View Full Version : Jumping dream

15th November 2007, 07:37 PM
This is the only re-occurring theme in my dreams I can remember that happens once in awhile(from the few dreams that I Do remember).

I just keep jumping. I can be doing different things before or during this starts, but when it starts I can't stop it. The jumps are usually higher then normally possible, it could be over the fence height, or higher, it doesn’t matter. But the basic point, is that I just can't seem stop it. I try to grab on to something, even grass, but it just slips away.

When I looked it up I got:
To dream that you are jumping, indicates that you need to take a risk and go for it. You will find progress toward your goals
To dream that you fail to jump, indicates that you are afraid of the uncertain. You do not like change."

The way I interpret if from that is that I need A LOT of changes in my life, and definitely not afraid of making them. :D
Am I right? Any insight in this would be great.

15th November 2007, 07:50 PM
The only insight I get (and not from a dream interpretation standpoint) is that this jumping is an excellent way to make your dream lucid, and you can turn a very high jump to a flying incident, and from then you can try to turn it into an OBE if you wish.

15th November 2007, 08:59 PM
I have heard that jumping is a good technique for those having problems flying in LDs. The guide in the sticky here mentions doing a jump Neo-style too (or somewhere else I read it).

I don't remember my dreams alot though. The closest thing I remember converting to a LD is when I got arrested for doing a hit and run to a few pedestrians and getting arrested. I was trying to get something to read from the cops/others there because I couldn't believe that what was happening was real. But when i did get something(a brochure i think) I read it fine, untill I woke up..... relieved. Maybe I should have read it a few more times :/