, because he has become conscious. He is you in a way he wasn't before.

5th January 2008, 09:31 PM
He didn't go away, he surfaced. He's you now in a way he never was before. It doesn't mean he will never surface again, it just means it will be different, because he has become conscious. He is you in a way he wasn't before.

Yes, that makes sense, it clicks with me. I don't know why but yeah, I feel that, interesting.

I't's also lost that sense of urgency or importance, like it's OK now and doesn't matter.

Intuition says nothing to see here, move along.

Who am I to argue? I go where ever the flow takes me, but my dream recall is slowly improving, if any more aspects of my dreams need attention they will have it.


10th January 2008, 05:57 AM
The dream evolves with the dreamer... just mumbling... :|

10th January 2008, 12:03 PM
The dream evolves with the dreamer... just mumbling... :|

Seems so.

I wonder, are forgotten dreams wasted dreams? I mean like, dreams you have no idea you've had. Or is their magic still happening subconsciously? Just wondering...


10th January 2008, 03:01 PM
The dream evolves with the dreamer... just mumbling... :|

Seems so.

I wonder, are forgotten dreams wasted dreams? I mean like, dreams you have no idea you've had. Or is their magic still happening subconsciously? Just wondering...

I think when we dream we enter a continuum. So even if you 'forgot' or 'never made conscious' a previous dream experience, it's there, as part of the continuum. That's why sometimes in a dream you remember having been there before, even though never remembered being there before before. You had it, but 'somewhere else'. A different continuum, differently accessed. That's why I'm such a fan of the dream journal and lucid dreaming- the more you make the unconscious conscious, the more points of entry you have to this continuum, consciously.
(Sounded like a tongue twister, in my head, anyway.) :)

11th January 2008, 09:37 PM
I think when we dream we enter a continuum. So even if you 'forgot' or 'never made conscious' a previous dream experience, it's there, as part of the continuum. That's why sometimes in a dream you remember having been there before, even though never remembered being there before before. You had it, but 'somewhere else'. A different continuum, differently accessed. That's why I'm such a fan of the dream journal and lucid dreaming- the more you make the unconscious conscious, the more points of entry you have to this continuum, consciously.
(Sounded like a tongue twister, in my head, anyway.) :)

Yepyepyep, uuuuuh-huh. Dreams seem to take priority as far as the recording of everything that goes through a persons head. Recording in a place other than your head that is.
This probably doesnt help much, but many times out of the blue, for no appearant reason, I have had dreams flash through my head, dreams I previously had no concious knowledge of having. They could be days, weeks or even years old (I have a recent post here about remembering decade old dreams after visiting some dream master). Even if I remember waking up and not recalling a dream, days later I might suddenly remember that I actually did have a dream. The ones that surface like that are always pretty important or 'prophetic'. It's probably because I have had a very close relationship with my subconcious. Our subconcious selves seem to remember all of our knowledge for us, probably in case we catch alzheimers or trip on spongebob doll and fall 2 stories onto our heads. Using intent it is possible to regain all your previous knowledge, I did that once or twice when I started to forget the truth and what it means to be good. But dreams I dont remember having were always a spontanious thing.