View Full Version : Real dreams by NEW

10th November 2007, 10:52 PM
I´ve had my second experience by doing NEW before bedtime which resulted
in a very real and vivid dream.
Dream: I was sitting in the couch watching a documentary and at the same time chatting with a friend at some kind of I guess.
I went to the bathroom and accidently made a hole in the floor which casued water to pour into the hole, I tried to stop it but the water didn´t stop.
I heard some voices below me and as the water kept coming the voices grew louder, I realized that the water had reached down to the neighbours and they soon came knocking on the door, I ran down with them and saw the devastation.

I woke up and It took me a few moments to realise it was just a dream, but at that moment It felt like the dream could just as well have been reality and that reality could very well be fake too... ;)


10th November 2007, 11:07 PM
I'm glad you're enjoying them, but please be aware that doing energy work before bedtime can mess your sleep routines- some people have trouble going to sleep if they do it right before bedtime. I do it either in the morning or early afternoon, and if I plan to project I raise energy a little- but not a lot.
All that extra supply can be like caffeine that way.

11th November 2007, 02:23 AM
Magic, if vivid dreams are fairly new to you then you now have a whole lot of information about yourself that you can tap into. Dreams are great for personal development!

Neil Templar
20th November 2007, 10:40 PM
what CF says is right.when i first started reading books about OBE,that's all i wanted to do.so i was raising energy like crazy at bedtime,and while my dreams were intense and insightful,i often woke(after a less than deep sleep)feeling exhausted.like i'd actually been awake for the past two nights.

21st November 2007, 03:22 AM
Well im practicing enery work (on hoping i can project) and like tonight i work 3-945 so i probably wont do it. I also have to work tomorrow so i probably wont get around to it either. This is OK right if i dont do it on a steady schedule? And how many times a week would you reccomend on average i do energy work?

Thanks JS

21st November 2007, 03:35 PM
At least four. I can tell you you can do energy work in almost any situation, if you have five minutes to sit with your eyes closed. I used to do it in the car line (not while driving, mind you), in waiting rooms, pretty much anywhere. Of course I can see how this can get you into trouble at work, though. :lol: