View Full Version : Images and voices near me

9th November 2007, 06:06 PM
Whenever I´m really tired but not going to sleep at once and laying on my back, I get voices and images that appear around me.
I´ve heard that these are called hypnogogic.
But they seemed to be focused on me, a voice asked If I´m awake
and then I got the feeling that someone was walking close by.
They were all a little uncomfortable because they appeared out of nowhere, sneaking up on me which caused me to jerk out being a little startled and fearsome.
My intention was not to fall asleep just yet so perhaps they were trying to help me, lol ;)


9th November 2007, 06:13 PM
Astral noise can be like that - voices, noises, etc. I had muffled talk and laughter (like a group chatting next to me) once. I usually get noise like someone is moving furniture. I never had a voice addressing me, though.

It could also be a spirit entity contacting you - your guide or any other kind of entity. I guess in this in-between deep state we are better "transceivers".

Maybe CF can say something more about the exact nature of hypnagogics. :)

Take good care,

9th November 2007, 07:52 PM
Just my opinion, but here goes:
Hypnagogics, both visual and auditory, are the brain's going through information that it is processing. The brain does it all day long, but in a frequency that is different (higher or slower, not sure) than of normal waking consciousness. So all day long, we just chug along, and when we try to meditate we encounter the verbal imaginary part of it and call it 'monkey mind'. But when you start to enter trance, your brainwaves slow down, and begin to synchronize to that mental processing, and now you can actually see and hear what is being processed. Your brain begins to use it's visualizing equipment to show you this information, and if you're in deep enough, you see this, like you would see it in a dream, completely objectified, but with one different characteristic: Your conscious mind is still somewhat 'on' (depending on your level of consciousness and your adeptness at meditation.) If your conscious mind doesn't keep a firm grip on the experience, then the subconscious mind takes over and you observe and accept everything impartially. If your conscious mind is trained to stay 'on' for this process, then you begin to judge what you see, and store it as a memory, and chances are will remember it.
The information in hypnagogics, whether visual or auditory, comes from your subconscious. But it's original source can be waking reality perception, imagination (as in "what would happen if chickens had four legs" and then you imagined it) but it also can come from 'tuning in to other realities', aka the collective unconscious, aka the astral. So every once in a while, in a mix of things that are things you've seen with your physical eyes, there will be something in which you've perceived with your 'nonphysical energy body' and translated by your subconscious into something that makes sense to you. Hence the person you don't know, the voices that speak about you (or someone you don't know). But if you dissect it carefully, it's mostly stuff you've been exposed to that you didn't notice in the first place. Lots of details in our everyday life are lost, or rather not consciously noticed.

The Cusp
9th November 2007, 08:44 PM
Hypnogogic Imagery is somehow related to schizophrenia. While most people only get this when they're falling asleep, schizophrenics have this happen all the time.

I work with a schizophrenic at work, and we were discussing the similarites. It's king of funny that he's taking pills to stop these things, while I'm actively practicing to reach that state.

9th November 2007, 10:19 PM
Hypnogogic Imagery is somehow related to schizophrenia. I disagree in the way the thought is presented. Hypnagogic imagery happens to anyone who tries to stay awake in trance. The symptoms are the same, (as in the effect is the same) but to say they are related is the same as saying my pms is related to paranoia. In other words, these things are things that most people exprerience in their lives, but schizophrenics have trouble 'turning them off'.

16th November 2007, 10:45 PM
Then again, why voices seeming to be directed at someone at that
time... hmmm... and that ringtone...