View Full Version : Dreaming of Bats

9th November 2007, 05:14 PM
I'm usually pretty good a figuring out my dreams and their meanings, but I have one that puzzles me, and for some reason makes me feel uneasy.

I know that a dream could mean a multitude of things on different levels - psychological, emotional, physical, precognitive, educational and so on.

I'm asking for your input on this one, because it does make me feel uneasy and I feel that there is a type of "time limit" on it where I need to act on it right away. I always recognize how I feel when I wake up.

Anyway, I found myself almost in a setting like the Resident Evil movies/games. Everything was not completely dark - but night time with an eery moon hidden partially by clouds. I was with my son and my boyfriend. There was a woman who was cursing us - she was negative - and laughing - telling us that we would never get out. I knew that she was sent by someone else, but she found great enjoyment. We had come out of a car that we was parked inside a deserted mall. In the main center of the mall were glass ceilings. We started running down a huge corridor, when Josh (my son) ran back into the car and grabbed a blanket. We all then ran with this blanket (cream) over our heads, for when I looked up, there were thousands upon thousands of bats on the ceilings. At first these were baby bats - really small - some flew around us - teasing us - but no REAL threat. As we ran further and further down this huge corridor, the bats got bigger and bigger and more and more. Soon, huge bats were diving at us, nipping our hands that held but a thin covering over our heads and faces. I heard the woman laughing histerically behind us. We reached the doors of the mall to go outside and Steve (my boyfriend) ran to the left revolving doors. Spinning it fast. Josh went to the right revolving door - he was getting it stuck a bit on bat wings when the bats tried to follow. I needed to make sure he got out so I followed him to the right and pushed really hard cutting the bats - blood going everywhere. I was in the door - but many bats got in with me and were pecking at my head and body. We got outside and were able to get into another car. Then I woke up.

I'm really concerned about who sent the woman and upon waking thought of a woman that was on coast to coast who lives in Ohio who is into vampires. I have never really read much of anything on that subject - nor has it really interested me. I did also remember upon waking another bat dream that I had years ago which led me to the Popul Vuh book.

Funny reality check - my son's car wouldn't work this morning either - just thought that was odd because of the two cars in my dream.

So, what do you think?

9th November 2007, 05:23 PM
I think this one is a job for Pneumaphor because my ideas are not exactly based on anything but feeling.

Let's see- Bats are nocturnal, and normally nonagressive, but the mythology is usually negative. They were attacking your family- so you are concerned about your family being badly affected by darkness & negativity, to the point of their health being affected.

Cars are vehicles- they take you places, help you advance on your path. So you're afraid for their development, of their 'getting stuck'.

Another thought: You're afraid that there is a parasite (neg) affecting you and your family (psivamping) and are connecting it with the person you mentioned in your post. Do you know her personally, and do you know who would send her?

Of course, anyone could have told you that.

9th November 2007, 06:15 PM
Thanks CFTraveler:

Sometimes I cannot see the nose on my face, because it is my nose......we need others to tell us even what's in front of our face sometimes.

The car thing - I have been working spiritually on souls that are displaced by a neg - the souls are trapped and if not saved - die. I really never thought this was possible - but the more I work with it, the more see truth in it. I've been seeing why Jesus needed to come and open the "gates of heaven". As I believe that Jesus could have been son of God - or prophet or holy man - I see now where souls upon death could be kept beyond their will and fed upon......soon leaving no energy to feed upon and therefore no soul. I know that sounds crazy - but I've been asking Jesus to help me see this more clearly and how I could help.

I don't know the woman personnaly - I was asked by a friend who was asked by Robert what they felt. I didn't like her website and personally wanted nothing to do with the subject.

In reality, I think of someone that I do know who might know her and might send her - but I try not to be paranoid and look at other meanings as well.

Thank you.