View Full Version : UFO Dream

15th November 2007, 04:21 PM
This is my latest one, from this morning:

A large "UFO" was flying outside my picture window in the house where I used to live (I no longer live there- my dream self needs to be "updated" :wink: ). This UFO looked like an earthly airplane rather than an other-worldly vessel, but my dream self recognized it as a UFO. I was worried that it was going to crash through the window, so I ran and hid under a desk in a room that was as far back in the house that I could get. There was a fox hole I could get into under the desk and I felt safe there.

My mother was present, and did the total opposite of what I did. She ran outside to get a better look at the craft. The craft left, and did not damage the house. Soon after, a person with a jet pack flew around looking into all the windows. I intuited that this person was searching for me, that he had something to do with the UFO, and did not have good intentions. Again, my Mother ran outside, and I felt that she was unintentionally putting us both in danger by making our presence known. She seemed to be exposing herself as much as possible to these malevolent forces. I recall thinking that this was really stupid, and wondered why she would act that way(this was a thought that occured during the dream itself, not a waking thought.).

After the jet pack guy left, I tried tuning around on the shortwave reciever to pick up any newscasts, or amateur radio discussions that could give me some insight on what was happening, and where these UFOs were comming from, and then I woke up.

The first waking thought I had was: Perhapse there really are outside forces that are a threat and a curiosity at the same time?

I think the reason the question came to me is because I am 3/4 way through reading yet another spiritual book where the author states (for example): "I am; God is; We are one" With this comes the belief that we are in control of everything, that there are no outside forces, and no "good" or "bad". My take on it is that I don't think there would be so many psychic self defense, and similar forums if this were totally true.

The other reason I posted this is because this is a recurring theme for me, I mean the fact that I have a lot of dreams where I think I see UFOs, and they look like Earthly airplanes. I have had dreams where UFOs look otherwordly, but I am wondering if some dreams are suggesting outside forces of earthly origin that I need to be aware, and/or cautious of.

I was wondering if anyone has had similar dreams and insights? Different opinions, and additional insights are also welcome.

I had a lot of fear in the dream, but I see that this strong emotion was a tool that helped me remeber the dream. I tend to recall emotional dreams better than neutral ones. With the exception of one other dream where one was chasing me, the airplane-UFO dreams are not always fearful. Sometimes I simply observe them flying around.

15th November 2007, 05:07 PM
I have had some experience with UFOs and 'astral abduction'- some of my earlier posts have dissappeared due to some pruning, so I may in the future write a complete account of what I remember. For now, there are some posts from Aug. of '05, which is when I joined explicitly looking for some answers for the weird experiences I was having.

As to:
I think the reason the question came to me is because I am 3/4 way through reading yet another spiritual book where the author states (for example): "I am; God is; We are one" With this comes the belief that we are in control of everything, that there are no outside forces, and no "good" or "bad". My take on it is that I don't think there would be so many psychic self defense, and similar forums if this were totally true. I think this is a simplistic view of what all these spiritual gurus are saying, and maybe it's because they explain it in a simplistic way. Of course, these are things they have discovered in their lives and believe, but I can tell you how I see it:

How do you see God? If you see God as a 'being' with limitations that makes decisions on mysteriously based terms, then the phrase "I am God", or "God and I are one" is different than seeing it this way:
First of all, we can't know or comprehend all of God, because God does not have the limitations that we have. By definition (mine) God has to be all the omnis- because limitation to me is what God isn't. IMO anything that has limitation cannot be God, just 'a god' and that is not what I see as God. Having no limitations means not being limited by time, space, linearity, dualism, or any of those things that we use to measure how we see the world. So by my definition, all that is created has to be a part of God (the way we define 'part'; I don't think God defines parts the way we do, but that's another subject.) So how can we be 'one with God'? By being 'one' with the qualities we think God manifests. God has been defined to be creator, Love, Forgiveness, etc. By aligning with the qualities we ascribe to God we become 'one with' God.
If you look at it from a christian-mystical perspective, you will see that Jesus redefined God from being a feudal 'Lord' (Adonai) and made us look at God as 'Father' (parent) and used the term Abba (which means 'daddy', not 'father' as it's commonly assumed). So he was saying that although God has all the power, we are of God, (we have our father's dna) and our father loves us and wants the best for us [at least a good one does, and I can't imagine modeling the idea of God from a bad father]. He also taught forgiveness over 'justice', and telling us over and over that we are creators. 'Ask and you shall receive', in many ways. So let's just take this literally, for a second: If we, as a collective, are God personified (or God's children, if you prefer) and we, as a collective 'Ask' for different things, what do you think is the outcome? You know from experience that everyone does not consider everything to be of the same value or desirable. The phrase 'one man's treasure is another man's junk' comes to mind- what some people consider 'good' others consider 'bad', like killing, for example. There's enough martyrs and modern-day suicide bombers prove this every day. So what's good for you may not be good for me.
So you see, when you look at what happens in the world, in the physical, and no doubt in the astral, what you see the collective result of different aspects of God creating their reality. And clashing realities cause clashing realities.
Most people in the metaphysical community believe that we not only create the conditions that describe how we live, but we also create things like thoughtforms, egregores (which are a collective thoughtforms) and other things like this. We do it principally in a desire to protect ourselves from others. But when these things act as they were created, they in essence attack that quality in others that define them as not amicable to the type of person that created them. So you see how we can create all manner of 'baddies', without really intending to cause harm? Yet the attitude that we are targets is what causes this to happen.
So yes, you can think we're all part of God, or 'one with God', and acknowledge the temporal existence of things that seem external to us (and in a temporal way are) but essentially, if all is Mind, all that Mind creates is part of that Mind.
You don't have to believe this, but you can see how the ideas are not really contradictory.

15th November 2007, 05:22 PM
In my last UFO dream, there was a flying saucer flying around the house I grew up in. I was there with my family and everyone was running around saying, "They're here, they're here...". I was a bit nervous.

Then the aliens (they looked like people) came in the house and I met them. They were very nice, and we laughed and talked about very important things (that I don't remember now). As they were saying goodbye I was thinking, Wow, I'm so glad I got to finally meet them! Those were very nice alien-people-things. They aren't at all like people say they are...

I was very lucid in this dream. The whole time I was pointing out to myself the ways they differred in reality from what my expectations had been.

I was very happy when I woke up, and very excited because of all the things they told me. If only I could remember what they said...

I had this dream sometime this summer.

15th November 2007, 06:49 PM
Most people in the metaphysical community believe that we not only create the conditions that describe how we live, but we also create things like thoughtforms, egregores (which are a collective thoughtforms) and other things like this. We do it principally in a desire to protect ourselves from others. But when these things act as they were created, they in essence attack that quality in others that define them as not amicable to the type of person that created them. So you see how we can create all manner of 'baddies', without really intending to cause harm? Yet the attitude that we are targets is what causes this to happen.
So yes, you can think we're all part of God, or 'one with God', and acknowledge the temporal existence of things that seem external to us (and in a temporal way are) but essentially, if all is Mind, all that Mind creates is part of that Mind.

This part really makes sense to me right now. I could be seeing collective thought forms that clash with mine.

I have met with a lot of hostility because of some of the interests I have persued in life, particularly from men with old world values on the subject of career choices, and women's place in society, so maybe these are the thought forms that are 'flying around out there'. I remember one dream where one of them crashed! :twisted:
Perhapse the fact that the dream took place in my old house is suggestive that it is the same ol' crap that I have been dealing with all my life. Thanks CFT, that really is a fresh perspective that I never would have thought of.
I guess by the same token, that is how parts of society could see me as hostile when I don't have the slightest intention, especially if I have a lot of views that clash with the current world view. It could explain some things...

I was very happy when I woke up, and very excited because of all the things they told me. If only I could remember what they said...

Your dream reminded me of something that happened to me as a very young child that I never forgot. I had a dream where I floated up to the stars, and some 'higher intelligence' was telling me something so profound and important that I immediately woke up, jumped out of bed, and ran into the living room where my parents were still awake and watching TV. I felt it was crucial that I tell them every thing I just heard before I forgot it all. I started relaying the message to my Mother, and halfway through I just went blank and forgot everything!

The next morning I asked my Mother what I said the night before, hoping that if she got part of the message, that I could remember it and relay the rest. She said that everything that came out of my mouth was gibberish!

15th November 2007, 07:56 PM
When my son was little he would wake up in the middle of the night and speak to us in gibberish. The funny thing is that he would say it in a manner that indicated he was conveying coherent information. Imagine all the interesting stuff we missed! I know the feeling- When I meditate I sometims get stuff that is (or seems) valuable, but by the time I'm fully awake I forget what it is. Frustrating, isn't it? My hubby said he'd get me a voice-activated recorder- so I don't have to 'snap out of it' and just say it as I hear it. We'll see how it works.

17th November 2007, 03:14 PM
I have been doing a little mulling over about the dream, some comments made here, and the book I have been reading.

I think I have to be more careful about my affirmations. One of the affirmations, actually the first one is "I am one with ALL THAT IS". This literally includes everything. This may be fine for some people that have a different way of looking at it, but to me that would be like uploading the virus along with the software, thus no change in the positive direction could occur with that one. I wish to align myself with the pure state of God and its Love, not all the 'goop' that we created after we 'broke up'.

When I briefly experienced that state of feeling one with God and the universe, I did not feel the presence of all the corruption that was in the world included in that "ALL". When I thought about mankind, and its corruption, the phrase "It's no longer needed" kept repeating in my mind. I can see why the phrase "paradox" is used so much in spiritual discussions.

Perhapse it is better to use "I am one with all that is of the Love of God", or something similar instead?

17th November 2007, 03:16 PM
How about "I am one with Goodness"? Or is it too specific?
I like "I am perfectly safe and aware".

18th November 2007, 03:47 AM
Thanks for the suggestions. I will experiment with both and see what feels right. I like them because they are simple, and simple is better for me. I recall that there was one in the M.A.P book that I used to fall asleep in the middle of because it was so long, so I ended up by just speaking it aloud instead of thinking it.