View Full Version : People that you see in your dreams

19th November 2007, 02:42 AM
Lately, in dreams (particularly Lucid Dreams), I've been wondering if:
-Whenever you see people in a dream that you're familiar with in the real world, is it a possibility that they can be people in the real world having the same dream as you are at that same time?
-and when you're talking to those people or doing something with them in the dream, and they were to wake up before you, would they disappear in front of you as if they're teleporting out of the place. Or if you woke up before them, then you would "teleport" away in front of them?

So, in some lucid dreams I've had in the last 4 months, I've decided to ask a random person in the dream about the teleportation thing.

Here are the dreams:

I had a dream one morning that I was in the library at my school doing research for a class. Sometime in the dream, I became lucid. Towards the end of the dream, I went up to the lady sitting at the desk and asked her,
"Do people teleport out of here when they leave their dreams?"
She said, "What? What?"
I asked her again, and she said, "What? What?? What?!?"
Then I woke up.

Another time, during a nap, I had a lucid dream that I was hanging out with some guys at a parking lot near a pawn shop and a seafood restaurant. I came up to one of the dudes and asked him, "Do people teleport out of here when they leave their dreams?". His response was, "WTF are you talking about?!!?"

Not long after that, I dreamt that I was staying at an apartment with a young teenage boy. I was playing some games with him. During the dream, I became lucid. Sometime in the dream, I asked the boy, "Do people teleport out of here when they leave their dreams?". He replied, "I don't know."

Then, this morning, I had a dream that I was driving in a neighborhood. I approached my old housekeeper's house. In the dream, she and her children apparently didn't live there anymore as there were two teenage kids hanging around there. One was on a motorcycle and one was just standing by him. As I drove by the house, the guys began to drive off. After I had passed the house, I became lucid. So, I decided to park the car and get out so I could chase the guys down and ask one of them the question. I couldn't track them down. However, I found an old lady (appeared to be in her 70's-80's) in her yard watering her plants. Someone else (presumably her daughter) was in the yard with her.
I went to the old lady and asked her, "Do people teleport out of here when they leave their dreams?"
She said,"No!"
I then said,"Just wondering. Because I'm currently dreaming."
She then said, "I'm doing what I think I should be doing. I don't care what happens."

I've read that in OBE's, you can see other people who are out of body at the same time as you are.

I'm just not sure whether or not the people you see in Lucid Dreams could be having the same dream as you are at that same given time.

20th November 2007, 08:39 AM
Don't know, sorry. If I was to take a guess I'd say probably, but again, I haven't a clue. Great question though.

20th November 2007, 12:13 PM
I had a lucid dream once (one of my first) and when I realised I was lucid I got super excited and asked the person in front of me (who happened to be at an airport ticket counter), "What does it mean when I dream of travelling?" and the woman smiled at me, said, "Sorry, I have no idea," and handed me my ticket.

The question you keep asking, about teleportation, seems to be something that none of the dream constructs know the answer to, just like the lady giving me the ticket had no idea what I was talking about.

While I'm fairly certain that people can meet on the Astral, and I do think that people can "visit" each other in dreams, I don't think for a moment that all of the people in our dreams are "real people". Most of them are just "extras" as far as I can tell. Some seem to be not much more than the dream equivalent of cardboard cutouts, in fact.

20th November 2007, 11:30 PM
I have a friend who told me that I have made him lucid in his dreams before by telling him that he was dreaming. I have no memory of this, so I don't know if I was just a construct he used to make himself lucid, because in waking life I was the first person that got him into lucid dreaming.

On a different note, I meet this person in a lucid dream the other night that I recognized and greeted warmly and talked to at length. I don't remember what we said, but it is not anyone I know in waking life, maybe its another dreamer who I have had other contacts with, or it could be a non-physical person. I don't know.

21st November 2007, 05:24 AM
Dream characters can be complete chameleons, appearing exactly like people we know and ones we are sure we would never misidentify. But I also believe that the "higher self" aspect of friends and relatives can appear in our dreams, in a way that their waking selves would never recall when we talk to them the day after the dream.

Lately, I've decided that I'm not going to try to figure out who exactly it is I'm interacting with when I encounter a familiar character in my dream. I'm just going to let them guide the dream, and see if there's a direction THEY want the dream to go in. Sort of like getting into the groove of how they want the dream to go.

23rd November 2007, 06:34 PM
Some nights ago my husband appeared in one of my lucid dreams and I told him that it was not real - just a dream. That there is a real world but this was not it. He looked at me and asked "are you sure that other world is real?" ;-)

It seems to me that sometimes dream people "know" that they are dream people, and sometimes not. Maybe it depends on how lucid we are, the more lucid the more the dream itself is aware of itself being dream, if you know what I mean. Then again, maybe I am completely wrong here.

Another memory comes to mind. I have "cut off" dream people from my dreams several times. Strangely enough not only during lucid dreams. My motive is usually to "protect" them - there is a kind of danger and I "teleport" them away. Separate them from what is happening. I have no clue how this might be interpreted...

So far I cannot discern between dream and astral so I have no idea wether these people that appear in my dreams are astral travellers or just my own dream aspects.

BTW I think to ask them about teleporting is a great idea!

25th November 2007, 06:10 AM
You must have had an instinct to teleport them away -- it sounds to me like on some deeper level you knew that was the right thing to do? Maybe a level that you're not aware of when you're awake?

26th November 2007, 07:59 PM
You must have had an instinct to teleport them away -- it sounds to me like on some deeper level you knew that was the right thing to do? Maybe a level that you're not aware of when you're awake?

You know, I really love RB's "mind split" theory. It explains so much. Not only about the astral but even just about dreams.

Sometimes I have two kinds of memories of the same dream. One is the perspective of the dream personality and the other is lucid, usually observing and rarely interfering. It is interesting because the memory of the dream personality shows no awareness whatsoever of knowing that it is a dream. It seems to me this phenomen is explained well by the mind split theory, except that in my case both are dream "doubles" and not astral and etherical ones as RB describes.

I think in those kind of dreams where I "cut of" someone one of my "dream doubles" is probably lucid and taking control. But for some reasons I just recall the dream from the perspective of the dream personality who recalls this as herself cutting. Unfortionately, as I have no recall of the lucid perspective I can only guess at my motives. :?

Maybe I have multiple personality disorder during dream :shock:


26th November 2007, 09:48 PM
Not surprising- I sometimes have 'lucid amnesia' talk about fragmentation! :shock: :lol:

27th November 2007, 05:26 AM
Maybe I have multiple personality disorder during dream :shock:


Maybe we ALL do! :shock:

27th November 2007, 01:42 PM

So we are all inside the club ;-)

But what is a "lucid amnesia"???

27th November 2007, 01:55 PM

So we are all inside the club ;-)

But what is a "lucid amnesia"??? Ha ha I knew you'd ask... Sometimes I'll be in a dream, know I'm dreaming, but have no idea who I am in the context of the dream-as if I were dropped in someone else's body but have no information, and then get lost looking for where 'my' car was supposed to be, once I was in a house with a 'husband' that was not mine, in a house that was not mine, and other times I've woken up in a hospital in someone else's body, looked in the mirror to find someone else staring back at me. At that moment I looked around for a purse or a driver's license or clothes to figure out who I was supposed to be and what I was supposed to do next. This has happened several times and I've handled it different ways, but in each instance I've known that I 'didn't belong there', or 'was dreaming', and still didn't know who I was supposed to be. Kinda like someone's pulling a joke on me and I'm trying to prove it didn't work, or if I was a walk-in, and somewhere there's a woman wondering what happened when she blacked out.

28th November 2007, 06:03 PM
"Do people teleport out of here when they leave their dreams?"
She said, "What? What?"
I asked her again, and she said, "What? What?? What?!?"
Then I woke up.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Thanks for that, Robby, it made my day! I get that response all too often, from real people. :lol:

28th November 2007, 06:34 PM
Ha ha I knew you'd ask...

You know me well :-D

Sometimes I'll be in a dream, know I'm dreaming, but have no idea who I am in the context of the dream-as if I were dropped in someone else's body but have no information,

Fascinating ! How do you interprete these dreams ?

28th November 2007, 09:32 PM
"Do people teleport out of here when they leave their dreams?"
She said, "What? What?"
I asked her again, and she said, "What? What?? What?!?"
Then I woke up.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Thanks for that, Robby, it made my day! I get that response all too often, from real people. :lol: Huh? What?

29th November 2007, 05:37 AM
Ha ha I knew you'd ask... Sometimes I'll be in a dream, know I'm dreaming, but have no idea who I am in the context of the dream-as if I were dropped in someone else's body but have no information, and then get lost looking for where 'my' car was supposed to be, once I was in a house with a 'husband' that was not mine, in a house that was not mine, and other times I've woken up in a hospital in someone else's body, looked in the mirror to find someone else staring back at me. At that moment I looked around for a purse or a driver's license or clothes to figure out who I was supposed to be and what I was supposed to do next. This has happened several times and I've handled it different ways, but in each instance I've known that I 'didn't belong there', or 'was dreaming', and still didn't know who I was supposed to be. Kinda like someone's pulling a joke on me and I'm trying to prove it didn't work, or if I was a walk-in, and somewhere there's a woman wondering what happened when she blacked out.

Heh, Quantum Leap anyone?